Species Reference |
Comment |
Distribution |
Phytocoris flavosparsus Sahlberg, C. 1841A: 411 |
n. sp. |
Europe |
Phytocoris viridipennis Dahlbom 1851A: 212 |
n. sp. (syn. by Thomson, 1871A:439) |
Sweden |
Oncotylus pulchellus Reuter 1874A: 48 |
n. sp. (syn. by Ossiannilsson, 1947A: 32) |
Sweden |
Orthotylus viridipunctatus Reuter 1899A: 154 |
n. sp. (syn. by Muminov, 1990:26) |
Romania |
Tuponia guttula Matsumura 1917A: 432 |
n. sp. |
Japan |
Orthotylus parallelus Lindberg 1927A: 24 |
n. sp. (syn. by Josifov and Kerzhner, 1972:171) |
Russia: Amur |
Orthotylus nigropilosus Lindberg 1934B: 41 |
(PDF not available.) |
n. sp. (syn. by Yasunaga et al., 1996: 93) |
China: Gansu |
Orthotylus Melanotrichus flavosparsus Hoberlandt 1956A: 44 |
Dist. |
Turkey |
Orthotylus flavosparsus Southwood and Leston 1957A: 166 |
(PDF not available.) |
Hab., host |
undefined |
Orthotylus flavosparus deflava Stichel 1957A: 517 |
(PDF not available.) |
n. form |
Europe |
Orthotylus flavosparsus Leston 1957B: 612 |
(PDF not available.) |
chromosome number |
Britain |
Oncotylus pulchellus Carvalho 1958A: 80 |
Cat. |
undefined |
Orthotylus Melanotrichus flavosparsus Carvalho 1958B: 115 |
cat. |
undefined |
Orthotylus Orthotylus parallelus Carvalho 1958B: 106 |
cat. |
undefined |
Orthotylus Orthotylus viridipunctatus Carvalho 1958B: 112 |
cat. |
undefined |
Orthotylus Melanotrichus nigropilosus Carvalho 1958B: 116 |
cat. |
undefined |
Orthotylus flavosparsus Wagner 1958R: 2 |
Record, dist. |
Iran |
Orthotylus Melanotrichus flavosparsus Southwood and Leston 1959A: 264 |
(PDF not available.) |
Fig., dist., host, biol., chrom. no. |
undefined |
Orthotylus flavosparsus Southwood 1960A: 207 |
(PDF not available.) |
Flight activity |
Britain |
Melanotrichus Melanotrichus flavosparsus Ehanno 1960A: 316 |
(PDF not available.) |
List, host |
France |
Orthotylus flavosparsus Linnavuori 1961A: 167 |
records |
Japan: Kyushu |
Orthotylus flavosparsus Lindberg 1961A: 49 |
record, host |
Madeira |
Orthotylus Melanotrichus flavosparsus Franz and Wagner 1961A: 375 |
(PDF not available.) |
Dist., host, biol. |
undefined |
Orthotylus Melanotrichus flavosparsus Wagner 1961N: 57 |
(PDF not available.) |
Diag., host |
undefined |
Melanotrichus flavosparsus Hsiao and Meng 1963A: 445 |
record, host |
China |
Orthotylus flavosparsus Kerzhner 1964A: 976 |
(PDF not available.) |
Diag., fig., dist., host |
undefined |
Orthotylus Melanotrichus flavosparsus Wagner and Weber 1964A: 329 |
(PDF not available.) |
Syn., descr., fig., host, biol., dist. |
undefined |
Orthotylus flavosparsus Kulik 1965A: 60 |
(PDF not available.) |
List |
Siberia |
Orthotylus flavosparsus Pericart 1965A: 382 |
(PDF not available.) |
record |
Corsica |
Orthotylus Melanotrichus flavosparsus Popov 1965A: 187 |
(PDF not available.) |
Hab., dist. |
Asiatic USSR |
Orthotylus flavosparsus Gollner-Scheiding 1972A: 32 |
Record, host |
Germany |
Orthotylus flavosparsus Kerzhner 1973A: 91 |
faunal list |
USSR: Tuva |
Melanotrichus flavosparsus Akingbohungbe, Libby, and Shenefelt 1973A: 13 |
(PDF not available.) |
