Country State SecSubdiv LocalString ElevationMeters Lat Lon Date Collector HostGenus HostSpecies HostSubSp NoSpecimens Sex TypeStatus Depository HerbID AUSTRALIA South Australia none 10.3 km W of Quondong Vale 100 -33.11370 140.22310 0000-00-00 Schuh and Cassis chlorizans querci Not Recorded 1 Adult Male Paratype AM PERTH 05236770 AUSTRALIA South Australia none 10.3 km W of Quondong Vale 100 -33.11370 140.22310 0000-00-00 Schuh and Cassis chlorizans querci Not Recorded 1 Adult Female Paratype AM PERTH 05236770 AUSTRALIA South Australia none 17 km E of Nepebunna, Gammon Ranges National Park 480 -30.57312 139.12730 0000-00-00 Schuh, Cassis, Silveira chlorizans querci Not Recorded 1 Adult Female Paratype AM NSW427466 AUSTRALIA South Australia none nr Nooldoonooldoona waterhole, Arkaroola Stn 0 -30.27256 139.28767 0000-00-00 N. McFarland chlorizans nigricula Not Recorded 1 Adult Male Paratype SAMA AUSTRALIA South Australia none W of Melton St at Chapman St, Blackwood 0 -35.01600 138.61200 0000-00-00 N. McFarland chlorizans nigricula Not Recorded 1 Adult Female Paratype SAMA AUSTRALIA South Australia none 2 km SE of Sandyoota Well 0 -31.36500 139.73500 0000-00-00 G. F. Gross chlorizans fuentei Not Recorded 1 Adult Male Paratype SAMA AUSTRALIA New South Wales none Nyngan Dist. 0 -31.56500 147.20100 1960-02-09 T. E. Woodward chlorizans flavus Not Recorded 1 Adult Male Paratype UQIC AUSTRALIA South Australia none 20 km W of Nepabunna, Mt. Serle 630 -30.55365 138.83040 0000-00-00 Schuh, Cassis, Silveira chlorizans querci Not Recorded 1 Adult Female Paratype AM NSW427465 AUSTRALIA South Australia none 26 km E of Olary 0 -32.29500 140.69100 0000-00-00 Schuh and Cassis chlorizans querci Not Recorded 1 Adult Female Paratype AM NSW395949 AUSTRALIA South Australia none 66-69 km NW of Morgan, Cane Grass 150 -33.58334 140.03330 0000-00-00 Schuh, Cassis, and Gross chlorizans curtula Not Recorded 1 Adult Male Paratype AM AUSTRALIA South Australia none 66-69 km NW of Morgan, Cane Grass 150 -33.58334 140.03330 0000-00-00 Schuh, Cassis, and Gross chlorizans curtula Not Recorded 1 Adult Female Paratype AM AUSTRALIA South Australia none 41.5 km NW of Morgan 150 -33.63335 139.91670 0000-00-00 Schuh, Cassis, and Gross chlorizans curtula Not Recorded 1 Adult Male Paratype AM AUSTRALIA Queensland none 2 km E of Miles 370 -26.66065 150.21980 0000-00-00 Schuh, Cassis, Silveira merinoi pulidoi Not Recorded 1 Adult Male Paratype AM NSW427618 AUSTRALIA Queensland none 2 km E of Miles 370 -26.66065 150.21980 0000-00-00 Schuh, Cassis, Silveira merinoi pulidoi Not Recorded 1 Juvenile sex unknown Paratype AM NSW427618 AUSTRALIA New South Wales none 92 km SW Bourke toward Louth (4 km E of Louth) 100 -30.53334 145.16670 0000-00-00 Schuh and Cassis chlorizans querci Not Recorded 1 Juvenile sex unknown Paratype AM NSW 395949 AUSTRALIA New South Wales none 92 km SW Bourke toward Louth (4 km E of Louth) 100 -30.53334 145.16670 0000-00-00 Schuh and Cassis chlorizans querci Not Recorded 1 Adult Male Paratype AM NSW 395949 AUSTRALIA New South Wales none 92 km SW Bourke toward Louth (4 km E of Louth) 100 -30.53334 145.16670 0000-00-00 Schuh and Cassis chlorizans querci Not Recorded 1 Adult Female Paratype AM NSW 395949 AUSTRALIA New South Wales none 27 km W of Retreat (30 km E Manilla) 350 -30.66668 150.83330 0000-00-00 Schuh and Cassis chlorizans punctipes pictulifer 1 Adult Male Paratype AM NSW 395926 AUSTRALIA New South Wales none 69 km SW Wilcannia toward Menindee 150 -31.91669 142.95000 0000-00-00 Schuh and Cassis chlorizans querci Not Recorded 1 Adult Male Paratype AM NSW 395949 AUSTRALIA New South Wales none 69 km SW Wilcannia toward Menindee 150 -31.91669 142.95000 0000-00-00 Schuh and Cassis chlorizans querci Not Recorded 1 Adult Female Paratype AM NSW 395949 AUSTRALIA New South Wales none 63 km SW of Louth toward Wilcannia 100 -30.83335 144.68330 0000-00-00 Schuh and Cassis chlorizans querci Not