Country State SecSubdiv LocalString ElevationMeters Lat Lon Date Collector HostGenus HostSpecies HostSubSp NoSpecimens Sex TypeStatus Depository HerbID MONGOLIA South Govi Aimak none 20 km W Barun Bugatyn Khuduk 0 42.89200 102.96800 1969-08-27 L.V. Arnoldi Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult Male None ZISP MONGOLIA South Govi Aimak none 20 km W Barun Bugatyn Khuduk 0 42.89200 102.96800 1969-08-27 L.V. Arnoldi Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 2 Adult Male None ZISP MONGOLIA South Govi Aimak none 20 km W Barun Bugatyn Khuduk 0 42.89200 102.96800 1969-08-27 I. M. Kerzhner Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 2 Adult Male None ZISP MONGOLIA South Govi Aimak none 20 km W Barun Bugatyn Khuduk 0 42.89200 102.96800 1969-08-27 Kozlov Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 2 Adult Male None ZISP MONGOLIA South Govi Aimak none 20 km W Barun Bugatyn Khuduk 0 42.89200 102.96800 1969-08-27 I. M. Kerzhner Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 3 Adult Male None ZISP MONGOLIA South Govi Aimak none 20 km W Barun Bugatyn Khuduk 0 42.89200 102.96800 1969-08-27 I. M. Kerzhner Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult Male None ZISP MONGOLIA South Govi Aimak none 20 km W Barun Bugatyn Khuduk 0 42.89200 102.96800 1969-08-27 I. M. Kerzhner Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult Female None ZISP MONGOLIA South Govi Aimak none 20 km W Barun Bugatyn Khuduk 0 42.89200 102.96800 1969-08-27 L.V. Arnoldi Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 2 Adult Female None ZISP MONGOLIA South Govi Aimak none 20 km W Barun Bugatyn Khuduk 0 42.89200 102.96800 1969-08-27 I. M. Kerzhner aureolus sanrafaelae Not Recorded 1 Adult Male None ZISP MONGOLIA South Govi Aimak none 20 km W Barun Bugatyn Khuduk 0 42.89200 102.96800 1969-08-27 I. M. Kerzhner aureolus sanrafaelae Not Recorded 2 Adult Female None ZISP MONGOLIA South Govi Aimak none 20 km W Barun Bugatyn Khuduk 0 42.89200 102.96800 1969-08-27 I. M. Kerzhner Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 2 Adult Female None ZISP MONGOLIA South Govi Aimak none 20 km W Barun Bugatyn Khuduk 0 42.89200 102.96800 1969-08-27 Kozlov Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult Male None ZISP MONGOLIA South Govi Aimak none 20 km W Barun Bugatyn Khuduk 0 42.89200 102.96800 1969-08-27 Kozlov Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 2 Adult Female None ZISP MONGOLIA South Govi Aimak none 20 km W Barun Bugatyn Khuduk 0 42.89200 102.96800 1969-08-27 Kozlov Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult Female None ZISP MONGOLIA South Govi Aimak none 20 km W Barun Bugatyn Khuduk 0 42.89200 102.96800 1969-08-27 L.V. Arnoldi Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult Female None ZISP MONGOLIA South Govi Aimak none 20 km W Barun Bugatyn Khuduk 0 42.89200 102.96800 1969-08-27 I. M. Kerzhner Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 3 Adult Female None ZISP MONGOLIA South Govi Aimak none 20 km W Barun Bugatyn Khuduk 0 42.89200 102.96800 1969-08-27 Kozlov Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 3 Adult Female None ZISP MONGOLIA South Govi Aimak none 20 km W Barun Bugatyn Khuduk 0 42.89200 102.96800 1969-08-27 L.V. Arnoldi Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 3 Adult Female None ZISP MONGOLIA South Govi Aimak none 20 km W Barun Bugatyn Khuduk 0 42.89200 102.96800 1969-08-27 Zaytsev Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 3 Adult Female None ZISP MONGOLIA Govialtay Aimak none Ushiyn-Bulak spring, 30 km NW Jargalant [Beger] 0 45.89500 96.89900 0000-00-00 I. M. Kerzhner Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult Male None ZISP MONGOLIA Govialtay Aimak none Ushiyn-Bulak spring, 30 km NW Jargalant [Beger] 0 45.89500 96.89900 0000-00-00 I. M. Kerzhner Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult Female None ZISP MONGOLIA South Govi Aimak none Bain-dzag 30 km NNE Bulgan 0 44.32300 103.72400 0000-00-00 I. M. Kerzhner Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult Male None ZISP MONGOLIA South Govi Aimak none Bain-dzag 30 km NNE Bulgan 0 44.32300 103.72400 1967-07-28 I. M. Kerzhner aureolus sanrafaelae Not Recorded 1 Adult Male None ZISP MONGOLIA South Govi Aimak none 70 km E of Talyn Bilgeh Bulak spring 0 42.94600 100.08500 0000-00-00 