Country State SecSubdiv LocalString ElevationMeters Lat Lon Date Collector HostGenus HostSpecies HostSubSp NoSpecimens Sex TypeStatus Depository HerbID AUSTRALIA Western Australia none NW Coastal Hiway 57 km N of Kalbarri Road 500 -27.44756 114.68670 0000-00-00 Schuh and Cassis proserpinae alba Not Recorded 1 Adult Female Paratype AM PERTH 05120306 AUSTRALIA Western Australia none Lake King 350 -33.08715 119.24560 0000-00-00 Schuh and Cassis bonaerensis sparsus Not Recorded 1 Adult Male Paratype AMNH PERTH 05236673 AUSTRALIA Western Australia none Lake King 350 -33.08715 119.24560 0000-00-00 Schuh and Cassis bonaerensis sparsus Not Recorded 1 Adult Male Holotype WAMP PERTH 05236673 AUSTRALIA Western Australia none Lake King 350 -33.08715 119.24560 0000-00-00 Schuh and Cassis bonaerensis sparsus Not Recorded 1 Adult Female Paratype AMNH PERTH 05236673 AUSTRALIA Western Australia none Lake King 350 -33.08715 119.24560 0000-00-00 Schuh and Cassis bonaerensis sparsus Not Recorded 1 Adult Male Paratype AM PERTH 05236673 AUSTRALIA Western Australia none Lake King 350 -33.08715 119.24560 0000-00-00 Schuh and Cassis bonaerensis sparsus Not Recorded 1 Adult Female Paratype AM PERTH 05236673 AUSTRALIA Western Australia none 46.5 km W of Yalgoo 600 -28.41302 116.21510 0000-00-00 Schuh and Cassis timberlakei antennata Not Recorded 1 Adult Male Paratype AM Perth 05120675 AUSTRALIA Western Australia none 46.5 km W of Yalgoo 600 -28.41302 116.21510 0000-00-00 Schuh and Cassis timberlakei antennata Not Recorded 1 Adult Female Paratype AM PERTH 05120675 AUSTRALIA Western Australia none 46.5 km W of Yalgoo 600 -28.41302 116.21510 0000-00-00 Schuh and Cassis timberlakei antennata Not Recorded 1 Adult Female Paratype AMNH Perth 05120667 AUSTRALIA Western Australia none 46.5 km W of Yalgoo 600 -28.41302 116.21510 0000-00-00 Schuh and Cassis timberlakei antennata Not Recorded 1 Adult Female Paratype AMNH Perth 05120675 AUSTRALIA Western Australia none 11 km S of Eneabba, Eneabba National Park 150 -29.90250 115.24321 0000-00-00 Schuh and Cassis althaia striicornis Not Recorded 1 Adult Male Paratype AM PERTH 05120209 AUSTRALIA Western Australia none 11 km S of Eneabba, Eneabba National Park 150 -29.90250 115.24321 0000-00-00 Schuh and Cassis althaia striicornis Not Recorded 1 Adult Female Paratype AM PERTH 05120209 AUSTRALIA Western Australia none Kalbarri National Park, Loop Road 300 -27.56163 114.43760 0000-00-00 Schuh and Cassis bonaerensis pennata Not Recorded 1 Adult Female Paratype AM Perth 05120543 AUSTRALIA Western Australia none Brand Hiway, 55.9 km S of Dongarra Road 100 -29.62933 115.21867 0000-00-00 Schuh and Cassis althaia striicornis Not Recorded 1 Adult Male Paratype AMNH Perth 05120209 AUSTRALIA Western Australia none Brand Hiway, 55.9 km S of Dongarra Road 100 -29.62933 115.21867 0000-00-00 Schuh and Cassis althaia striicornis Not Recorded 1 Adult Female Paratype AMNH Perth 05120209 AUSTRALIA Western Australia none Lochada, Omega track 0.5 km N of Mungada Rd 274 -29.17600 116.54419 0000-00-00 C. Symonds scitula sp#1 Not Recorded 1 Adult Male None UNSW AUSTRALIA Western Australia none Lochada, Omega track 0.5 km N of Mungada Rd 274 -29.17600 116.54419 0000-00-00 C. Symonds scitula sp#1 Not Recorded 1 Adult Female None UNSW AUSTRALIA Western Australia none Lochada, Omega track 0.5 km N of Mungada Rd 274 -29.17600 116.54419 0000-00-00 C. Symonds scitula sp#1 Not Recorded 1 Adult Male None WAMP AUSTRALIA Western Australia none Lochada, Omega track 0.5 km N of Mungada Rd 274 -29.17600 116.54419 0000-00-00 C. Symonds scitula sp#1 Not Recorded 1 Juvenile sex unknown None UNSW AUSTRALIA Western Australia none Lochada, Omega track 0.5 km N of Mungada Rd 274 -29.17600 116.54419 0000-00-00 C. Symonds scitula sp#1 Not Recorded 1 Juvenile sex unknown None WAMP AUSTRALIA Western Australia none Lochada, Omega track 0.5 km N of Mungada Rd 274 -29.17600 116.54419 0000-00-00 C. Symonds scitula sp#1 Not Recorded 1 Adult Female None WAMP AUSTRALIA Western Australia none Lochada, Omega track 0.5 km N of Mungada Rd 274 -29.17600 116.54419 0000-00-00 C. Symonds pacifica rugosa Iuridae 1 Adult Male None UNSW AUSTRALIA Western Australia none Lochada, Omega track 0.5 km N of Mungada Rd 274 -29.17600 116.54419 0000-00-00 C. Symonds pacifica rugosa Iuridae 1 Adult Female None UNSW