Species Reference |
Comment |
Distribution |
Cimex cingulatus Fabricius 1787A: 307 |
n. sp. |
India |
Cimex leucogrammus Gmelin 1790A: 2165 |
n. sp. (syn. by Reuter, 1888A:615) |
Europe |
Cimex orientalis Gmelin 1790A: 2191 |
n. name for Cimex cingulatus Fabricius, 1787 |
undefined |
Cimex marginellus Schrank 1801A: 94 |
n. sp. (syn. by Reuter, 1888A:615) |
Germany |
Miris lineolatus Brulle 1832A: 76, pl. 31, figs. 6, 7 |
n. sp. |
Greece |
Phytocoris albostriatus Burmeister 1835A: 271 |
n. sp. (syn. by Stal, 1868:89) |
Europe |
Lopus rubrostriatus Herrich-Schaeffer 1836A: 45, pl. 86, fig. 260 |
n. sp., DV (syn. by Reuter, 1881:174) |
Spain |
Capsus consanguineus Costa, A. 1862A: 22, pl. 3, fig. 2 |
n. sp. (syn. by Puton, 1871:425) |
Italy |
Capsodes Horistus cingulatus Hoberlandt 1956A: 36 |
Dist., hab. |
Turkey |
Capsodes Horistus lineolatus Hoberlandt 1956A: 36 |
Dist., hab. |
Turkey |
Capsodes cingulatus Carvalho 1959A: 6 |
cat. |
undefined |
Capsodes lineolatus Carvalho 1959A: 9 |
cat. |
undefined |
Capsodes Horistus ochroleucus Wagner 1959G: 60, figs. 18--21, 24 |
(PDF not available.) |
n. sp., descr., disc., figs. head, MG (syn. by Cherot, 1997: 156) |
Morocco |
Capsodes Horistus cingulatus Ehanno 1960A: 314 |
(PDF not available.) |
List |
France |
Capsodes Horistus cingulatus Franz and Wagner 1961A: 369 |
(PDF not available.) |
Dist., host |
undefined |
Capsodes Horistus cingulatus Wagner 1961N: 47, fig. 30c |
(PDF not available.) |
Diag., fig. head, host |
undefined |
Capsodes Horistus lineolatus Wagner 1961N: 47, fig. 30e |
(PDF not available.) |
Diag., MG, host |
undefined |
Capsodes cingulatus Kerzhner 1964A: 948 |
(PDF not available.) |
Diag., dist. |
undefined |
Capsodes Horistus cingulatus Wagner and Weber 1964A: 248 |
(PDF not available.) |
Syn., descr., fig., host, biol., dist. |
undefined |
Capsodes Horistus lineolatus Wagner and Weber 1964A: 248 |
(PDF not available.) |
syn., descr., fig., host, biol., dist. |
undefined |
Capsodes Horistus cingulatus Ribes 1965A: 78 |
record, host |
Mallorca |
Capsodes cingulatus Eckerlein and Wagner 1965A: 216 |
(PDF not available.) |
record |
Algeria |
Capsodes Horistus lineolatus Ribes 1965A: 77 |
record, host |
Mallorca |
Capsodes Horistus cingulatus Eckerlein and Wagner 1969A: 184 |
record |
Libya |
Capsodes Horistus lineolatus Eckerlein and Wagner 1969A: 184 |
record |
Libya |
Capsodes cingulatus Gollner-Scheiding 1972A: 30 |
Record |
Germany |
Capsodes Horistus cingulatus Wagner 1974G: 468 |
(PDF not available.) |
Descr., fig., host, dist. |
undefined |
Capsodes Horistus lineolatus Wagner 1974G: 469 |
(PDF not available.) |
Descr., fig., host, dist. |
undefined |
Capsodes Horistus asphodeli Wagner 1976B: 69, fig. 1 |
(PDF not available.) |
n. sp., descr., disc., figs. head, MG, host |
Morocco |
Capsodes Horistus asphodeli Wagner and Weber 1978A: 34 |
(PDF not available.) |
Descr., fig., host, dist. |
undefined |
Capsodes Capsodes cingulatus Tamanini 1981A: 54 |
List, dist., host |
Italy |
Capsodes Horistus lineolatus Ribes 1981A: 81 |
(PDF not available.) |
record, host |
Spain |
Capsodes Horistus lineolatus Tamanini 1981A: 54 |
List, dist. |
Italy |
Horistus lineolatus Cherot 1997B: 174 |
(PDF not available.) |
lectotype designation |
undefined |
Horistus orientalis Cherot 1997B: 155, figs. 23--28 |
(PDF not available.) |
n. syn., revised comb., descr., disc. of "natios", figs. MG, FG, SEMs scent gland, etc. |
Southern Europe; North Africa |
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All Rights Reserved.
Send questions about taxonomic data and website to Randall T. Schuh <
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Citations for this site should read: “Schuh, R.T. 2002-2013. On-line Systematic
Catalog of Plant Bugs (Insecta: Heteroptera: Miridae).
If the format of any material on the website interferes with your ability to access that material, please contact us at [email protected].