Computer Codes
Technical details
The codes used in the VAPORS condensation, evaporation, and crystallization
code are the result of continuing work by Denton Ebel, begun in 1995-2001 at
at the University of Chicago, Department of Geophysical Sciences.
in the laboratory of
Dr. Lawrence Grossman. Work performed in pursuit of the goals of NASA grants NAGW-3340 and
NAG5-4476 was supported by the taxpayers of the United States through NASA.
The VAPORS code is based strongly on the work of Mark Ghiorso and Richard Sack, embodied in
the MELTS project. The
MELTS igneous crystallization package was developed through a generous equipment grant from the
Digital Equipment Company. No parts of the source code for MELTS are available at this site.
The gas species equilibrium routine of the VAPORS code is adapted from a Fortran routine written by
Shigekasu Yoneda, developed at Chicago (see Yoneda and Grossman, 1995, Geochimica et Cosmochimica
Acta 59:3413-3444), supported by NASA.
The algorithms for activities in the Berman (1983 PhD, U. BC) are original, but they were checked
extensively against results from an unpublished Fortran activity-calculator by John Beckett
(PhD, U. Chicago, 1986), and against values calculated by the Fortran condensation code of Yoneda.
B83acts1: Calculate activities in Berman 1983 liquid.
B83acts1: Calculate activities in Berman 1983 liquid.
Technical Details
Operating systems, compilers, and editors.
The codes described here were developed on IBM-compatible PCs running the Windows NT 4.0 operating
system, in the Microsoft Visual C++ version 5 programming environment. They have all been ported
successfully to both DEC (Compaq) Alpha (Solaris) and Silicon Graphics Origin 200 (Irix 6.4) machines.
They adhere closely to the ANSI C standard, and do not use any Microsoft-specific functionality.
This collection of pages describing the work of Denton Ebel and collaborators is provided by
Denton Ebel as a free public service. Denton Ebel, the Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences,
and all of their
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Last modified January 25, 2002.