Country State SecSubdiv LocalString ElevationMeters Lat Lon Date Collector HostGenus HostSpecies HostSubSp NoSpecimens Sex TypeStatus Depository HerbID AUSTRALIA Western Australia none 28 km S of Menzies (3.5 km E of Hiway) 500 -29.91917 121.15140 0000-00-00 Schuh and Cassis bonaerensis Not Recorded 1 Adult Male Holotype WAMP AUSTRALIA Western Australia none 28 km S of Menzies (3.5 km E of Hiway) 500 -29.91917 121.15140 0000-00-00 Schuh and Cassis bonaerensis Not Recorded 2 Adult Male Paratype WAMP AUSTRALIA Western Australia none 28 km S of Menzies (3.5 km E of Hiway) 500 -29.91917 121.15140 0000-00-00 Schuh and Cassis bonaerensis Not Recorded 3 Adult Female Paratype AMNH AUSTRALIA Western Australia none Pinnacles Desert, Nambung NP 130 -30.60444 115.15611 0000-00-00 G. Cassis pacifica fuscomarginalis Not Recorded 1 Adult Male None UNSW