References for species Oedothorax gibbifer (Kulczynski, 1882)

Species Reference Comment Distribution
Erigone gibbifera Kulczynski 1882a: 17
(PDF not available.)  (Dmf). Europe, Russia
Erigone gibbifera Kulczynski 1882b: 21, pl. 2, f. 13
(PDF not available.)  (Dmf).  
Gongylidium cantalicum Simon 1884a: 480, f. 255-257
(PDF not available.)  (Dmf).  
Gongylidium gibbiferum Simon 1884a: 499
(PDF not available.)     
Neriene gibbifera Chyzer & Kulczynski 1894: 94, pl. 4, f. 3
(PDF not available.)  (mf).  
Stylothorax gibbifera Reimoser 1919: 72
(PDF not available.)     
Stylothorax cantalica Reimoser 1919: 72
(PDF not available.)     
Oedothorax cantalicus Simon 1926: 453, 523.
(PDF not available.)     
Oedothorax gibbifer Ovsyannikov 1937: 90, f. 2
(PDF not available.)  (f).  
Oedothorax gibbifer Denis 1947d: 138, f. 2B, 6E, 7E, 8E, 9D, 10F, 11E
(PDF not available.)  (mf, S).  
Oedothorax gibbifer Vogelsanger 1948: 54, f. 6-8
(PDF not available.)  (mf).  
Oedothorax gibbifer Miller 1971: 262, pl. LIV, f. 10-12
(PDF not available.)  (f).  
Oedothorax gibbifer Ruzicka 1978: 195, f. 8C-D, 9C
(PDF not available.)  (f).  
Oedothorax gibbifer Thaler 1978a: 186, f. 15-17
(PDF not available.)  (m).  
Oedothorax gibbifer Bosmans 1985b: 65, f. 12, 28, 34
(PDF not available.)  (m).  
Oedothorax gibbifer Heimer & Nentwig 1991: 224, f. 604
(PDF not available.)  (mf).  
None noted here.
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