References for species Zelotes exiguus (Müller & Schenkel, 1895)

Species Reference Comment Distribution
Prosthesima exigua Müller & Schenkel 1895: 770, pl. 14, f. 7
(PDF not available.)  (Dmf). Palearctic
Prosthesima electa Bösenberg 1902: 313, pl. 29, f. 464
(PDF not available.)  (mf, misidentified).  
Prosthesima exigua Lessert 1904: 291, pl. 5, f. 3
(PDF not available.)  (mf).  
Prosthesima exigua Lessert 1910b: 72, f. 59-60
(PDF not available.)  (mf).  
Zelotes exiguus Simon 1914a: 159, 171, 218, f. 309-310, 351
(PDF not available.)  (mf).  
Zelotes exiguus Reimoser 1937a: 36, f. 63
(PDF not available.)  (mf; NB.- not f. 79, = Z. electus).  
Zelotes exiguus Jézéquel 1962b: 602, f. 22
(PDF not available.)  (f).  
Zelotes exiguus Holm 1968a: 203, f. 32-33
(PDF not available.)  (f).  
Zelotes exiguus Miller & Buchar 1977: 161, pl. I, f. 10-17
(PDF not available.)  (mf).  
Zelotes exiguus Grimm 1985: 197, f. 243, 268-269
(PDF not available.)  (mf).  
Zelotes exiguus Hu & Wu 1989: 292, f. 234.1-5
(PDF not available.)  (mf).  
Zelotes exiguus Heimer & Nentwig 1991: 440, f. 1162
(PDF not available.)  (mf).  
Zelotes exiguus Kamura 1992a: 20, f. 8-9
(PDF not available.)  (f).  
Zelotes exiguus Paik 1992c: 149, f. 17-25
(PDF not available.)  (f).  
Zelotes exiguus Pesarini 2000: 385, f. 20
(PDF not available.)  (m).  
Zelotes exiguus Song, Zhu & Chen 2001: 360, f. 235A-D
(PDF not available.)  (mf).  
Zelotes exiguus Namkung 2002: 488, f. 37.29a
(PDF not available.)  (f).  
Zelotes exiguus Namkung 2003: 491, f. 37.29a
(PDF not available.)  (f).  
Zelotes exiguus Song, Zhu & Zhang 2004: 261, f. 152A-D
(PDF not available.)  (mf).  
Zelotes exiguus Jung et al. 2005: 201, f. 44, 79, 99
(PDF not available.)  (f).  
Zelotes exiguus Almquist 2006: 425, f. 366a-d
(PDF not available.)  (mf, specimen from Finland considered to be misidentified as this species).  
None noted here.
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