References for species Palliduphantes pallidus (O. P.-Cambridge, 1871)

Species Reference Comment Distribution
Linyphia pallida O. P.-Cambridge 1871a: 435, pl. 56, f. 26
(PDF not available.)  (Dmf). Palearctic
Linyphia troglodytes L. Koch 1872c: 131, pl. 1, f. 6-8
(PDF not available.)  (Dmf).  
Lepthyphantes pallidus Simon 1884a: 307, f. 70-72
(PDF not available.)  (mf, misidentified).  
Lepthyphantes pallidus Chyzer & Kulczynski 1894: 68, pl. 2, f. 35
(PDF not available.)  (mf).  
Lepthyphantes pallidus Becker 1896: 46, pl. 6, f. 7
(PDF not available.)  (mf).  
Lepthyphantes pallidus Bösenberg 1901: 77, pl. 6, f. 82
(PDF not available.)  (mf).  
Lepthyphantes pallidus Enslin 1906: 319, pl. 25, f. 6, pl. 26, f. 7
(PDF not available.)  (mf).  
Lepthyphantes patens O. P.-Cambridge 1907: 139, pl. A, f. 20-25
(PDF not available.)  (Df, not m).  
Lepthyphantes troglodytes Simon 1929: 601, 616, 739.
(PDF not available.)     
Lepthyphantes pallidus Schenkel 1929b: 141, f. 4
(PDF not available.)  (f).  
Lepthyphantes pallidus Roewer 1931: 7, f. 3-4
(PDF not available.)  (mf).  
Lepthyphantes relativus Kauri 1947: 67, f. 3a-b
(PDF not available.)  (m).  
Lepthyphantes pallidus Locket & Millidge 1953: 392, f. 233B, 235B
(PDF not available.)  (mf).  
Lepthyphantes pallidus Wiehle 1956: 218, f. 361-365
(PDF not available.)  (mf).  
Lepthyphantes pallidus Braendegaard 1958: 87, f. 86
(PDF not available.)  (m).  
Lepthyphantes pallidus Loksa 1970: 272, f. 7-11
(PDF not available.)  (mf).  
Lepthyphantes pallidus Tyschchenko 1971: 219, f. 675, 695
(PDF not available.)  (mf).  
Lepthyphantes pallidus Miller 1971: 228, pl. XLV, f. 14-15
(PDF not available.)  (mf).  
Lepthyphantes pallidus Wanless 1971: 23, f. 3D, 7A
(PDF not available.)  (f).  
Lepthyphantes pallidus Wanless 1973: 132, f. IV.1, V.3, IX.19
(PDF not available.)  (f).  
Lepthyphantes pallidus Palmgren 1975: 62, f. 13.8-10
(PDF not available.)  (mf).  
Lepthyphantes pallidus Miller & Obrtel 1975: 11, pl. III, f. 1-5
(PDF not available.)  (mf).  
Lepthyphantes pallidus Millidge 1977: 43, f. 170
(PDF not available.)  (m).  
Lepthyphantes pallidus Pakhorukov & Utochkin 1977b: 909, f. 14
(PDF not available.)  (f).  
Lepthyphantes pallidus Brignoli 1979o: 20, f. 33
(PDF not available.)  (f).  
Lepthyphantes pallidus Dumitrescu & Georgescu 1981: 14, f. 12-15
(PDF not available.)  (mf).  
Lepthyphantes pallidus Thaler & Plachter 1983: 254, f. 10-16
(PDF not available.)  (m).  
Lepthyphantes pallidus Millidge 1984b: 248, f. 90
(PDF not available.)  (f).  
Lepthyphantes pallidus Deeleman-Reinhold 1985b: 46, f. 1f
(PDF not available.)  (f).  
Lepthyphantes pallidus Roberts 1987: 152, f. 79e
(PDF not available.)  (mf).  
Lepthyphantes pallidus Polenec 1987: 83, f. 4a
(PDF not available.)  (m).  
Lepthyphantes pallidus Hu & Wu 1989: 149, f. 122.1-2
(PDF not available.)  (f).  
Lepthyphantes pallidus Heimer & Nentwig 1991: 200, f. 537
(PDF not available.)  (mf).  
Lepthyphantes pallidus Agnarsson 1996: 149, f. 167D
(PDF not available.)  (mf).  
Lepthyphantes pallidus Bellmann 1997: 88, f.
(PDF not available.)  (f).  
Palliduphantes pallidus Saaristo & Tanasevitch 2001: 6, f. 2H-I, 3I, 4A, 5A, 6A-D, I-K, 7A-C,
(PDF not available.)  (Tmf from Lepthyphantes).  
Palliduphantes pallidus Merrett 2004b: 21, f. 7
(PDF not available.)  (m).  
None noted here.
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