References for species Agnocoris rubicundus (Fallen, 1807)

Species Reference Comment Distribution
Lygaeus rubicundus Fallen 1807A: 84
  n. sp. Sweden
Lygus rubicundus minor Reuter 1896A: 73
  n. ssp. Lusitania
Lygus rubicundus winnipegensis Knight 1917C: 591
  n. var. Canada: Manitoba
Lygus Agnocoris rubicundus collaris Wagner 1949D: 36
(PDF not available.)  n. var. Germany
Agnocoris rubicundus Moore 1956B: 37
(PDF not available.)  Fig. USA: Idaho
Lygus rubicundus schmidti Stichel 1958A: 862
(PDF not available.)  n. form (elevation of abberation of Kiritshenko 1926:37) Kamchatka
Agnocoris rubicundus fuscoangulata Stichel 1958A: 718
(PDF not available.)  n. form Europe
Agnocoris rubicunda variegata Stichel 1958A: 718
(PDF not available.)  n. form Europe
Agnocoris rubincudus Carvalho 1959A: 24
  Cat. undefined
Agnocoris rubicundus Wagner 1960N: 15
(PDF not available.)  List Spain
Agnocoris rubicundus Franz and Wagner 1961A: 366
(PDF not available.)  Dist., host, biol. undefined
Agnocoris rubicundus Wagner 1961N: 43
(PDF not available.)  Diag. undefined
Agnocoris rubicundus Kerzhner 1964A: 946
(PDF not available.)  Diag., fig., dist. undefined
Agnocoris rubicundus Kulik 1965A: 48
(PDF not available.)  List Siberia
Agnocoris rubicundus Popov 1965A: 179
(PDF not available.)  Hab., dist. Asiatic USSR
Lygus rubicundus Pericart 1965A: 383
(PDF not available.)  record Corsica
Agnocoris rubicundus Teyrovsky and Gollner-Scheiding 1971A: 58
(PDF not available.)  Dist. Central Europe
Agnocoris rubicundus Gollner-Scheiding 1972A: 28
  Record Germany
Agnocoris rubicundus Kerzhner 1973A: 90
  faunal list USSR: Tuva
Agnocoris rubicundus Steyskal 1973A: 207
(PDF not available.)  correction undefined
Agnocoris rubicundus Andersen and Gaun 1974A: 119
(PDF not available.)  List Denmark
Agnocoris rubicundus Gollner-Scheiding 1974A: 186
  List Germany
Agnocoris rubicundus Wagner 1974G: 428
(PDF not available.)  Descr., fig., host, dist. undefined
Agnocoris rubicundus Coulianos and Ossiannilsson 1976A: 144
(PDF not available.)  List, dist. Sweden
Cyphodema rubicunda Arnold 1978A: 53
(PDF not available.)  Tax. disc. undefined
Agnocoris rubicundus Kelton 1980E: 80
(PDF not available.)  Diag., disc., dist., host, fig., map undefined
Agnocoris rubicundus Tamanini 1982B: 113
(PDF not available.)  Dist., fig. Italy
Agnocoris rubicundus Wheeler and Henry 1992A: 28, map 6
(PDF not available.)  Disc. of status of Holarctic distribution, host info. from literature, map undefined
Quercus sp. Gollner-Scheiding, 1974A:186 (Family: Fagaceae)
Salix candida Kelton, 1980E:80 (Family: Salicaceae)
Salix interior Kelton, 1980E:80 (Family: Salicaceae)
Salix sp. Gollner-Scheiding, 1972A:28 (Family: Salicaceae)
Salix sp. Gollner-Scheiding, 1974A:186 (Family: Salicaceae)
Salix sp. Popov, 1965A:179 (Family: Salicaceae)
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