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Dear Stein:

Your second telegram received and I am sending telegram to Basin today

I enclose a post-office money order for $50.00 which will probably keep you going until I see you. Keep the expenses down as well as you can and keep an account of them.

I think you had better go to Chama on the Denver and Rio Grande Rivers and see what you can do about an outfit there. Do not make any permanent arrangements about the team unless you think the terms are very favorable. You can get everything arranged for, though, and I can close the deal when I get out.

Write me at the Museum from Denver as soon as you receive this and then after you get a chance and then write me care of the general delivery at Denver and I will call for it when I pas through.

You may be interested while in Denver to go out to the Natural History Museum in the City Park and see my old friend J. D. Higgins there; he used to be at this Museum.

Do whet you can in Chama or in that vicinity about getting the kind of outfit we need. I shall leave the Museum about May fifteenth or sixteenth.

I think now, that if we can possibly get an outfit near Chama we had better not try to go to Farming ton for it because that is too far west. Most of out work will be near Gallinus, Ojo San Tase, Cuba and Chasco Canon.

If you are not in Chama when I am due there be sure to leave a letter there for me telling me where you are.

Yours sincerely,

(Signed) W. Granger

Associate Curator

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