descr. 5th instar nymph |
USA: Wisconsin |
Orthotylus flavosparsus Andersen and Gaun 1974A: 119 |
(PDF not available.) |
List |
Denmark |
Orthotylus flavosponsus Gollner-Scheiding 1974A: 186 |
List, hab. |
Germany |
Melanotrichus flavosparsus Akingbohungbe 1974A: 253 |
chromosome number |
undefined |
Orthotylus Melanotrichus flavosparsus Wagner 1974H: 229 |
(PDF not available.) |
Descr., fig., host, dist. |
undefined |
Orthotylus Melanotrichus viridipunctatus Wagner 1974H: 230 |
(PDF not available.) |
Descr., dist. |
undefined |
Orthotylus flavosparsus Muramoto 1975A: 161 |
(PDF not available.) |
chromosome numbers |
undefined |
Orthotylus flavosparsus Coulianos and Ossiannilsson 1976A: 146 |
(PDF not available.) |
List, dist. |
Sweden |
Melanotrichus flavosparsus Carvalho and Afonso 1977A: 9 |
List |
Chile |
Orthotylus Melanotrichus flavosparsus Kerzhner 1978A: 43 |
(PDF not available.) |
faunal list |
Russia: Sakhalin Is.; Kurile Is. |
Orthotylus flavosparsus Gollner-Scheiding 1978B: 0 |
(PDF not available.) |
List, hab. |
Macedonia |
Melanotrichus flavosparsus Henry and Smith 1979A: 214 |
List |
USA: Georgia |
Melanotrichus flavosparsus Kelton 1980E: 254 |
(PDF not available.) |
Syn., diag., host, dist., fig., map. |
undefined |
Orthotylus Melanotrichus flavosparsus Tamanini 1982B: 119 |
(PDF not available.) |
Dist., host |
Italy |
Melanotrichus flavosparsus Wheeler, Henry and Mason 1983A: 141 |
List |
USA: West Virginia |
Melanotrichus flavosparsus Akingbohungbe 1983A: 39 |
testis follicle no. |
undefined |
Orthotylus Melanotrichus viridipunctatus Ribes 1984A: 373 |
(PDF not available.) |
record |
Pityusic Is. |
Melanotrichus bicolor Carvalho and Carpintero 1986A: 618, figs. 31--34 |
(PDF not available.) |
n. sp., descr., disc. of generic placement, DV, MG (syn. by Carvalho and Carpinteiro, 1991B:33) |
Argentina: Salta |
Orthotylus flavosparsus Wheeler and Henry 1992A: 130, map 50 |
(PDF not available.) |
Disc. of status as introduced into North America, host info. from literature, map |
USA: Arkansas |
Orthotylus flavosparsus Yasunaga, Miyamoto, and Kerzhner 1996A: 93 |
n. syn., disc. |
undefined |
Tuponia guttula Yasunaga, Miyamoto, and Kerzhner 1996A: 93 |
lectotye designation, disc. |
undefined |
Orthotylus Melanotrichus flavosparsus Yasunaga 1999B: 155, figs. 43, 58--60 |
syn., diag., biol, host, photo adult, MG |
JAPAN: Hokkaido, Honshu; RUSSIA: Primorskij Kraj; SWITZERLAND; TURKEY |
Melanotrichus flavosparsus Wheeler, Henry, and Hoebeke 2006 : 1005, fig. 5 |
(PDF not available.) |
disc., nat. hist., classification, hosts |
CANADA: Newfoundland |
Orthotylus flavosparsus Konstantinov and Namyatova 2009 : 57 |
(PDF not available.) |
distr. recordS |
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Send questions about taxonomic data and website to Randall T. Schuh <
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Citations for this site should read: “Schuh, R.T. 2002-2013. On-line Systematic
Catalog of Plant Bugs (Insecta: Heteroptera: Miridae).
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