Species Reference |
Comment |
Distribution |
Ergatis annulipes Blackwall 1846a: 42 |
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(Dmf). |
Holarctic |
Ergatis diligens Blackwall 1871: 434 |
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(Df). |
Dictyna arundinaceoides Keyserling 1884b: 665, pl. 21, f. 14 |
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(Df). |
Dictyna muraria Emerton 1888: 445, pl. 9, f. 1 |
(PDF not available.) |
(Dmf). |
Dictyna sublata Banks 1891a: 85 |
(PDF not available.) |
Dictyna arundinaceoides Banks 1901b: 577 |
(PDF not available.) |
(m). |
Dictyna muraria Emerton 1902: 210, f. 487. |
(PDF not available.) |
Dictyna annulipes Petrunkevitch 1911: 107 |
Dictyna diligens Petrunkevitch 1911: 108 |
Dictyna sublata Comstock 1912: 281, f. 263-266. |
(PDF not available.) |
Dictyna insolens Chamberlin 1919a: 242, pl. 15, f. 6 |
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(Dm). |
Dictyna vigilans Gertsch & Ivie 1936: 8, f. 26 |
(Dm). |
Dictyna semota Gertsch & Ivie 1936: 11, f. 25 |
(Dm). |
Dictyna muraria Kaston 1945b: 2, f. 7-9 |
(mf). |
Dictyna emertoni Jones 1947: 15, f. 38-41 |
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(Dmf). |
Dictyna arundinaceoides Jones 1947: 21, f. 57-61 |
(PDF not available.) |
(mf). |
Dictyna muraria Kaston 1948: 506, f. 1893, 1919-1926, 2073-2074 |
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(mf). |
Emblyna eugenia Chamberlin 1948b: 10, pl. 5, f. 47 |
(PDF not available.) |
(Df). |
Dictyna annulipes Chamberlin & Gertsch 1958: 123, pl. 37, f. 1-5 |
(mf, S). |
Emblyna annulipes Lehtinen 1967: 232, f. 290-291, 298, 304 |
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(Tmf from Dictyna). |
Dictyna annulipes Palmgren 1977a: 18, f. 4.1-3 |
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(mf); may be E. mitis). |
Emblyna annulipes Miller & Svaton 1978: 7, pl. II, f. 1-8 |
(PDF not available.) |
(mf); may be E. mitis). |
Dictyna annulipes Heimer & Nentwig 1991: 374, f. 976 |
(PDF not available.) |
(mf). |
Emblyna annulipes Danilov 1994: 204, f. 29-30 |
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(f). |
Emblyna annulipes Paquin & Dupérré 2003: 69, f. 572-574 |
(PDF not available.) |
(mf). |
Emblyna annulipes Almquist 2006: 317, f. 278a-f |
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(mf). |