References for species Hogna aspersa (Hentz, 1844)

Species Reference Comment Distribution
Lycosa aspersa Hentz 1844: 389, pl. 17, f. 11-12
(PDF not available.)  (Df). USA, Canada
Tarentula inhonesta Keyserling 1877a: 634, pl. 7, f. 17
(PDF not available.)  (Df).  
Lycosa tigrina McCook 1879a: xi, f. 1-2
(PDF not available.)  (Dmf).  
Lycosa vulpina Emerton 1885: 487, pl. 47, f. 2
(PDF not available.)  (Df).  
Lycosa tigrina Stone 1890: 423, pl. 15, f. 7
(PDF not available.)  (mf).  
Lycosa immaculata Banks 1892a: 67, pl. 5, f. 38
(PDF not available.)  (Df).  
Lycosa exitiosa Banks 1892a: 67, pl. 1, f. 39
(PDF not available.)  (Dm).  
Lycosa oblonga Banks 1892a: 68, pl. 3, f. 40
(PDF not available.)  (Df).  
Lycosa inhonesta Montgomery 1902: 557, pl. 29, f. 21-22
(PDF not available.)  (mf).  
Lycosa inhonesta Montgomery 1904: 290, pl. 20, f. 38-39
(PDF not available.)  (mf).  
Lycosa aspersa Chamberlin 1908: 236, pl. 9, f. 9, pl. 17, f. 7-8
(PDF not available.)  (mf).  
Lycosa aspersa Kaston 1948: 323, f. 1057-1062, 2065
(PDF not available.)  (mf).  
Hygrolycosa aspersa Roewer 1955c: 261
(PDF not available.)     
Hogna aspersa Dondale & Redner 1990: 49, f. 39-42
(PDF not available.)  (Tmf from Hygrolycosa).  
None noted here.
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