3D Tomography and 2D Microprobe Data on DVD
Meteorite 3-Dimensional Synchrotron Microtomography: Methods and Applications
Ebel D.S. and Rivers M.L. (2007) Meteoritics and Planetary Science 42: 1627-1646.
Captions (pdf version)
(ASCII text version)
Tomography parameters (pdf version)
(ASCII text version, tab-delimited)
Fig. 1: Al Rais (CR2)
Whole sample: 17.11 micron/voxel edge, 522 x by 482 y by 472 z voxels.
> Al Rais pc 1: MPG on Y axis.
> Al Rais pc 1: MPG on Z axis.
Cut piece B2: 6.56 micron/voxel edge, 480 x by 480 y by 1431 z voxels.
> Al Rais sub-section B2: MPG on Y axis.
> Fig. 2: Itqiy: movie on Y axis. 8.71 micron/voxel edge, 352 x by 542 y by 917 z voxels.
> Fig. 3: chondrules
Fig. 3a: TIFF image stacks of chondrules separated from main volume of Renazzo, DVD-Fig. 8.
(all 17.11 micron/voxel edge)
> chondrule 1
> chondrule 2
> chondrule 3
> chondrule 4
> chondrule 5
> chondrule 6
> chondrule 7
> chondrule 8
Fig. 3b: TIFF image stacks of compound chondrule from main volume of Renazzo.
> cc-X
> cc-Y
> cc-Z
Fig. 3c: Compound chondrule pair from Allende.
> BB2 MPG on Y axis. Note Mg-olivine core.
> BB1 tiffs on X axis. Dashed lines on voids.
> BB1 tiffs on X axis Dashed lines on voids.
> BB1 MPG on Y axis
> BB1 MPG on Z axis. Impact crater is at top.
> BB2 element maps on cut surface.
Other chondrules:
Fig. 3d: > Bjurbole chondrule 7, Y axis. Barred olivine.
Fig. 3e: > Karoonda chondrule 30, raw x-ray frames on rotation (in epoxy).
Fig. 3f: > Karoonda chondrule 30. Porphyritic olivine, on Y axis.
Fig. 3g: > Karoonda chondrule 18. Barred olivine with thick rim.
Fig. 3h: > Karoonda chondrule 22. Porphyritic olivine.
Fig. 3i: > Karoonda chondrule 11. Concentrically zoned.
Fig. 3j: > Metal in Renazzo chondrule #1, segmented (avi animation).
> Fig. 4: Zagami (basaltic Shergottite) MPG movie on Y axis, 10.49 micron/voxel edge.
> Fig. 5: Allende (CV3 ox) 17.09 micron/voxel edge, 280 x by 398 y by 1065 z voxels.
> Fig. 5a: Allende2: Tomography section, tiff stack on X axis.
> Fig. 5b: Allende2: polished section 3, surface x-ray maps.
> Fig. 5c: Allende2: ps3, thresholded tomographic image
> Fig. 5d: Allende2: 3D images, chondrules/matrix.
> Fig. 5e: Allende2: MPG on X axis
> Fig. 5f: Allende2: MPG of thresholded cropped volume, on X axis
> Fig. 6: Semarkona (LL3) 17.07 micron/voxel edge, 400 x by 550 y by 1365 z voxels.
> Fig. 6a: Semarkona: Geometry of cut sample.
> Fig. 6b: Semarkona: Silicon x-ray intensity map, surface ps1.
> Fig. 6c: Semarkona: Iron x-ray intensity map, surface ps1.
> Fig. 6d: Semarkona: Magnesium x-ray intensity map, surface ps1.
> Fig. 6e: Semarkona: Aluminum x-ray intensity map, surface ps1.
> Fig. 6f: Semarkona: Back-scattered electron image, surface ps1.
> Fig. 6g: Semarkona: Tomography data at imaged surface ps1.
> Fig. 6h: Semarkona: MPG tomography data on X axis.
> Fig. 7: Krymka (LL3.1) 10.2 micron/voxel edge, 510 x by 350 y by 516 z voxels.
> Fig. 7a: Krymka1: MPG tomography data on Z axis.
> Fig. 7b: Krymka1: MPG tomography data on Y axis.
> Fig. 8: Renazzo (CR2) 17.11 micron/voxel edge, 554 x by 554 y by 472 z voxels.
> Fig. 8a: Renazzo1: TIFF stack, tomography data on Y axis.
> Fig. 8b: Renazzo1: MPG tomography data on X axis.
