Renazzo Data
Renazzo (CR2) is a very rare, primitive meteorite.
Schematic of cuts, piece #1.
Ren1 (tomography piece #1)
Ren1sA1 (subsection A1)
Ren1sB1-ps1A (polished section 1, side A)
BSE-TOMO comparison: Comparison
of tomography data with BSE image and Mg-Ca-Al composite x-ray map.
Objects in Ren1sB1-ps1A:
many of these also appear in subsequent serial sections
Ren1sB1-ps1B (polished section 1, side B = reverse of A)
Ren1sB1-ps2A (polished section 2, side A)
Ren1sB2 (subsection B2) This has not been mapped yet.
Ren1sB3 (subsection B3)
Ren1sB3-ps1A (polished section 1, side A)
BSE-MCA map ...
files: elements
and RGB
Objects in Ren1sB3-ps1A:
many of these also appear in subsequent serial sections
CAI ca1 (not mapped)
AOA aoa1: mapped
BSE ...
Si-Ca-Fe ...
Mg-Ca-Al ...
(files els/rgb not ready)
ch2: mapped.
BSE ...
Si-Ca-Fe ...
files: elements
and RGB
ch5 (#5 of manuscript): mapped.
BSE ...
Si-Ca-Fe ...
Mg-Ca-Al ...
files: elements
and RGB
Ren1sB3-ps1B (polished section 1, side B = reverse of A)
BSE ...
files: elements
and RGB
Objects in Ren1sB3-ps1B:
many of these also appear in subsequent serial sections
CAI ca1 (not mapped)
AOA aoa1: mapped
BSE ...
Si-Ca-Fe ...
Mg-Ca-Al ...
(files els/rgb not ready)
ch2: mapped.
files: elements
and RGB
ch5 (#5 of manuscript): mapped.
files: elements
and RGB
Ren1sB3-ps2A (polished section 2, side A)
sB2 (subsection B2)
Ren1 (tomography piece #1)
Ren1 (tomography piece #1)
================================================== BELOW HERE is NOT UP-To-DATE! ==================
Index (links) for pieces that include tomographic data:
Whole pieces:
Piece #1.
Ren1wcR45-Xtif8: This is a stack of tomography images of the whole piece, normal to X.
Ren1wcR45-Ztif8: This is a stack of tomography images of the whole piece, normal to X. Volume data, cropped and rotated, from which stacks derive (netCDF format).
Ren1psA: Piece #1, polished section A. Numerous objects in this
section are under study. Data for each is separated into different directories.
> BSE-TOMO comparison: Comparison
of tomography data with BSE image and Mg-Ca-Al composite x-ray map.
> element maps: Raw element x-ray mosaics, Ren1psA.
> RGB tif files: Raw element x-ray mosaic RGB composites.
chondrule 1: Single chondrule separated 'virtually' from tomographic data,
then cut from a subsection of the volume. Surface chemical data is in several forms.
chondrule 3: Single chondrule separated 'virtually' from tomographic data,
then cut from a subsection of the volume. Surface chemical data is in several forms.
This piece (tomo pc. 1) has been cut into three sub-sections: A, B, C.
Piece #2. Three serial surfaces have been cut and polished:
> Piece #2, polished section 1.
> Piece #2, polished section 2.
> Piece #2, polished section 3.
Index (links) for thin section maps:
PTS588-2: Polished thin section AMNH 588-2.
> Mg-Ca-Al=RGB: A composite x-ray map
(red-green-blue, RGB) where the channels are: Mg=red, Ca=green, Al=blue. (150 dpi, RGB)
> Si-Ca-Fe=RGB: A composite x-ray map
(red-green-blue, RGB) where the channels are: Si=red, Ca=green, Fe=blue. (150 dpi, RGB)
> element maps: Raw element x-ray mosaics. The x-ray maps for each
element have each been normalized to the same grayscale range to appear as seamless as possible.
These maps are all registered exactly the same, so they overlap perfectly.
Interested viewers can aply their own, preferred color scheme to make RGB composites.
> RGB tif files: Raw element x-ray mosaic RGB composites. For each file,
the elements in RGB channels are listed in order (e.g., SiCaNi, NiS-Fe).
Last modified January 10, 2006.