The World Spider Catalog, Version 10.5
by Norman I. Platnick

© Copyright 2000 — 2010 American Museum of Natural History. All Rights Reserved.
Title Page Introduction Families Counts Bibliography Generic List Fossils Database

FAM. LEPTONETIDAE Simon, 1890a: 80 []

Last updated Dec. 10, 2008

Transferred to other families:
Calheirosia Mello-Leitão, 1917 -- see Loxosceles under Sicariidae.

In synonymy:
Sarutana Komatsu, 1957 = Masirana Kishida, 1942 (Irie & Ono, 2005: 85).
Segrea Roewer, 1953 = Paraleptoneta Fage, 1913 (Brignoli, 1974g: 68).

Gen. Appaleptoneta Platnick, 1986 []

A. Platnick, 1986d: 15, type Leptoneta silvicultrix Crosby & Bishop, 1925.

f barrowsi (Gertsch, 1974)....................USA []
Leptoneta b. Gertsch, 1974: 164, f. 46 (Df).
A. b. Platnick, 1986d: 15, f. 49 (Tf from Leptoneta).

mf coma (Barrows, 1940)....................USA []
Leptoneta c. Barrows, 1940: 131, f. 3 (Dmf).
Leptoneta c. Gertsch, 1974: 151, f. 10, 27-29, 44 (mf).
A. c. Platnick, 1986d: 15, f. 50 (Tmf from Leptoneta).

f credula (Gertsch, 1974)....................USA []
Leptoneta c. Gertsch, 1974: 163, f. 14, 42 (Df).
A. c. Platnick, 1986d: 15, f. 51 (Tf from Leptoneta).

f fiskei (Gertsch, 1974)....................USA []
Leptoneta f. Gertsch, 1974: 156, f. 40 (Df).
A. f. Platnick, 1986d: 15, f. 52 (Tf from Leptoneta).

mf gertschi (Barrows, 1940)....................USA []
Leptoneta g. Barrows, 1940: 131, f. 2 (Dm).
Leptoneta g. Gertsch, 1974: 152, f. 11, 30-32, 45 (m, Df).
A. g. Platnick, 1986d: 15, f. 47-48 (Tmf from Leptoneta).

mf jonesi (Gertsch, 1974)....................USA []
Leptoneta j. Gertsch, 1974: 161, f. 9, 22-23, 39 (Dmf).
A. j. Platnick, 1986d: 15, f. 53 (Tmf from Leptoneta).

mf silvicultrix (Crosby & Bishop, 1925) *....................USA []
Leptoneta s. Crosby & Bishop, 1925a: 142, f. 1 (Dmf).
Leptoneta s. Gertsch, 1974: 150, f. 1-2, 15, 24-26, 43 (mf).
A. s. Platnick, 1986d: 15, f. 54 (Tmf from Leptoneta).

Gen. Archoleptoneta Gertsch, 1974 []

A. Gertsch, 1974: 198, type A. schusteri Gertsch, 1974; for a discussion of monophyly and illustrations of tibial and patellar glands of three species, see Platnick, 1986d.

f arganoi (Brignoli, 1974)....................Mexico []
Neoleptoneta a. Brignoli, 1974f: 210, f. 5A-G (Df).
A. a. Brignoli, 1977g: 217 (Tf from Neoleptoneta).

f garza Gertsch, 1974....................USA []
A. g. Gertsch, 1974: 201 (Df).

f obscura Gertsch, 1974....................Mexico []
A. o. Gertsch, 1974: 201, f. 128 (Df).

mf schusteri Gertsch, 1974 *....................USA []
A. s. Gertsch, 1974: 199, f. 129-133 (Dmf).

mf stridulans Platnick, 1994....................Panama []
A. s. Platnick, 1994b: 3, f. 1-19 (Dmf).

Gen. Barusia Kratochvíl, 1978 []

B. Kratochvíl, 1978: 20, type Paraleptoneta maheni Kratochvíl & Miller, 1939; the genus Cataleptoneta Denis, 1955 was placed as a subgenus of Barusia by Kratochvíl, 1978: 21, and was so listed by Brignoli, 1983c: 195, but if the taxa are congeneric, Cataleptoneta has priority as the generic name. The two genera are provisionally kept separate here.

f hofferi (Kratochvíl, 1935)....................Montenegro []
Paraleptoneta h. Kratochvíl, 1935c: 8, f. 4-6 (Df).
Paraleptoneta h. Kratochvíl & Miller, 1939: 109, f. 9 (f).
B. h. Kratochvíl, 1978: 22 (Tf from Paraleptoneta).

mf insulana (Kratochvíl & Miller, 1939)....................Croatia []
Paraleptoneta i. Kratochvíl & Miller, 1939: 107, f. 7-8 (Dmf).
B. i. Kratochvíl, 1978: 21 (Tmf from Paraleptoneta).

