Country State SecSubdiv LocalString ElevationMeters Lat Lon Date Collector HostGenus HostSpecies HostSubSp NoSpecimens Sex TypeStatus Depository HerbID AUSTRALIA Tasmania none 16km NW of Ouse 0 -42.39995 146.56994 0000-00-00 G.F. Hevel and J.A. Fortin Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult Male None USNM AUSTRALIA New South Wales none Tallaganda SF. Site 1. 0 -35.66277 149.52888 0000-00-00 J. Tarnawski & S. Lassau Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult Male None AM AUSTRALIA New South Wales none Tallaganda SF. Site 1. 0 -35.66277 149.52888 0000-00-00 J. Tarnawski & S. Lassau Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult Female None AM