Species Reference |
Comment |
Distribution |
Arctosa variana C. L. Koch 1847: 125, f. 1359 |
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(Df). |
Mediterranean to Central Asia |
Lycosa variana Simon 1876a: 280 |
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Lycosa soror Simon 1889l: 377 |
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(Dm). |
Trochosa variana Chyzer & Kulczynski 1891: 74, pl. 3, f. 11 |
(PDF not available.) |
(f, Dm). |
Arctosa variana Giltay 1932: 21, f. 15-16 |
(PDF not available.) |
(mf). |
Arctosa soror Roewer 1955c: 227 |
(PDF not available.) |
Arctosa variana Roewer 1960d: 607, f. 337a-b |
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(mf). |
Arctosa perita latitorax Lugetti & Tongiorgi 1965: 180, f. IV.2, V.1-4 |
(PDF not available.) |
(Dmf, lapsus). |
Arctosa variana Guy 1966: 109, f. 53-55 |
(PDF not available.) |
(mf, S). |
Arctosa variana Fuhn & Niculescu-Burlacu 1971: 189, f. 93a-d |
(PDF not available.) |
(mf). |
Arctosa perita latithorax Brignoli 1983c: 439 |
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Arctosa latithorax Wunderlich 1984b: 417, 440 |
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(elevated from subspecies of A. p.). |
Arctosa variana Buchar, Knoflach & Thaler 2006: 329, f. 6-7, 13-14, 21-22, 31 |
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(mf, S). |