> Fig. 8c: Renazzo1: MPG tomography data on Z axis.
> Fig. 8d: Renazzo1: Silicon x-ray intensity map, surface psA.
> Fig. 8e: Renazzo1: Iron x-ray intensity map, surface psA.
> Fig. 8f: Renazzo1: Calcium x-ray intensity map, surface psA.
> Fig. 8g: Renazzo1: Magnesium x-ray intensity map, surface psA.
> Fig. 8h: Renazzo1: Aluminum x-ray intensity map, surface psA.
> Fig. 8i: Renazzo1: Back-scattered electron image, surface psA.
> Fig. 8j: Renazzo1: Surface & tomography relationships for chondrules.
> Fig. 9: Acfer139 (CR2) 10.50 micron/voxel edge.
> Fig. 9a: Acfer139: Geometry of sample cuts.
> Fig. 9b: Acfer139-1: MPG on X axis in sample 1, 376 x by 502 y by 1829 z voxels.
> Fig. 9c: Acfer139-2: MPG on Y axis in sample 2, 372 x by 454 y by 1829 z voxels.
> Fig. 10: NWA487 (LL3) 17.04 micron/voxel edge, 450 x by 450 y by 1365 z voxels.
> NWA487: MPG on X axis.
> NWA487: MPG on Z axis.
> Fig. 11: Allende CAI-1 10.24 micron/voxel edge, 446 x by 566 y by 850 z voxels.
> Fig. 11a: Allende CAI1: MPG on X axis.
> Fig. 11b: Allende CAI1: MPG on Y axis.
> Fig. 11c: Allende CAI1: Segmentation of melilite.
> Fig. 11d: Allende CAI1: Segmentation & animation of voids.
> Fig. 11e: Allende CAI1: Thresholding of outer surface.
> Fig. 11f: Allende CAI1: Segmentation & animation of metal-sulfide.
> Fig. 12: Leoville (CV3,r) MPG on Y axis. Note terrestrial rust veining.
10.50 micron/voxel edge, 499 x by 549 y by 1154 z voxels.
> Fig. 13: Aerogel 14.49 micron/voxel edge, 650 x by 650 y by 515 z voxels.
> Fig. 13a: Aerogel-B1: MPG of full tomography volume on Y axis.
> Fig. 13b: Aerogel-B1: track 1: MPG of tomography on Y axis.
> Fig. 13c: Aerogel-B1: track 1: MPG of tomography on Z axis.
> Fig. 14: Lunar Spherules: MPG on X axis. 1.96 micron/voxel edge, 380 x by 420 y by 1515 z voxels.
> Fig. 15: Wire saw setup.
DVD - Appendix 1 (jump to DVD - Figures)
> Tomography parameters (pdf version)
(ASCII text version, tab-delimited)
> Al Rais (CR2-anom) tomography piece 1, subsection B2, AMNH #4168-B2.
Whole sample: 6.56 micron/voxel edge, 480 x by 480 y by 1431 z voxels, 3-stack offset 3.00mm.
> tiff stack normal to Y axis. (314 MB)
> MPG on X axis
> MPG on Z axis
Images (mpg and tiff stacks) are thresholded to min/max = -500/8000 grayscale values.
> Gao Guenie B (CR2) tomography piece 1, AMNH #5029, 1.798 g.
Whole sample: 14.63 micron/voxel edge, 460 x by 388 y by 1534 z voxels, 5-stack offset 4.40mm.
> tiff stack normal to X axis. (263 MB)
> tiff stack frames 320-360 normal to Y axis. (28 MB)
> MPG on X axis, scaled by 1/2.
> MPG on Y axis, scaled by 1/2.
Images (mpg and tiff stacks) are thresholded to min/max = 800/6000 grayscale values.
> Surface BSE, x-ray mosaics, tomo
Surface is not cut and polished precisely parallel to virtual tomography 'slice' normal to Y~330.
> Hallingeberg (L3.4) tomography piece 1, AMNH #4245, 1.574 g.
Whole sample: 14.63 micron/voxel edge, 420 x by 488 y by 1699 z voxels, 5-stack offset 4.90mm.
> tiff stack normal to Y axis. (332 MB)
> MPG on X axis, scaled by 1/2.
> MPG on Y axis, scaled by 1/2.
> MPG on Z axis.
Images (mpg and tiff stacks) are thresholded to min/max = 0/15000 grayscale values.
> Itqiy (EH, anom) tomography piece 1.
