Country State SecSubdiv LocalString ElevationMeters Lat Lon Date Collector HostGenus HostSpecies HostSubSp NoSpecimens Sex TypeStatus Depository HerbID AUSTRALIA Tasmania none Cradle Mountain - Lake Saint Clair National Park, Visitor Centre, Cradle Mountain 823 -41.59618 145.93080 0000-00-00 M.D. Schwartz and P.P. Tinerella ohe nigripes Not Recorded 1 Adult Male None AMNH NSW658260 AUSTRALIA Tasmania none Southwest National Park (Maydena access): Edgar Campground on Scotts Peak Rd 293 -43.03019 146.34970 0000-00-00 M.D. Schwartz and P.P. Tinerella ohe mirzojani Not Recorded 1 Adult Male None AMNH NSW658233 AUSTRALIA Tasmania none Cradle Mountain - Lake Saint Clair National Park, Visitor Centre, Cradle Mountain 823 -41.59618 145.93080 0000-00-00 M.D. Schwartz and P.P. Tinerella ohe nigripes Not Recorded 1 Adult Female None AMNH NSW658260 AUSTRALIA Tasmania none Cradle Mountain - Lake St Clair Nat Park, Ronny Creek carpark and Little Kate House vicinity 868 -41.63579 145.94963 0000-00-00 M.D. Schwartz and P.P. Tinerella ohe punctatipennis Not Recorded 1 Adult Female None AMNH NSW658263 AUSTRALIA Tasmania none Cradle Mountain - Lake St Clair Nat Park, Ronny Creek carpark and Little Kate House vicinity 868 -41.63579 145.94963 0000-00-00 M.D. Schwartz and P.P. Tinerella ohe punctatipennis Not Recorded 1 Adult Male None AMNH NSW658263 AUSTRALIA Tasmania none Cradle Mountain - Lake Saint Clair National Park, Visitor Centre, Cradle Mountain 823 -41.59618 145.93080 0000-00-00 M.D. Schwartz and P.P. Tinerella ohe mirzojani Not Recorded 1 Adult Female None AMNH NSW658233 AUSTRALIA Tasmania none Mt. Pine [Pine Lake] 1196 -41.74202 146.70254 0000-00-00 G. Cassis ohe raritatis Not Recorded 1 Adult Male None AM AUSTRALIA Tasmania none Mt. Pine [Pine Lake] 1196 -41.74202 146.70254 0000-00-00 G. Cassis ohe raritatis Not Recorded 1 Adult Female None AM