Species Reference |
Comment |
Distribution |
Teratocoris saundersi Douglas and Scott 1869A: 260 |
n. sp. |
Great Britain |
Teratocoris flori Sahlberg, J. 1873A: 290 |
n. sp. (syn. by Reuter, 1873:4) |
Russia: Karelia |
Teratocoris herbaticus Uhler 1887C: 67 |
n. sp. (syn. by Kelton, 1966:1266) |
Labrador |
Teratocoris longicornis Uhler 1895A: 29 |
n. sp. (syn. by Reuter, 1913:80) |
USA: Colorado |
Teratocoris lineatus Wagner 1952C: 158, figs. 1--7 |
(PDF not available.) |
n. sp., figs. head-pronotum, MG (syn. by Kerzhner, 1964:734; see also Kelton, 1966:1266) |
Germany; Holland; Sweden; Russia |
Teratocoris herbaticus Lindberg 1959A: 16 |
Hab., dist. |
Newfoundland |
Teratocoris herbaticus Carvalho 1959A: 310 |
cat. |
undefined |
Teratocoris lineatus Carvalho 1959A: 310 |
cat. |
undefined |
Teratocoris saundersi Southwood and Leston 1959A: 310 |
(PDF not available.) |
Fig., dist., host, biol. |
undefined |
Teratocoris saundersi Carvalho 1959A: 311 |
cat. |
undefined |
Teratocoris herbaticus Kelton 1959B: 14, fig. 14 |
(PDF not available.) |
MG |
undefined |
Teratocoris lineatus Cobben 1960A: 204 |
(PDF not available.) |
Morph., fig. |
undefined |
Teratocoris lineatus Wagner 1961N: 29 |
(PDF not available.) |
Diag. |
undefined |
Teratocoris saundersi Wagner 1961N: 29 |
(PDF not available.) |
Diag. |
undefined |
Teratocoris lineatus Wagner and Weber 1964A: 90 |
(PDF not available.) |
Descr., fig., host, dist. |
undefined |
Teratocoris saundersi Kerzhner 1964A: 961 |
(PDF not available.) |
Diag., fig., dist. |
undefined |
Teratocoris saundersi Wagner and Weber 1964A: 89 |
(PDF not available.) |
Descr., fig., syn., host, biol., dist. |
undefined |
Teratocoris saundersi Kulik 1965A: 53 |
(PDF not available.) |
List |
Siberia |
Teratocoris herbaticus Wagner 1965I: 143, fig. 2f |
(PDF not available.) |
Descr., disc., dist., MG |
undefined |
Teratocoris saundersi Wagner 1965I: 140, figs. 1c, 2c, 3b |
(PDF not available.) |
Descr., disc., dist., figs. head-pronotum, MG, host, biol. |
undefined |
Teratocoris saundersi unicolor Wagner 1965I: 141, figs. 1d, 2d, 3e |
(PDF not available.) |
n. ssp., descr., disc., figs. head-pronotum, MG, host |
Germany |
Teratocoris saundersi Kelton 1966B: 1266 |
(PDF not available.) |
n. syns., descr., disc., dist., MG, host |
undefined |
Teratocoris saundersi Woodroffe 1967D: 234 |
(PDF not available.) |
Dist., disc. |
undefined |
Teratocoris saundersi Woodroffe 1968A: 113 |
(PDF not available.) |
Dist., host |
Britain |
Teratocoris lineatus Gaedike 1971A: 148 |
(PDF not available.) |
Type data |
undefined |
Teratocoris saundersi Andersen and Gaun 1974A: 118 |
(PDF not available.) |
List, syn. |
Denmark |
Teratocoris saundersi Coulianos and Ossiannilsson 1976A: 144 |
(PDF not available.) |
List, dist. |
Sweden |
Teratocoris saundersi Kerzhner 1978A: 42 |
(PDF not available.) |
faunal list |
Russia: Sakhalin Is.; Kurile Is. |
Teratocoris saundersi Kelton 1980E: 46 |
(PDF not available.) |
Syns., diag., host, dist., fig., map |
undefined |
Teratocoris saundersi Wheeler and Henry 1992A: 97, map 35 |
(PDF not available.) |
Disc. of status as naturally Holarctic, host info. from literature, map |
undefined |
© 2002-2013, The American Museum of Natural History.
All Rights Reserved.
Send questions about taxonomic data and website to Randall T. Schuh <
[email protected]>
Citations for this site should read: “Schuh, R.T. 2002-2013. On-line Systematic
Catalog of Plant Bugs (Insecta: Heteroptera: Miridae).
If the format of any material on the website interferes with your ability to access that material, please contact us at [email protected].