References for species Psallus quercus (Kirschbaum, 1856)

Species Reference Comment Distribution
Capsus quercus Kirschbaum 1856A: 323
  n. sp. Germany
Capsus simillimus Kirschbaum 1856A: 325
  n. sp. (syn. by Wagner, 1943:34) Germany
Psallus quercus montandoni Reuter 1894A: 144
  n. var. Valachia
Psallus quercus grisescens Stichel 1933A: 266
(PDF not available.)  n. form Europe
Psallus quercus fuscata Stichel 1933A: 266
(PDF not available.)  n. form Europe
Psallus simillimus basipallens Stichel 1933A: 265
(PDF not available.)  n. form Europe
Psallus quercus maculata Stichel 1933A: 266
(PDF not available.)  n. form Europe
Psallus quercus basipallens Stichel 1956A: 290
(PDF not available.)  erroneously list as new form Europe
Psallus quercus Carvalho 1958A: 128
  Cat. undefined
Psallus quercus Southwood and Leston 1959A: 225
(PDF not available.)  Fig., dist., host, biol. undefined
Psallus Hylopsallus quecus Ehanno 1960A: 319
(PDF not available.)  List, host France
Psallus Hylopsallus quercus Franz and Wagner 1961A: 384
(PDF not available.)  Dist., host undefined
Psallus Hylopsallus quercus Wagner 1961N: 70, fig. 41e
(PDF not available.)  Diag., MG, host undefined
Psallus Phylidea quercus Kerzhner 1964A: 991
(PDF not available.)  Diag., fig., dist., host undefined
Psallus querceus Pericart 1965A: 380
(PDF not available.)  record Corsica
Psallus Hylopsallus quercus Ehanno 1965A: 520
(PDF not available.)  Host France
Psallus Phylidea quercus Zaitzeva 1968A: 870, figs. 10--14
  descr., descr., MG N Caucasus; Dagestan
Psallus quercus Gollner-Scheiding 1972A: 37
  Record, host Germany
Psallus quercus Andersen and Gaun 1974A: 120
(PDF not available.)  List Denmark
Psallus Hylopsallus quercus Wagner 1975C: 183
(PDF not available.)  Descr., fig., host, dist. undefined
Psallus quercus Wagner 1975G: 242, fig. 6
(PDF not available.)  n. comb., descr., disc., figs. head, antenna, pretarsus, MG undefined
Psallus quercus Coulianos and Ossiannilsson 1976A: 148
(PDF not available.)  List, dist. Sweden
Asthenarius quercus Aukema 1981A: 22
  Descr., fig., host, biol., dist. (=Phylini) undefined
Asthenarius quercus Rieger 1981A: 95
(PDF not available.)  syn., disc., lectotype designation undefined
Quercus ilex Ehanno, 1965A:520 (Family: Fagaceae)
Quercus pedonculata Ehanno, 1965A:520 (Family: Fagaceae)
Quercus sp. Ehanno, 1960A:319 (Family: Fagaceae)
Quercus sp. Gollner-Scheiding, 1972A:37 (Family: Fagaceae)
Quercus sp. Josifov, 1974F:8 (Family: Fagaceae)
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