Whole sample: 8.715 micron/voxel edge, 352 x by 524 y by 917 z voxels, 2-stack offset 3.50mm.
> tiff stack normal to X axis. (162 MB)
> MPG of x-ray images of the top half(A), in rotation.
(This is 'raw' data, a sequence of radiograms at 720 angles through a half rotation in the x-ray beam.)
> MPG on Z axis.
Images (mpg and tiff stacks) are thresholded to min/max = -500/12000 grayscale values.
> Ivuna (CI) tomography piece 1, AMNH #3963, 0.071 g.
Whole sample: 13.05 micron/voxel edge, 650 x by 650 y by 453 z voxels, single stack.
> MPG on Y axis.
Images (mpg and tiff stacks) are thresholded to min/max = -1000/8000 grayscale values.
Sample is contained in a cylinder of transparent plastic tape.
> Kainsaz (CO3.2) tomography piece 2, AMNH #4717, 0.22 g.
Whole sample: 7.595 micron/voxel edge, 458 by 580 y by 1359 z voxels, 3-stack offset 3.20mm.
> tiff stack normal to Z axis. (162 MB)
> MPG on Y axis.
> MPG on X axis.
Images (mpg and tiff stacks) are thresholded to min/max = 0/15000 grayscale values.
> Volume data file (NetCDF format). (705 MB)
> Khohar (L3.6) tomography piece 1, AMNH #4245, 1.574 g.
Whole sample: 17.073 micron/voxel edge, 336 x by 478 y by 950 z voxels, 4-stack offset 3.80mm.
> tiff stack normal to Y axis. (145 MB)
> AVI video of thresholded sulfides (red).
(Produced using ImageJ software.)
> MPG on X axis, scaled by 1/2.
> MPG on Y axis, scaled by 1/2.
> MPG on Z axis.
Images (mpg and tiff stacks) are thresholded to min/max = -1000/15000 grayscale values.
> Murchison (CM2) tomography piece 2, AMNH #4377.
Whole sample: 17.00 micron/voxel edge, 496 x by 454 y by 714 z voxels, 3-stack offset 3.40mm.
> MPG on X axis, scaled by 1/2.
> MPG on Y axis, scaled by 1/2.
> MPG on Z axis.
Images (mpg and tiff stacks) are thresholded to min/max = 0/15000 grayscale values.
> Nakhla (SNC) tomography piece 1, AMNH #3887, 0.545 g.
Whole sample: 11.07 micron/voxel edge, 410 x by 469 y by 1342 z voxels, 3-stack offset 5.00mm.
> tiff stack normal to Y axis. (246 MB)
> MPG on X axis, scaled by 1/2.
> MPG on Z axis.
Images (mpg and tiff stacks) are thresholded to min/max = -1000/14000 grayscale values.
> Sahara 97096 (EH3) tomography piece 1, AMNH #4940, 1.15g.
Whole sample: 17.073 micron/voxel edge, 384 x by 480 y by 341 z voxels, single data volume.
> MPG on Z axis.
Images (mpg and tiff stacks) are thresholded to min/max = -500/8000 grayscale values.
> Semarkona (L3.0) tomography piece 2, AMNH #4128, 2.32 g.
Whole sample: 17.073 micron/voxel edge, 400 x by 550 y by 1365 z voxels, 5-stack offset 4.50mm.
> tiff stack normal to X axis. (286 MB)
> MPG on Y axis.
> MPG on Z axis.
Images (mpg and tiff stacks) are thresholded to min/max = -500/8000 grayscale values.
> Vigarano (CV3-r) tomography piece 4, AMNH #2226-4, 1.225 g.
Whole sample: 17.073 micron/voxel edge, 400 x by 550 y by 1365 z voxels, 5-stack offset 4.50mm.
> tiff stack normal to X axis. (273 MB)
> tiff stack normal to Z axis. (273 MB)
> MPG on Y axis.
Images (mpg and tiff stacks) are thresholded to min/max = -500/12000 grayscale values.
> Miscellaneous video (complementary to images in 'DVD - Figures')
> Allende chondrule BB2: MPG on Z axis.
> Allende tomography section 2: MPG on Y axis.
> Bjurbole chondrule 7, Z axis. Barred olivine.
> Krymka1: whole piece. MPG on X axis.
Meteorite 3-Dimensional Synchrotron Microtomography: Methods and Applications
Ebel D.S. and Rivers M.L. (2007) Meteoritics and Planetary Science 42: 1627-1646.