Country State SecSubdiv LocalString ElevationMeters Lat Lon Date Collector HostGenus HostSpecies HostSubSp NoSpecimens Sex TypeStatus Depository HerbID IRAQ al-Anbar none Between Ar Rutbah and Qaim 0 33.03400 40.30300 0000-00-00 R. Linnavuori Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult Male None ZISP TURKMENISTAN none none Uly Balkan Gershi Mt range [Bol'shie Balkhany] 0 39.65900 54.52300 0000-00-00 Putshkov Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult Male Paratype ZISP TURKMENISTAN none none Uly Balkan Gershi Mt range [Bol'shie Balkhany] 0 39.65900 54.52300 0000-00-00 Putshkov Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult Female Paratype ZISP KAZAKHSTAN South Kazakhstan Prov. none 6 km W of Shilik Vill. 200 42.88889 68.73361 0000-00-00 F. Konstantinov & N. Simov Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult Male None ZISP