Recorded 1 Adult Female Paratype AM NSW 395949 AUSTRALIA New South Wales none 63 km SW of Louth toward Wilcannia 100 -30.83335 144.68330 0000-00-00 Schuh and Cassis chlorizans querci Not Recorded 1 Adult Male Paratype AM NSW 395949 AUSTRALIA Western Australia none 53.9 km N of Kalgoorlie 600 -30.28882 121.25580 0000-00-00 Schuh and Cassis chlorizans querci Not Recorded 1 Adult Male Paratype AM PERTH 05879140 AUSTRALIA Western Australia none 49.1 km N of Norseman 600 -30.32116 121.28510 0000-00-00 Schuh and Cassis chlorizans querci Not Recorded 1 Juvenile sex unknown None AM PERTH 05095158 AUSTRALIA Western Australia none 49.1 km N of Norseman 600 -30.32116 121.28510 0000-00-00 Schuh and Cassis chlorizans querci Not Recorded 1 Adult Male Paratype AM PERTH 05095158 AUSTRALIA South Australia none Aldinga Bay, Sellicks Beach Res. 0 -35.33300 138.44700 0000-00-00 E. G. Matthews & J. A. Forrest chlorizans Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult Male Paratype AM AUSTRALIA South Australia none 66-69 km NW of Morgan, Cane Grass 150 -33.58334 140.03330 0000-00-00 Schuh, Cassis, and Gross chlorizans curtula Not Recorded 1 Adult sex unknown Paratype AM AUSTRALIA South Australia none 41.5 km NW of Morgan 150 -33.63335 139.91670 0000-00-00 Schuh, Cassis, and Gross frontosus erinaceae Not Recorded 1 Adult Female Paratype AMNH NSW 395968 AUSTRALIA South Australia none Mt Serle district (near Gammon Ranges National Park) 567 -30.55001 138.83700 0000-00-00 Cassis, Schuh, and Schwartz Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult Male Paratype AM AUSTRALIA South Australia none 12 km E of Copely, Flinders Range 322 -30.53334 138.53120 0000-00-00 Cassis, Schuh, and Schwartz Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult Male Paratype AM AUSTRALIA South Australia none 5 km S of Martins Well 189 -31.43334 139.08780 0000-00-00 Cassis, Schuh, and Schwartz chlorizans querci Not Recorded 1 Adult Female Paratype AM NSW666366 AUSTRALIA New South Wales none 119.9 km E of Broken Hill on Barrier Hiway 231 -31.71668 142.69120 0000-00-00 Cassis, Schuh, and Schwartz chlorizans querci Not Recorded 1 Adult Male Paratype AM NSW666389 AUSTRALIA South Australia none Mt Serle district (near Gammon Ranges National Park) 567 -30.55001 138.83700 0000-00-00 Cassis, Schuh, and Schwartz chlorizans querci Not Recorded 1 Adult Male Holotype AM NSW666357 AUSTRALIA South Australia none Mt Serle district (near Gammon Ranges National Park) 567 -30.55001 138.83700 0000-00-00 Cassis, Schuh, and Schwartz chlorizans querci Not Recorded 1 Adult Male Paratype AM NSW666357 AUSTRALIA South Australia none Mt Serle district (near Gammon Ranges National Park) 567 -30.55001 138.83700 0000-00-00 Cassis, Schuh, and Schwartz chlorizans querci Not Recorded 1 Adult Female Paratype AM NSW666357 AUSTRALIA South Australia none Mt Serle district (near Gammon Ranges National Park) 567 -30.55001 138.83700 0000-00-00 Cassis, Schuh, and Schwartz chlorizans querci Not Recorded 1 Juvenile sex unknown None AM NSW666357 AUSTRALIA South Australia Kangaroo Island West Bay Road 0 -35.89022 136.55858 0000-00-00 G. S. Taylor & J. T. Jennings Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult Female None UNSW AUSTRALIA South Australia none Barber Hill 0 -32.19494 135.09909 0000-00-00 R. Kittel Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult Female None UNSW AUSTRALIA South Australia none Hiltaba: Barber hill, S of Hiltaba Shearer's Quarters 234 -32.19480 135.09944 0000-00-00 M. Cheng & G.S. Taylor chlorizans querci Not Recorded 1 Adult Male None UNSW AUSTRALIA South Australia Kangaroo Island West Bay Rd 0 -35.88983 136.55915 0000-00-00 G. S. Taylor & J. T. Jennings Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult Female None UNSW AUSTRALIA South Australia none HIltaba Bush Blitz 0 -32.19494 135.09909 0000-00-00 R. Kittel Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult Female None UNSW