I. M. Kerzhner Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult Male None ZISP MONGOLIA South Govi Aimak none 70 km S Noen 0 42.54100 102.13700 1969-08-24 Kozlov itatiaiana indeprensa Not Recorded 1 Adult Male None ZISP MONGOLIA South Hangay Aimak none E coast of Tatsyn-Tsagan-nur Lake 0 45.14600 101.50400 0000-00-00 I. M. Kerzhner aureolus sanrafaelae Not Recorded 1 Adult Male None ZISP MONGOLIA South Govi Aimak none Dzemgin-Gobi, 25 km SSW Khailastyn-Khuduk 0 42.41300 106.44200 0000-00-00 Kozlov aureolus sanrafaelae Not Recorded 1 Adult Female None ZISP MONGOLIA South Govi Aimak none Dzemgin-Gobi, 25 km SSW Khailastyn-Khuduk 0 42.41300 106.44200 0000-00-00 Kozlov aureolus sanrafaelae Not Recorded 1 Adult Male None ZISP MONGOLIA South Govi Aimak none 70 km E of Talyn Bilgeh Bulak spring 0 42.94600 100.08500 0000-00-00 I. M. Kerzhner itatiaiana indeprensa Not Recorded 1 Adult Female None ZISP MONGOLIA South Govi Aimak none Bag-Mod 6 km NW Kharyn-Shand 0 42.79800 102.67300 0000-00-00 Kozlov Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult Female None ZISP MONGOLIA South Hangay Aimak none E coast of Tatsyn-Tsagan-nur Lake 0 45.14600 101.50400 0000-00-00 A. F. Emeljanov aureolus sanrafaelae Not Recorded 2 Adult Female None ZISP MONGOLIA South Hangay Aimak none E coast of Tatsyn-Tsagan-nur Lake 0 45.14600 101.50400 0000-00-00 A. F. Emeljanov aureolus sanrafaelae Not Recorded 1 Adult Male None ZISP MONGOLIA Govialtay Aimak none Shargyn-Gobi, 10 km NEE Bayan 0 46.11900 95.72800 0000-00-00 A. F. Emeljanov aureolus sanrafaelae Not Recorded 1 Adult Female None ZISP MONGOLIA Govialtay Aimak none Shargyn-Gobi, 10 km NEE Bayan 0 46.11900 95.72800 0000-00-00 A. F. Emeljanov aureolus sanrafaelae Not Recorded 2 Adult Male None ZISP KAZAKHSTAN Mangistau Prov. none S Usturt, chink Burchliburun 0 41.95000 56.18333 0000-00-00 Unknown Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult Female None ZISP TURKMENISTAN none none Repetek 0 38.58333 63.18333 0000-00-00 Pazhitnova Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult Male None ZISP TURKMENISTAN none none Repetek 0 38.58333 63.18333 0000-00-00 Pazhitnova Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult Female None ZISP TURKMENISTAN none none Toutly, 35 km NE of Gyzylarbat 0 39.18333 56.53333 0000-00-00 K.G. Romadina Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult Male None ZISP KAZAKHSTAN Kyzylorda Prov. none Razvaliny [=Ruins] Chirikrabat, Kyzylkum sands 0 44.10000 62.90000 0000-00-00 I. M. Kerzhner itatiaiana urarti Not Recorded 1 Adult Male Paratype ZISP UZBEKISTAN none none Saman Mt nr Dengizkul 0 39.01667 64.13333 0000-00-00 A. Hohlbeck Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult Male None ZISP UZBEKISTAN none none Saman Mt nr Dengizkul 0 39.01667 64.13333 0000-00-00 A. Hohlbeck Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult Female None ZISP TURKMENISTAN none none Dzhebel 0 39.61666 54.23333 0000-00-00 V. Popov Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult Male Paratype ZISP TURKMENISTAN none none Repetek 0 38.58333 63.18333 0000-00-00 Pazhitnova Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult Female Paratype ZISP TURKMENISTAN none none Akhchaguyma 0 39.35000 55.16666 0000-00-00 Putshkov Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 2 Adult Female Paratype ZISP TURKMENISTAN none none Akhchaguyma 0 39.35000 55.16666 0000-00-00 Putshkov Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult Male Paratype ZISP CHINA Xinjiang Uygur Zizhiqu none Kalakashitake shannan 1661 39.47802 92.23136 0000-00-00 Zhaohui Luo Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult Male None XIEG CHINA Xinjiang Uygur Zizhiqu none Kalakashitake shannan 1661 39.47802 92.23136 0000-00-00 Zhaohui Luo Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult Female None ZISP CHINA Xinjiang Uygur Zizhiqu none Huyang quan, Ruoqiang 1694 39.53436 92.50847 0000-00-00 Zhaohui Luo Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult Male None XIEG CHINA Xinjiang Uygur Zizhiqu none Huyang quan, Ruoqiang 1694 39.53436 92.50847 0000-00-00 Zhaohui Luo Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult Female None XIEG KAZAKHSTAN Kyzylorda Prov. none 30 km ESE of Kyzylorda 0 44.71861 65.88139 0000-00-00 F. Konstantinov & N. Simov Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult Male None ZISP