Attilio Carapezza
Planetary Biodiversity Inventory: Plant Bugs
Attilio Carapezza Attilio Carapezza, Prof.

University of Palermo
Via Sandro Botticelli, 15

Palermo Sicily I-90144

[email protected]

PBI Role Professional Experience Personal Statement

Attilio Carapezza is a Collaborating Scientist for the PBI Project. His expertise with the Mediterranean fauna will help the project improve coverage for this speciose geographic element of the subfamilies Orthotylinae and Phylinae.

Although Dr. Carpezza is a Professor of English literature at the University of Palermo, he is also a world recognized authority on the Heteroptera, has published extensively on the Mediterranean fauna, and maintains a large and well documented collection, much of it deriving from his own field work in Italy, Tunisia, Spain, Jordan, and Aremenia, among other countries.

Collaborating with the PBI project will facilitate incorporation of information on Mediterranean taxa into the PBI specimen database.

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