
Blest, A. D., 1956. A spider, Glyphesis servulus (Simon), (Linyphiidae) new to Britain, with notes on some other species. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (12)9: 799-804.[see names] (PDF not available.)
Blest, A. D., 1979. The spiders of New Zealand. Part V. Linyphiidae-Mynoglenidae. Otago Mus. Bull. 5: 95-173.[see names] (PDF not available.)
Blest, A. D., 2004. New Zealand spiders: the implications of current information concering Stiphidiidae and Linyphiidae for biodiversity studies. Canterbury Mus. Bull.10: 1-14.[see names] (PDF not available.)
Blest, A. D. & G. Pomeroy, 1978. The sexual behaviour and genital mechanics of three species of Mynoglenes (Araneae: Linyphiidae). J. Zool., Lond. 185: 319-340.[see names] (PDF not available.)
Blest, A. D. & P. W. Taylor, 1995. Cambridgea quadromaculata n. sp. (Araneae, Stiphidiidae): a large New Zealand spider from wet, shaded habitats. New Zeal. J. Zool. 22: 351-356.[see names] (PDF not available.)
Blest, A. D. & C. J. Vink, 2000. New Zealand spiders: Stiphidiidae. Rec. Canterbury Mus. 13(Suppl.): 1-27.[see names] (PDF not available.)
Blest, A. D. & C. J. Vink, 2002. New Zealand spiders: Linyphiidae, Mynogleninae. Rec. Canterbury Mus. 16(Suppl.): 1-31.[see names] (PDF not available.)
Blest, A. D. & C. J. Vink, 2003. New Zealand spiders: Linyphiidae, Mynogleninae, Linyphiinae. Rec. Canterbury Mus. 17(Suppl.): 1-30.[see names] (PDF not available.)