Project Description
Poster of the Plant Bug Planetary Biodiversity Inventory Project: This poster provides a great summary of the Plant Bug PBI project and includes some of our achievements to date. Find out more about our newest contributing institution: The University of New South Wales |
Project Databases SYSTEMATIC CATALOG: The underlying database and user interface have been updated and improved form ease of use as well as increased query power and speed. >>Go to the Systematic Catalog DIGITAL LIBRARY: Nearly 25,000 pages of primary literature dealing with the Orthotylinae and Phylinae are now available on line. They are accessed through the Plant Bugs of the World Systematic Catalog. >>Find out more about the Digital Library LOCALITY DATABASE AND ONLINE MAPPING: Locality data for ca 75,000 specimens representing 200+ species from 5500 localities are currently online via the Systematic Catalog. Maps for these taxa can be produced online and downloaded. >>Find out more about the Locality Database
News & Outputs
FIELD TRIPS: Since the last website update we have added maps of PBI field trips to date, and our latest field trip to South Africa. PRESENTATIONS: More presentations have been given in North America following invitations. >>View the presentation slideshows and notes here PUBLICATIONS: The PBI team has been productive describing new species. >>View the publication references here |
Public Outreach
Continue to learn about Plant Bugs with the Scholastic interactive website set-up in conjunction with the American Museum of Natural History and our PBI team. >>Link to these great resources here |
>>Go to Acknowledgements To view the people and institutions who have assisted the Plant Bug PBI project. |