Species Reference |
Comment |
Distribution |
Lygus rufescens Hahn 1831A: 28, pl. 4, fig. 18 |
n. sp., DV (syn. by Reuter, 1875:189) |
Germany |
Capsus varians Herrich-Schaeffer 1841A: 45, pl. 195, fig. 603 |
n. sp., DV |
Switzerland |
Capsus decoloratus Mulsant and Rey 1852A: 124 |
n. sp. (syn. by Fieber, 1861A:394) |
France |
Psallus insignis Fieber 1858A: 337 |
n. sp. (syn. by Fieber, 1861A:309) |
Corsica |
Psallus distinctus Fieber 1858A: 337 |
n. sp. (syn. by Saunders, 1875:305) |
Bohemia; Switzerland |
Psallus varians nigrescens Fieber 1861A: 309 |
n. var. |
no locality given |
Psallus varians ochraceus Fieber 1861A: 309 |
n. var. |
no locality given |
Psallus kirschbaumi Fieber 1861A: 308 |
n. sp. (syn. by Wagner 1939:52) |
Germany |
Psallus varians fieberi Stichel 1933A: 269 |
(PDF not available.) |
n. form (junior primary homonym of Psallus fieberi Fieber, 1864) |
Europe |
Psallus cornutus Wagner 1943C: 70, fig. 2 |
(PDF not available.) |
n. sp., MG (downgraded to ssp. by Wagner, 1962E: 29) |
Malta |
Psallus Psallus varians Hoberlandt 1956A: 54 |
Dist., hab. |
Turkey |
Psallus varians Leston 1957B: 612 |
(PDF not available.) |
chromosome number |
Britain |
Psallus varians Carvalho 1958A: 133 |
Cat. |
undefined |
Psallus cornutus Carvalho 1958A: 118 |
Cat. |
undefined |
Psallus varians defluta Stichel 1958A: 814 |
(PDF not available.) |
n. name for Psallus varians fieberi Stichel, 1933 |
undefined |
Psallus varians Leston 1959A: 97 |
(PDF not available.) |
Biol., paras., hab., host |
Britain |
Psallus varians Leston 1959A: 97 |
(PDF not available.) |
List, host, biol . |
undefined |
Psallus varians Southwood and Leston 1959A: 227 |
(PDF not available.) |
Fig., dist., host, biol., chrom. no. |
undefined |
Psallus Psallus varians Ehanno 1960A: 318 |
(PDF not available.) |
List, host |
France |
Psallus varians Franz and Wagner 1961A: 385 |
(PDF not available.) |
Dist., host, biol. |
undefined |
Psallus varians Leston 1961D: 66 |
(PDF not available.) |
List, host, paras. |
undefined |
Psallus Psallus varians Wagner 1961N: 72, fig. 43c |
(PDF not available.) |
Diag., MG, host |
undefined |
Psallus Psallus varians Wagner 1961N: 70 |
(PDF not available.) |
Diag. |
undefined |
Psallus varians varians Wagner 1962E: 26, figs. 1, 2a, 3a--d, 4a, b, e, f |
(PDF not available.) |
Descr., disc., dist., figs. head, hemelytron, claw, MG, host |
E Pyrenees |
Psallus varians cornutus Wagner 1962E: 29, figs. 2d, 3i--m, 4d, h |
(PDF not available.) |
Descr., disc., dist., figs. head, hemelytron, claw, MG, host |
Dalmatia |
Psallus varians tunetanus Wagner 1962E: 28, figs. 2c, 3e--h |
(PDF not available.) |
n. ssp., descr., disc., figs. hemelytron, MG, host |
Psallus varians Kerzhner 1964A: 993 |
(PDF not available.) |
Diag., fig., dist., host |
undefined |
Psallus varians Pericart 1965A: 380 |
(PDF not available.) |
record |
Corsica |
Psallus Psallus varians Ehanno 1965A: 520 |
(PDF not available.) |
Host |
France |
Psallus Psallus varians Zaitzeva 1968A: 874, figs. 34, 35 |
descr., MG, hab. |
N Caucasus |
Psallus Psallus varians tuneatus Eckerlein and Wagner 1969A: 188 |
record, host |
Libya |
Psallus Psallus varians Gollner-Scheiding 1970A: 54 |
(PDF not available.) |
Record, host |
Germany |
Psallus varians Teyrovsky and Gollner-Scheiding 1971A: 51 |
(PDF not available.) |
Dist. |
Central Europe |
Psallus varians Gollner-Scheiding 1972A: 37 |
Record, host |
Germany |
Psallus Psallus varians fieberi Servadei 1972A: 14 |
(PDF not available.) |
List |
Italy |
Psallus varians Andersen and Gaun 1974A: 120 |
(PDF not available.) |
List |
Denmark |
Psallus Psallus varians Wagner 1975C: 193 |
(PDF not available.) |
Key to subspp. |
undefined |
Psallus Psallus varians varians Wagner 1975C: 194 |
(PDF not available.) |
Descr., fig., host, dist. |
undefined |
Psallus varians cornutus Wagner 1975C: 195 |
(PDF not available.) |
Descr., fig., host, dist. |
undefined |
Psallus varians tunetanus Wagner 1975C: 195 |
(PDF not available.) |
Descr., fig., host, dist. |
undefined |
Psallus varians Dethier and Charpie 1976A: 35 |
(PDF not available.) |
as prey |
France |
Psallus varians Coulianos and Ossiannilsson 1976A: 148 |
(PDF not available.) |
List, dist. |
Sweden |
Psallus varians cornutus Gravestein 1978A: 38 |
(PDF not available.) |
Dist., host |
Mallorca |
Psallus Psallus varians Tamanini 1981A: 71 |
List, dist., host |
Italy |
Psallus varians Heiss 1984A: 146 |
Record |
Crete |
© 2002-2013, The American Museum of Natural History.
All Rights Reserved.
Send questions about taxonomic data and website to Randall T. Schuh <
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Citations for this site should read: “Schuh, R.T. 2002-2013. On-line Systematic
Catalog of Plant Bugs (Insecta: Heteroptera: Miridae).
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