References for species Pelegrina insignis (Banks, 1892)

Species Reference Comment Distribution
Dendryphantes insignis Banks 1892a: 74, pl. 5, f. 28
(PDF not available.)  (Df). USA, Canada
Metaphidippus insignis Kaston 1948: 471, f. 1750-1752
(PDF not available.)  (f, Dm).  
Metaphidippus insignis Kaston 1973: 114, f. 34-36
(PDF not available.)  (removed mf from S of Dendryphantes capitatus per Roewer).  
Metaphidippus insignis Cutler 1980: 270, f. 1A, C, 2A-E
(PDF not available.)  (m).  
Pelegrina insignis Maddison 1996: 284, f. 128, 150-151, 205, 245, 348-353
(PDF not available.)  (Tmf from Metaphidippus).  
Pelegrina insignis Paquin & Dupérré 2003: 198, f. 2215-2217
(PDF not available.)  (mf).  
None noted here.
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