Generous funding for the Plant Bug Planetary Biodiversity Inventory (PBI) comes from the Biodiversity Surveys and Inventories Program of the United States National Science Foundation. The PBI program recognizes the need for international cooperation in developing a comprehensive body of knowledge for large monophyletic groups on a world basis. The five-year award allows for a diverse team of senior scientists, postdoctoral trainees, PhD-candidate trainees, IT support staff and contractors, and technical support staff to assemble a unified body of knowledge for a group of no fewer than 5000 species on a world basis. The intimate collaboration among institutions in New York, Washington, D.C., Ottawa, Sydney, and St. Petersburg provides project participants with access to some of the largest and most comprehensive collections of Miridae in the world. The location of co-Principal Investigator Gerry Cassis at the Australian Museum is crucial for coordination of field work in Australia, an extremely diverse but still virtually undocumented area for the Miridae.