
Pencil Code User Meeting 2009
Pencil Code User Meeting 2010
26-30 July 2010 American Museum of Natural History, New York City


About the meeting

The Pencil Code User Meeting is an annual meeting dedicated to the Pencil Code. The purpose of the meeting is to bring regular users and core developers together to discuss scientific and technical progress since the last meeting, to instigate collaborative projects and to allow new users to learn more about the code and to interact with other users and developers. The Pencil Code Meeting 2010 will be held July 26-30 2010 at the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) in Manhattan.

About the Pencil Code

The Pencil Code is a multipurpose code for massively parallel computing. It includes optionally hydrodynamics, magnetic fields, radiation, ionization, multi-species dust dynamics with coagulation, self-gravity and particles. It is developed and maintained under Subversion (SVN) by around 25 people with check-in permission and has been downloaded by around 500 registered users (without check-in permission). The code is tested nightly on several platforms and provides an excellent pedagogical tool for professional scientists as well as students to implement new code within an organized framework.


Here are some example topics that the meeting aims at covering:

  • Recent science results obtained with the Pencil Code
  • Physics recently added to the code, such as particle collisions
  • Recently added visualization techniques, such as on-the-fly 3D rendering and spherical slices
  • Technical issues
  • Future improvements to the code
  • ...


If you have questions concerning the meeting please contact Jason Maron (jason maron @ gmail).

The Local Organizing Committee

  • Jason Maron
    E-mail: jason maron at gmail
    Phone: 310 266 3257
  • Wladimir Lyra
    E-mail: wlyra at amnh dot org
  • Mordecai-Mark Mac Low
    E-mail: mordecai at amnh dot org
  • Colin McNally
    E-mail: cmcnally at amnh dot org
