References for species Stenodema laevigata (Linnaeus, 1758)

Species Reference Comment Distribution
Cimex laevigatus Linnaeus 1758A: 449
  n. sp. Europe
Cimex testaceus Scopoli 1763A: 135
  n. sp. (syn. by Schrank, 1781A:289) Italy
Cimex albo-lineatus Goeze 1778A: 280
  n. sp. (syn. by Reuter, 1888A:608) Germany
Cimex pallidus Harris 1780A: 90, pl. 26, fig. 9
  n. sp. (syn. by Reuter, 1888A:609) England
Cimex lateralis Geoffroy 1785A: 209
  n. sp. (syn. by Reuter, 1888A:609) France
Cimex tetragrammos Gmelin 1790A: 2194
  n. sp. (objective syn. of Cimex albolineatus Goeze, 1778) Germany
Cimex pallescens Donovan 1794A: 78
  n. sp. (junior primary homonym of Cimex pallescens Gmelin, 1790; syn. by Reuter, 1888A:609) England
Cimex marshani Turton 1802A: 692
  n. name for Cimex pallescens Donovan, 1794 undefined
Miris laevigatus pallescens Fallen 1807A: 109
  n. var. (junior secondary homonym of Cimex pallescens Donovan, 1794) Sweden
Miris laevigatus grisescens Fallen 1807A: 109
  n. var. Sweden
Miris laevigatus lutescens Fallen 1807A: 110
  n. var. Sweden
Miris virescens_homonym Fallen 1807A: 110
  n. var. Sweden
Miris laevigatus sulphureus Westhoff 1881B: 76
  n. var. Germany
Miris laevigatus albicans Westhoff 1881B: 76
  n. var. Germany
Stenodema laevigatum melas Reuter 1904D: 16
  n. var. Anglia
Stenodema laevigatum Buczek 1956A: 269
(PDF not available.)  Morph., biol., larvae, fig. Poland
Stenodema Stenodema laevigatum Hoberlandt 1956A: 18
  Dist. Turkey
Stenodema laevigatum Beier and Wagner 1956A: 318
(PDF not available.)  List, dist. Greece
Stenodema laevigatum Leston 1957B: 613
(PDF not available.)  chromosome number Britain
Stenodema laevigatum G. Scudder 1959A: 427
(PDF not available.)  Female genitalia, descr., disc. undefined
Stenodema laevigatum Southwood and Leston 1959A: 305
(PDF not available.)  Fig., dist., hab., host, biol., diag., chrom. no. undefined
Stenodema Stenodema laevigatum Carvalho 1959A: 304
  cat. undefined
Stenodema laevigatum Lindberg 1961A: 47
  record Madeira
Stenodema laevigatum Franz and Wagner 1961A: 350
(PDF not available.)  Dist., biol., host undefined
Stenodema Stenodema laevigatum Wagner 1961N: 30, fig. 22h
(PDF not available.)  Diag., fig. head, hab. undefined
Stenodema laevigatum Kerzhner 1964A: 958
(PDF not available.)  Diag., fig. undefined
Stenodema laevigatum Wagner and Weber 1964A: 95
(PDF not available.)  Syn., descr., fig., biol., host, dist. undefined
Stenodema laevigatum Pericart 1965A: 383
(PDF not available.)  record Corsica
Stenodema laevigatum Popov 1965A: 175
(PDF not available.)  Hab., dist. Asiatic USSR
Stenodema laevigatum Ribes 1965A: 77
  record, host Mallorca
Stenodema virens laterale Kulik 1965A: 52
(PDF not available.)  List, as var. Siberia
Stenodema Stenodema laevigatum Gollner-Scheiding 1970A: 50
(PDF not available.)  Record Germany
Stenodema laevigatum Teyrovsky and Gollner-Scheiding 1971A: 58
(PDF not available.)  Dist. Central Europe
Stenodema laevigatum Gollner-Scheiding 1972A: 24
  Record Germany
Stenodema Stenodema laevigatum Servadei 1972A: 16
(PDF not available.)  List Italy
Stenodema laevigatum Steyskal 1973A: 208
(PDF not available.)  correction undefined
Stenodema laevigatum Andersen and Gaun 1974A: 118
(PDF not available.)  List Denmark
Stenodema laevigatum Gollner-Scheiding 1974A: 185
  List, hab. Germany
Stenodema laevigatum Wagner 1974G: 113
(PDF not available.)  descr., fig., host, dist. undefined
Stenodema laevigatum Coulianos and Ossiannilsson 1976A: 144
(PDF not available.)  List, dist. Sweden
Stenodema laevigatum Gollner-Scheiding 1978B: 0
(PDF not available.)  List, hab. Macedonia
Stenodema Stenodema laevigatum Tamanini 1981A: 40
  List, dist. Italy
Stenodema Stenodema laevigatum Tamanini 1982B: 98
(PDF not available.)  Dist. Italy
Stenodema Stenodema laevigatum pallescens Tamanini 1982B: 98
(PDF not available.)  Dist. Italy
Stenodema laevigata Wheeler and Henry 1992A: 92
(PDF not available.)  Prior records from North America treated as in error undefined
Ononis spinosa Gollner-Scheiding, 1970A:50 (Family: Fabaceae)
Quercus sp. Gollner-Scheiding, 1970A:50 (Family: Fagaceae)
species not specified Gollner-Scheiding, 1972A:24 (Family: Poaceae)
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