mf korculana (Kratochvíl & Miller, 1939)....................Croatia []
Paraleptoneta k. Kratochvíl & Miller, 1939: 104, f. 5-6 (Dmf).
B. k. Kratochvíl, 1978: 21 (Tmf from Paraleptoneta).

mf laconica (Brignoli, 1974)....................Greece []
Paraleptoneta l. Brignoli, 1974g: 64, f. 8-12 (Df).
B. l. Kratochvíl, 1978: 22 (Tf from Paraleptoneta).
B. l. Brignoli, 1979b: 189, f. 16-17 (Dm).

mf maheni (Kratochvíl & Miller, 1939) *....................Croatia []
Paraleptoneta m. Kratochvíl & Miller, 1939: 99, f. 1-4 (Dmf).
Paraleptoneta m. Brignoli, 1970a: 193, f. 4D (m).
Paraleptoneta m. Brignoli, 1974g: 69, f. 17-23 (mf).
B. m. Kratochvíl, 1978: 20, f. 1F, 2F (Tmf from Paraleptoneta).

Gen. Calileptoneta Platnick, 1986 []

C. Platnick, 1986d: 15, type Leptoneta oasa Gertsch, 1974.

mf briggsi Ledford, 2004....................USA []
C. b. Ledford, 2004: 240, f. 22, 41-46, 111-112 (Dmf).

mf californica (Banks, 1904)....................USA []
Leptoneta c. Banks, 1904b: 333, pl. 38, f. 11 (Df).
Leptoneta c. Gertsch, 1935a: 21, f. 11 (f).
Leptoneta c. Gertsch, 1974: 191, f. 125-126, 143-146, 149, 154-155 (f, Dm, S).
C. c. Platnick, 1986d: 15, f. 55-56 (Tmf from Leptoneta).
C. c. Ledford, 2004: 243, f. 20, 38-40, 47-52, 99, 113-114 (mf).

mf cokendolpheri Ledford, 2004....................USA []
C. c. Ledford, 2004: 247, f. 17, 53-58, 117-118 (Dmf).

mf helferi (Gertsch, 1974)....................USA []
Leptoneta h. Gertsch, 1974: 192, f. 147-148, 153 (Dmf).
C. h. Platnick, 1986d: 15, f. 57 (Tmf from Leptoneta).
C. h. Ledford, 2004: 250, f. 6-7, 21, 24-28, 59-64, 115-116 (mf).

mf noyoana (Gertsch, 1974)....................USA []
Leptoneta n. Gertsch, 1974: 196, f. 140-142, 152 (Dm).
C. n. Platnick, 1986d: 15, f. 58 (Tm from Leptoneta).
C. n. Ledford, 2004: 254, f. 4-5, 19, 65-70, 96, 100-101, 106-108 (m, Df).

mf oasa (Gertsch, 1974) *....................USA []
Leptoneta o. Gertsch, 1974: 197, f. 127, 134-136, 151 (Dmf).
C. o. Platnick, 1986d: 15, f. 59 (Tmf from Leptoneta).
C. o. Ledford, 2004: 258, f. 15, 32-34, 71-76, 102-103 (mf).

mf sylva Chamberlin & Ivie, 1942....................USA []
Leptoneta s. Chamberlin & Ivie, 1942a: 9 (Df).
Leptoneta californica Gertsch, 1974: 191 (S, rejected).
C. s. Ledford, 2004: 261, f. 23, 77-82, 97, 109-110 (removed f from S, Dm).

mf ubicki Ledford, 2004....................USA []
C. u. Ledford, 2004: 265, f. 1-3, 16, 83-88, 95, 98, 104-105 (Dmf).

mf wapiti (Gertsch, 1974)....................USA []
Leptoneta w. Gertsch, 1974: 195, f. 137-139, 150 (Dmf).
C. w. Platnick, 1986d: 15, f. 60 (Tmf from Leptoneta).
C. w. Ledford, 2004: 267, f. 18, 35-37, 89-94 (mf).

