References for species Cyclosa turbinata (Walckenaer, 1842)

Species Reference Comment Distribution
Epeira turbinata Walckenaer 1842: 140
(PDF not available.)  (Df). USA to Panama, West Indies, Galapagos, Hawaii
Epeira glomosa Walckenaer 1842: 143
(PDF not available.)  (Df).  
Epeira caudata Hentz 1850: 23, pl. 3, f. 14
(PDF not available.)  (Df).  
Singa vanbruyssellii Becker 1879a: 78, pl. 1, f. 4-6
(PDF not available.)  (Dm).  
Cyrtophora turbinata McCook 1888a: 79
(PDF not available.)  (S).  
Cyclosa index O. P.-Cambridge 1889d: 5, pl. 6, f. 6
(PDF not available.)  (Df).  
Singa van-bruysselii Keyserling 1892: 288, pl. 15, f. 213
(PDF not available.)  (m).  
Cyclosa caudata Keyserling 1893: 279, pl. 14, f. 206
(PDF not available.)  (f, Dm).  
Cyclosa culta O. P.-Cambridge 1893b: 112, pl. 14, f. 12
(PDF not available.)  (Dm).  
Cyclosa turbinata McCook 1894: 224, pl. 17, f. 5-6
(PDF not available.)  (mf).  
Cyclosa tuberculifera O. P.-Cambridge 1898a: 269, pl. 36, f. 10
(PDF not available.)  (Dm).  
Cyclosa tuberculifera Cambridge 1904: 493, pl. 47, f. 1
(PDF not available.)  (m).  
Cyclosa culta Cambridge 1904: 493, pl. 47, f. 2
(PDF not available.)  (m).  
Cyclosa index Cambridge 1904: 496, pl. 47, f. 12
(PDF not available.)  (f).  
Araneus glomosus Petrunkevitch 1911: 294
Araneus van bruysseli Petrunkevitch 1911: 322
Cyclosa nanna Ivie & Barrows 1935: 18, pl. 7, f. 52-53
(PDF not available.)  (Dmf).  
Singa van-bruyselli Archer 1941b: 17, pl. I, f. 5
(PDF not available.)  (Df).  
Singa vanbrusselli Kraus 1955b: 26, f. 70-71
(PDF not available.)  (m).  
Cyclosa turbinata Levi 1972a: 231
(PDF not available.)  (S).  
Cyclosa turbinata Levi 1977a: 80, f. 20, 38-50
(PDF not available.)  (mf, S).  
Cyclosa turbinata Coddington 1990: 14, f. 61
(PDF not available.)  (m).  
Cyclosa turbinata Breene et al. 1993: 105, f. 159A-C
(PDF not available.)  (mf).  
Cyclosa turbinata Levi 1999: 356, f. 314-321
(PDF not available.)  (mf, S).  
Cyclosa turbinata Levi 2002: 555, f. 264-265
(PDF not available.)  (m).  
Cyclosa turbinata Dondale et al. 2003: 164, f. 347-354
(PDF not available.)  (mf).  
None noted here.
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