Country State SecSubdiv LocalString ElevationMeters Lat Lon Date Collector HostGenus HostSpecies HostSubSp NoSpecimens Sex TypeStatus Depository HerbID AUSTRALIA Western Australia none 80.2 km W of Agnew toward Sandstone 650 -28.00117 119.95930 0000-00-00 Schuh and Cassis juno lazoiana Not Recorded 1 Adult Male Paratype AMNH Perth 05054729 AUSTRALIA Western Australia none 80.2 km W of Agnew toward Sandstone 650 -28.00117 119.95930 0000-00-00 Schuh and Cassis juno lazoiana Not Recorded 1 Adult Male Holotype WAMP PERTH 05054729 AUSTRALIA Western Australia none 80.2 km W of Agnew toward Sandstone 650 -28.00117 119.95930 0000-00-00 Schuh and Cassis juno lazoiana Not Recorded 1 Adult Female None AMNH Perth 05054729 AUSTRALIA Western Australia none 80.2 km W of Agnew toward Sandstone 650 -28.00117 119.95930 0000-00-00 Schuh and Cassis juno lazoiana Not Recorded 1 Adult Female Paratype AMNH PERTH 05054729 AUSTRALIA Western Australia none 80.2 km W of Agnew toward Sandstone 650 -28.00117 119.95930 0000-00-00 Schuh and Cassis juno lazoiana Not Recorded 1 Adult Male Paratype WAMP Perth 05054729 AUSTRALIA Western Australia none 80.2 km W of Agnew toward Sandstone 650 -28.00117 119.95930 0000-00-00 Schuh and Cassis juno lazoiana Not Recorded 1 Adult Female Paratype WAMP Perth 05054729 AUSTRALIA Western Australia none 80.2 km W of Agnew toward Sandstone 650 -28.00117 119.95930 0000-00-00 Schuh and Cassis juno lazoiana Not Recorded 1 Adult Male Paratype AM Perth 05054729 AUSTRALIA Western Australia none 80.2 km W of Agnew toward Sandstone 650 -28.00117 119.95930 0000-00-00 Schuh and Cassis juno lazoiana Not Recorded 1 Adult Male Paratype UNSW PERTH 05054729 AUSTRALIA Western Australia none 80.2 km W of Agnew toward Sandstone 650 -28.00117 119.95930 0000-00-00 Schuh and Cassis juno lazoiana Not Recorded 1 Adult Female Paratype AM Perth 05054729 AUSTRALIA Western Australia none 80.2 km W of Agnew toward Sandstone 650 -28.00117 119.95930 0000-00-00 Schuh and Cassis juno lazoiana Not Recorded 1 Adult Female Paratype UNSW Perth 05054729 AUSTRALIA Western Australia none Carnarvon, Blue Bush 0 -24.88965 113.66922 0000-00-00 A.S. Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult Male None WAMP AUSTRALIA Western Australia none Carnarvon, Blue Bush 0 -24.88965 113.66922 0000-00-00 A.S. Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult Female None WAMP AUSTRALIA Western Australia none NW Coastal Hiway 36 km N of Kalbarri Road 500 -27.62473 114.69020 0000-00-00 Schuh and Cassis Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult Male Paratype AM