Common names: Graceful Crag Lizards, Cliff lizards, Bastard Cordyles

Habitat: Rupicolous

Range: The Cape Fold Mountains.

Reproduction: viviparous (1-8 offspring)

Diet: Insects and small vertebrates


H. capensis (Smith, 1838)

H. nebulosus (Mouton and van Wyk, 1995)


The genus Hemicordylus is endemic to the Cape Fold Mountains and currently contains two named taxa: Hemicordylus capensis and H.nebulosus. While the dwarf species H.nebusosus is known only from it’s type locality on Landdroskop peak in the Hottentot’s Holland mountains, H.capensis occurs across the length of the Cape Fold Mountains, encompassing several smaller mountain ranges, from the Bokkeveld mountains in the North, to the Kougaberg in the East. The armor of H.Capensis is highly variable across its distribution, and may be correlated with thermoregulatory behavior. Both members of the genus are melanistic and studies suggest they utilize the vertical surfaces to help regulate their temperature.