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 Naturalists  Scientists





Scientists from the American Museum of Natural History and from other institutions across the country, and around the world conduct research at SWRS.  Fields of interest include entomology, herpetology, ornithology, mammalogy, botany, geology, arachnology, animal behavior, and population, behavioral, and physiological ecology.  Numerous long-term studies are in progress, including: communal breeding in Mexican jays, evolution of unisexual parthenogenetic lizards, spadefoot toad reproduction, horned lizard ecology and behavior, sexual selection and behavior in striped plateau lizards, and the evolution of social behaviors in ants, and insect systematics.


Research Reservations and Applications

Scientists interested in conducting research at the Station may contact the Station to reserve space by phoning 520-558-2396 or e-mailing [email protected].  Additionally, they must submit a researcher application; those working on vertebrates must sign a Statement and Affidavit and return it, and those working on mammals must submit – in advance of their stay – a copy of their institution’s IACUC.  Researchers working on vertebrates in Arizona and/or New Mexico must obtain state(s) collecting permit(s).  See links below.


You can download the required application forms as a PDF document.  Once completed, they can be submitted by scanning and e-mailing to [email protected] or faxing to 520-558-2018.

Funding Opportunities For Student Researchers


The Station has funds available for undergraduate, graduate and post-doctoral students conducting independent research projects on and around the SWRS. 

Students must have a researcher application on file at the SWRS before applying.  Students listed as assistants on their advisor's project are not eligible for SWRS support.

The amount of support available ranges from 10-50% of room and board fees.

To apply for a SWRS Student Subsidy please follow the instructions below. 


1. You must apply for either the Chapman or Theodore Roosevelt Grant from the American Museum of Natural History:


a. If you are working on birds, go to the AMNH web page and download the Chapman grant form.  Fill it out and send it back to the AMNH.  Applications are due 15 November of each year.

b. If you are working on invertebrates or vertebrates (not birds), go to the AMNH web page and download the Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Fund grant form.  Fill it out and send it back to the AMNH.  Applications are due February 15 of each year.

c. If you are working on flora, download the Theodore Roosevelt grant fund application (see #2 above) and send it directly to the SWRS, not the AMNH.  The AMNH does not have an application for plants.  Applications are due February 15 of each year.


2. If you receive one of the AMNH grants you are NOT eligible to apply for a student subsidy from the SWRS. 

If you do NOT receive a grant continue to number 3 below. 


3. Please enclose the following in your application for a SWRS student subsidy:

a. Your letter of rejection from the AMNH for either the Chapman or Theodore Roosevelt Grant

b. Your proposal with complete budget.  You may use the same application that you used for the AMNH grant.

c. A letter from your advisor stating that you have no grant or institutional funding available for room and board while conducting your research at the SWRS. 


4. Send your application package to Dawn S. Wilson, Director Southwestern Research Station, P.O. Box 16553, Portal, AZ  85632. 



NOTE: Students receiving a SWRS Student Support Fund grant must reside at the station while conducting their research. The Student Support Fund only funds room and board expenses at the SWRS.