References for species Trigonotylus ruficornis (Geoffroy, 1785)

Species Reference Comment Distribution
Cimex ruficornis Geoffroy 1785A: 209
  n. sp. France
Miris ruficornis Fallen 1807A: 112
  n. sp. (junior secondary homonym of Cimex ruficornis Geoffroy, 1785; syn. by ?) Sweden
Trigonotylus ruficornis albescens Sahlberg, J. 1880A: 4
  n. var. Norway
Trigonotylus ruficornis Buczek 1956A: 269
(PDF not available.)  Morph., biol., larvae Poland
Trigonotylus ruficornis Hoberlandt 1956A: 18
  Dist., hab. Turkey
Trigonotylus ruficornis Wagner 1956E: 19
(PDF not available.)  Diag. in key undefined
Trigonotylus ruficornis Carvalho and Wagner 1957A: 144, figs. 15, 22i
(PDF not available.)  Syn., descr., dist., MG, FG, host Western Europe; North Africa
Trigonotylus ruficornis Miyamoto 1957A: 77
(PDF not available.)  Ovariole no. undefined
Trigonotylus ruficornis pseudopulchella Stichel 1957A: 575
(PDF not available.)  n. form Europe
Trigonotylus ruficornis Southwood and Leston 1959A: 308
(PDF not available.)  Fig., dist., hab., host, biol. undefined
Trigonotylus ruficornis Carvalho 1959A: 315
  cat. undefined
Trigonotylus ruficornis Kelton 1959B: 13, fig. 10
(PDF not available.)  MG undefined
Trigonotylus ruficornis Woodroffe 1959H: 13
  List Britain
Trigonotylus ruficornis Miyamoto 1961A: 222
(PDF not available.)  morph. alimentary organs undefined
Trigonotylus ruficornis Franz and Wagner 1961A: 352
(PDF not available.)  Dist., biol., host undefined
Trigonotylus ruficornis Leston 1961D: 69
(PDF not available.)  List, hab., paras. undefined
Trigonotylus ruficornis Wagner 1961N: 31
(PDF not available.)  Diag., hab. undefined
Trigonotylus ruficornis Hsiao and Meng 1963A: 441
  record undefined
Trigonotylus ruficornis Lansbury 1964A: 230
(PDF not available.)  Diag., figs., disc., dist. England
Trigonotylus ruficornis Kerzhner 1964A: 959
(PDF not available.)  Diag., fig., dist., host Korea
Trigonotylus ruficornis Wagner and Weber 1964A: 106
(PDF not available.)  Descr., fig., host, dist. undefined
Trigonotylus ruficornis Kulik 1965A: 53
(PDF not available.)  List Siberia
Trigonotylus ruficornis Pericart 1965A: 383
(PDF not available.)  record Corsica
Trigonotylus ruficornis Popov 1965A: 175
(PDF not available.)  Hab., dist. Asiatic USSR
Trigonotylus ruficornis Miyamoto and Lee 1966A: 382
(PDF not available.)  Syn., record Korea
Trigonotylus ruficornis Wagner 1968B: 452
  List, dist. Iran
Trigonotylus ruficornis Gollner-Scheiding 1970A: 50
(PDF not available.)  Record Germany
Trigonotylus ruficornis Kelton 1971A: 702, fig. 18
(PDF not available.)  n. syn., descr., dist., MG, hab. undefined
Trigonotylus ruficornis Khalaf 1971A: 341
(PDF not available.)  List USA: Louisiana; Mississippi
Trigonotylus ruficornis Teyrovsky and Gollner-Scheiding 1971A: 54
(PDF not available.)  Dist., disc. Central Europe
Trigonotylus ruficornis Gollner-Scheiding 1972A: 24
  Record, hab. Germany
Trigonotylus ruficornis Bozdechova 1973A: 3
(PDF not available.)  Tax., dist., figs., key undefined
Trigonotylus ruficornis Kerzhner 1973A: 90
  faunal list USSR: Tuva
Trigonotylus ruficornis Akingbohungbe, Libby, and Shenefelt 1973A: 11
(PDF not available.)  descr. 5th instar nymph USA: Wisconsin
Trigonotylus ruficornis Andersen and Gaun 1974A: 118
(PDF not available.)  List Denmark
Trigonotylus ruficornis Gollner-Scheiding 1974A: 185
  List, hab. Germany
Trigonotylus ruficornis Akingbohungbe 1974A: 252
  chromosome number undefined
Trigonotylus ruficornis Wagner 1974G: 123
(PDF not available.)  Descr., fig., host, dist. undefined
Trigonotylus ruficornis Coulianos and Ossiannilsson 1976A: 144
(PDF not available.)  List, dist. Sweden
Trigonotylus ruficornis Gollner-Scheiding 1978B: 0
(PDF not available.)  List, hab. Macedonia
Trigonotylus ruficornis Kelton 1980E: 42
(PDF not available.)  Syns., diag., hab., dist., figs., map undefined
Trigonotylus ruficornis Tamanini 1981A: 41
  List, dist. Italy
Trigonotylus ruficornis Horsfield 1981A: 173
(PDF not available.)  Hab., host Britain
Trigonotylus ruficornis pseudopulchella Tamanini 1982B: 102
(PDF not available.)  Dist. Italy
Trigonotylus ruficornis Akingbohungbe 1983A: 38
  testis follicle no. undefined
Trigonotylus ruficornis Golub 1989A: 154, figs. 22--26
(PDF not available.)  disc., MG undefined
Trigonotylus ruficornis Wheeler and Henry 1992A: 102
(PDF not available.)  note undefined
Agrostis sp. Carvalho and Wagner, 1957A:144 (Family: Poaceae)
Festuca sp. Carvalho and Wagner, 1957A:144 (Family: Poaceae)
Juncus gerardii Carvalho and Wagner, 1957A:144 (Family: Juncaceae)
Ononis spinosa Gollner-Scheiding, 1970A:50 (Family: Fabaceae)
Poa sp. Carvalho and Wagner, 1957A:144 (Family: Poaceae)
species not specified Gollner-Scheiding, 1972A:24 (Family: Poaceae)
species not specified Hoberlandt, 1956A:18 (Family: Poaceae)
species not specified Josifov, 1974F:11 (Family: Poaceae)
species not specified Josifov, 1974F:14 (Family: Poaceae)
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