Required SV & Examples | SV by body region | SV by ID number | Preparations | Printable | Downloads


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v0.72 modified 9/11/2006

Printable checklist of standard views
A simple checklist to keep control of images already done. Print one for each terminal, check the boxes, add notes...

Spider ontology
Ontology of homologues, in OBO Flat format (opens with OBO-Edit)

Download Template spreadsheet for image data (v0.67)
Some data filled as example, can delete before use. See comments on headings for instructions.
Right now the only sheets in use are Images and Vouchers and Preparations (for filling in data) and Predefined Values (for commonly used terms).
Note about future changes: When entering multiple SV codes for the same image (separated by any '.,;/'), use the primary SV as the first one. The 'Standard Views' field will soon be split in two: 'Primary SV', and a list of 'Secondary SVs'.

Changes from:

v0.6: Added some SVs and corrected names in others. Small changes in metadata (PixelSize now in nm).
Any symbol '.,;/' can be used between multiple SVs or SRs

v0.5: Multiple SVs and SRs in one column, separated by dots; this allows for an unlimitted number of SVs and SRs. Metadata changed accordingly. The columns 2ndStandard View, etc. were deleted. If you have many images already catalogued using previous spreadsheet versions, use the string functions in Excel to concatenate values (e.g., '=H50 & "." & I50').
Corrected Errors In some SR numbers In page 'SV by body region'; if you used these SR numbers from v0.5, check them for errors.
Added the Action 'skip', which causes the entire row to be ignored.

v0.42: Updated morphology categories to Standard Views short (or common) names.
Reviewed all 'Image Metadata' items and their mapping as 'properties' in the image database.

Inserted Field 'side' in 'Images' spreadsheet.
Changed name of spreadsheet to 'Vouchers and Preparations', and changed headings coordinated with Lorenzo's tissues spreadsheet.

v0.411: Slight modifications in sheet 'Image Metadata'.

v0.3: Added sheet 'Character Typification'.

v0.21: Replaced field 'IDVoucher' (oops!). Added field 'ErrorReport' in 'Vouchers & Preparations' spreadsheet. Added fileds for legacy images (greenish columns 'Is Legacy?', 'Legacy Reference', 'Legacy Authorized Public Release'). Changed name of field 'File Name'.

v0.2: Columns 'suborder', 'det_date', and 'det_notes' modified exactly as in 'ATOL tissues ...' spreadsheet.

Download IMatch script ATOLImageClassification.bas (v0.45)

Add both files (.bas, .bai) in a folder under IMatch: ...IMatch\scripts\ATOL\ATOLImageClassification\
(see also the readme.txt)