Country State SecSubdiv LocalString ElevationMeters Lat Lon Date Collector HostGenus HostSpecies HostSubSp NoSpecimens Sex TypeStatus Depository HerbID VENEZUELA Aragua Maracay Rancho Grande 1200 10.40167 -67.58500 0000-00-00 Unknown Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult Male Paratype AMNH VENEZUELA Aragua Maracay Rancho Grande 1200 10.40167 -67.58500 0000-00-00 Unknown Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult sex unknown Paratype AMNH VENEZUELA Aragua Maracay Rancho Grande 1200 10.40167 -67.58500 0000-00-00 Unknown Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult Female Paratype AMNH VENEZUELA Aragua none municipality of Rancho Grande, nr Maracay 0 10.34944 -67.68556 0000-00-00 Unknown Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult Male Paratype AMNH VENEZUELA Aragua none municipality of Rancho Grande, nr Maracay 0 10.34944 -67.68556 0000-00-00 Unknown Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult Female Paratype AMNH VENEZUELA Aragua none Rancho Grande 0 10.41108 -67.46319 0000-00-00 Unknown Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult Female Paratype AMNH VENEZUELA Aragua none Rancho Grande 0 10.41108 -67.46319 0000-00-00 J. Maldonado C. Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult Male Paratype AMNH VENEZUELA Aragua none Rancho Grande 0 10.41108 -67.46319 0000-00-00 L. J. Joly Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult Male Paratype AMNH VENEZUELA Falcon none Coro 30 11.41666 -69.66666 0000-00-00 M. H. Sweet Not Recorded Not Recorded Not Recorded 1 Adult Male Paratype AMNH