• Summary of Expeditions. Third Asiatic Expedition: Mongolia and China. A large part of he departments field work was concentrated on this expedition. Assoc. Curator Granger, Messrs. Peter Kaisen and George Olsen were sent to do field work, Granger for the whole year and the other 2 for 8 months. A series of rich and remarkable fossil faunas were secured from the Cretaceous and older tertiary formations. The most notable finds were the eggs and young dinosaurs: 25 eggs, over 70skulls and 12 complete skeletons of dinosaurs, mostly of a primitive ceratopsian. There was also a large series of other dinosaur remains collected. A fine early Tertiary collection of mammals were also made. From South China a fine Pliocene collection of fossil mammals was collected. India, Burma and Greece. This expedition was financed by Mrs. Henry Clay Frick and carried out by Assoc. Curator Barnum Brown. In 1922 Brown secured a magnificent collection form the Siwalik Hills in NW India, In Burma he obtained a small but valuable collection. He has now commenced exploration of the island of Samos and investigated a number of other promising areas of Greece and Asia Minor. Nebraska. Mr. Thomson continued work at the Snake Creek and Agate fossil quarries in western Nebraska and secured a valuable series of skulls of various animals, particularly the so-called bear-dogs, true dogs, 2-toed horses, large and small camels and a complete skeleton of a Blastomeryx California. Mr. Childs Frick has been conducting researches upon certain Pliocene formations of the Eden region in southern California, and has secured a large and varied collection of fossil mammals. These collections have been obtained and prepared at his own personal cost and are under investigation by him at the museum. Ecuador. Mr. H. E. Anthony on his last expedition to Ecuador, spent a part of his time collecting fossil mammals in the Punin region near Riobamba. He obtained a good series of Pleistocene mammals, mostly camel and horses. Gifts. Mr. H. L. Mead and Mr. W. W. Holmes gave a number of Florida fossils to the Museum.