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Austromiris sp_ms_nooltana (Miridae)


Fabaceae: Acacia ligulata A. Cunn. ex Benth.


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AUSTRALIA Austromiris sp_ms_nooltana coordinates

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(By default, the specimens are ordered by: Country, State/Province, County/Divisoin, Locality)
PBI USI Country State Division Locality Sex Type Status Elevation(m) GPS Coordinate Host Collection_Date Collector Inst. Code Created By
AMNH_PBI 00038347  AUSTRALIA  South Australia    175km W Vokes Hill Cnr  1 Adult Male      -28.50000; 129.01666  Fabaceae:Acacia ligulata A. Cunn. ex Benth.  25 Aug 1980  G. J. Baker  SAMA  Brown, Georgina 
AMNH_PBI 00038348  AUSTRALIA  South Australia    Ifould Lake Crossing, N Colona Stn, W Coast of S Aust.  1 Adult Male      -30.90000; 132.09000  Fabaceae:Acacia ligulata A. Cunn. ex Benth.  22 Aug 1975  S. Barker  SAMA  Brown, Georgina 
AMNH_PBI 00033158  AUSTRALIA  South Australia    Nooltana Creek 13km NW by N of Hawker  1 Adult sex unknown      -31.78333; 138.35000    16 Sept 1978  M. S. Upton  ANIC  Brown, Georgina 
AMNH_PBI 00008205  AUSTRALIA  Western Australia    10 mi S of Yaringa  1 Adult Male      -34.38300; 137.92500    07 Sept 1973  K. T. Richards  AM  Brown, Georgina 
AMNH_PBI 00008204  AUSTRALIA  Western Australia    Heathland near the lagoon N of Eagle Bluff, Shark Bay Marine Park  1 Adult Male      -25.77400; 113.48900    27 Aug 1989  R. de Keyzor  AM  Brown, Georgina 
AMNH_PBI 00008206  AUSTRALIA  Western Australia    Heathland near the lagoon N of Eagle Bluff, Shark Bay Marine Park  1 Adult Male      -25.77400; 113.48900    27 Aug 1989  R. de Keyzor  AM  Brown, Georgina 
Citations for this site should read:
Schuh, R.T. 2024. On-line Species Pages of Heteroptera (Insecta).
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Email: Randall T. Schuh