References for species Cladothela unciinsignita (Bösenberg & Strand, 1906)

Species Reference Comment Distribution
Drassodes unci-insignitus Bösenberg & Strand 1906: 120, pl. 16, f. 500
(PDF not available.)  (Dm). Japan
Prosthesima x-notata Bösenberg & Strand 1906: 122, pl. 16, f. 489
(PDF not available.)  (Df).  
Drassodes unciinsignitus Yaginuma 1986a: 190, f. 105.5
(PDF not available.)  (m).  
Zelotes x-notatus Yaginuma 1986a: 192, f. 106.6
(PDF not available.)  (m; Yaginuma's palpal illustrations indicate the species belongs to Drassyllus rather than Zelotes; cf. Kamura, 1987c: 78).  
Drassyllus x-notatus Platnick 1989b: 471
(PDF not available.)  (Tmf from Zelotes).  
Cladothela unciinsignita Kamura 1991: 55, f. 33-36
(PDF not available.)  (Tm from Drassodes, Sf).  
None noted here.
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