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(Female redundant descriptions removed)
Heteroonops vega       Get publication

            Male (PBI_OON 21092). Total length 1.53. CEPHALOTHORAX: Mouthparts: Chelicerae fangs elongated. ABDOMEN: dorsum soft portions venter with pair of subcuticular dark spots just anterior of spinnerets. LEGS: Leg spination (only surfaces bearing spines listed, all spines longer than segment width): femora: I, II d1-0-0; III, IV d1-0-1; tibiae: I v2-2-0; III d0-1-0; p0-0-1; v0-1-0; r0-0-1; IV d0-1-0; p0-1-1; v0-1-0; r0-1-1; metatarsi: III v0-1-2; r0-0-1; IV p1-0-1; v0-1-2; r1-0-1. Tarsi I to IV superior claws tooth not examined in detail. Trichobothria not examined. GENITALIA: Palp embolus embolus extremely elongated, extending back more than full length of bulb, conductor translucent, arched, with denticles.
Heteroonops vega, male carapace, anterior view (image by ND, specimen ID: ---21092)


Heteroonops vega, male carapace, dorsal view (image by ND, specimen ID: ---21092)


Heteroonops vega, male endites, ventral view (image by ND, specimen ID: ---21092)


Heteroonops vega, male habitus, dorsal view (image by ND, specimen ID: ---21092)


Heteroonops vega, male habitus, lateral view (image by ND, specimen ID: ---21092)


Heteroonops vega, male habitus, ventral view (image by ND, specimen ID: ---21092)


Heteroonops vega, male palp, dorsal view (image by ND, specimen ID: ---21092)


Heteroonops vega, male palp, prolateral view (image by ND, specimen ID: ---21092)


Heteroonops vega, male palp, retrolateral view (image by ND, specimen ID: ---21092)


Heteroonops vega, male palp, ventral view (image by ND, specimen ID: ---21092)


Heteroonops vega, male sternum, ventral view (image by ND, specimen ID: ---21092)


Heteroonops vega, male endites, dorsal view (image by ND, specimen ID: ---21092)


Heteroonops vega, male endites, ventral view (image by ND, specimen ID: ---21092)


Heteroonops vega, male palp, prolateral view (image by ND, specimen ID: ---21092)


Heteroonops vega, male palp, retrolateral view (image by ND, specimen ID: ---21092)


Heteroonops vega, male endites, anterior view (image by ND, specimen ID: ---00301)


Heteroonops vega, male endites, dorsal view (image by ND, specimen ID: ---00301)


Heteroonops vega, male endites, ventral view (image by ND, specimen ID: ---00301)


            Female (PBI_OON 21092). Total length 1.62. As in male except as noted. CEPHALOTHORAX: Female palp spines present, formula: femur v0-1-1; patella p0-1-1; tibia p2-1-2; tarsus p1-1-0; patella not prolaterally dilated. ABDOMEN: dorsum soft portions venter with pair of subcuticular dark spots just anterior of spinnerets. LEGS: Leg spination (only surfaces bearing spines listed, all spines longer than segment width): femora: II d1-0-0; III, IV d0-0-1; tibiae: I v4-2-2; II v3-2-2; III p1-0-0; v1-1-0; metatarsi: I, II v2-2-0; III v1-0-1; r1-1-0; IV v0-1-0. Tarsi I to IV superior claws tooth not examined in detail. Trichobothria not examined. GENITALIA: Ventral view: anterior receptaculum narrow throughout its length, posterior receptaculum short, wide.
Heteroonops vega, female carapace, anterior view (image by ND, specimen ID: ---21092)


Heteroonops vega, female carapace, dorsal view (image by ND, specimen ID: ---21092)


Heteroonops vega, female epigynum, epigynal area, ventral view (image by ND, specimen ID: ---21092)


Heteroonops vega, female habitus, dorsal view (image by ND, specimen ID: ---21092)


Heteroonops vega, female habitus, lateral view (image by ND, specimen ID: ---21092)


Heteroonops vega, female habitus, ventral view (image by ND, specimen ID: ---21092)


Heteroonops vega, female sternum, ventral view (image by ND, specimen ID: ---21092)


Heteroonops vega, female internal female genitalia, ventral view (image by ND, specimen ID: ---21092)


Heteroonops vega, female internal female genitalia, dorsal view (image by ND, specimen ID: ---21092)




Heteroonops vega coordinates
Click the following link for a map from Discover Life which displays the records below. You can click anywhere on that map to zoom in, and clicking on any point will display the full data for that locality Heteroonops vega, Discover Life Map

Order by:    
PBI USI Country State Division Locality Sex Type Status Elevation(m) GPS Coordinate Habitat Collection_Date Collector Inst. Code
PBI_OON 00000301  DOMINICAN REPUBLIC  El Seibo    Miches  1 Adult Male      19.05214; -70.96924  cacao farm  22 Jun 2008  V. Ovtsharenko  AMNH 
PBI_OON 00000301  DOMINICAN REPUBLIC  El Seibo    Miches  1 Adult Female      19.05214; -70.96924  cacao farm  22 Jun 2008  V. Ovtsharenko  AMNH 
PBI_OON 00021092  DOMINICAN REPUBLIC  La Vega    Salto Jimenoa, 7 km SE Jarabacoa  1 Adult Female    800  19.09822; -70.59781  forest litter  31 Jul 1995  S., J. Peck  AMNH 
PBI_OON 00021092  DOMINICAN REPUBLIC  La Vega    Salto Jimenoa, 7 km SE Jarabacoa  1 Adult Male  Holotype  800  19.09822; -70.59781  forest litter  31 Jul 1995  S., J. Peck  AMNH 

The American Museum of Natural History, New York, in collaboration with
The California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco   The University of California, Berkeley
The Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago   George Washington University, Washington DC
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This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DEB 0613754. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
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