Gen. Cataleptoneta Denis, 1955 []

C. Denis, 1955a: 441, type C. edentula Denis, 1955; Brignoli's (1974g: 68) suggested synonymy of this genus with Paraleptoneta Fage, 1913 has not been accepted by subsequent workers; see note under Barusia.

mf aesculapii (Brignoli, 1968)....................Turkey []
Paraleptoneta a. Brignoli, 1968c: 30, f. 13-16 (Df).
Paraleptoneta a. Brignoli, 1978n: 38, f. 1 (Dm).
Barusia (C.) a. Kratochvíl, 1978: 22 (Tmf from Paraleptoneta).

mf edentula Denis, 1955 *....................Lebanon []
C. e. Denis, 1955a: 442, f. IIA-D (Dmf).
Barusia (C.) e. Kratochvíl, 1978: 22 (Tmf from Cataleptoneta).

mf sbordonii (Brignoli, 1968)....................Turkey []
Paraleptoneta s. Brignoli, 1968c: 23, f. 1-12 (Dmf).
Paraleptoneta s. Brignoli, 1970a: 192, f. 4C (m).
Paraleptoneta s. Brignoli, 1978n: 38, f. 2 (m).
Barusia (C.) s. Kratochvíl, 1978: 22, f. 1E, 2D (Tmf from Paraleptoneta).

mf sengleti (Brignoli, 1974)....................Crete []
Paraleptoneta s. Brignoli, 1974g: 64, f. 1-7 (Dmf).
Barusia (C.) s. Kratochvíl, 1978: 22, f. 1D, 2E (Tmf from Paraleptoneta).

Gen. Falcileptoneta Komatsu, 1970 []

F. Komatsu, 1970a: 1, type Leptoneta striata Oi, 1952.

mf aichiensis Irie & Ono, 2007....................Japan []
F. a. Irie & Ono, 2007: 177, f. 7-12 (Dmf).
F. a. Irie & Ono, 2009: 113, f. 17-19 (m).

mf amakusaensis Irie & Ono, 2005....................Japan []
F. a. Irie & Ono, 2005: 80, f. 7-12 (Dmf).
F. a. Irie & Ono, 2009: 115, f. 115, f. 45-47 (m).

mf asuwana (Nishikawa, 1981)....................Japan []
Leptoneta a. Nishikawa, 1981: 23, f. 1-10 (Dmf).
F. a. Platnick, 1989b: 139 (Tmf from Leptoneta).
F. a. Irie & Ono, 2009: 117, f. 63-65 (m).

mf caeca Yaginuma, 1972....................Japan []
F. c. Yaginuma, 1972e: 279, f. 2-3, 46, 48 (Dmf).
Leptoneta c. Yaginuma, 1986a: 21, f. 14.4 (m).
F. c. Irie & Ono, 2009: 113, f. 16 (m).

mf gotoensis Irie & Ono, 2005....................Japan []
F. g. Irie & Ono, 2005: 78, f. 1-6 (Dmf).
F. g. Irie & Ono, 2009: 115, f. 34-36 (m).

mf higoensis (Irie & Ono, 2003)....................Japan []
Leptoneta h. Irie & Ono, 2003: 178, f. 1-6 (Dmf).
F. h. Irie & Ono, 2005: 86 (Tmf from Leptoneta).
F. h. Irie & Ono, 2009: 115, f. 48-50 (m).

mf inabensis (Nishikawa, 1982)....................Japan []
Leptoneta i. Nishikawa, 1982b: 83, f. 1-8 (Dmf).
F. i. Platnick, 1989b: 139 (Tmf from Leptoneta).
F. i. Irie & Ono, 2009: 115, f. 56-57 (m).

m iriei (Komatsu, 1967)....................Japan []
Leptoneta i. Komatsu, 1967: 47, f. 9-13 (Dm).
F. i. Komatsu, 1970a: 5 (Tm from Leptoneta).
Leptoneta i. Yaginuma, 1978b: 38, f. 1 (m).
Leptoneta i. Irie, 1982: 54, f. 2.1-2 (m).
Leptoneta i. Irie, 1985: 3, f. 7-8 (m).
Leptoneta i. Chikuni, 1989b: 27, f. 1 (m).
F. i. Irie & Ono, 2009: 113, f. 6-8 (m).

mf japonica (Simon, 1893)....................Japan []
Leptoneta j. Simon, 1893e: 247 (Df).
Leptoneta j. Fage, 1913: 565, pl. 58, f. 134-137 (f).
F. j. Komatsu, 1970a: 5 (Tf from Leptoneta).
F. j. Irie & Ono, 2009: 113, f. 113, f. 9-13 (Dm).

f kugoana (Komatsu, 1961)....................Japan []
Leptoneta k. Komatsu, 1961a: 9, f. 2A-F, 3 (Df).
F. k. Komatsu, 1970a: 5 (Tf from Leptoneta).

mf melanocomata (Komatsu, 1961)....................Japan []
Leptoneta m. Komatsu, 1961a: 11, f. 4A-F (Dmf; N.B.: specific name attributed to Kishida but not formally described by that author).
F. m. Komatsu, 1970a: 5 (Tmf from Leptoneta).
F. m. Irie & Ono, 2009: 115, f. 23-25 (m).

mf musculina (Komatsu, 1961)....................Japan []
Leptoneta m. Komatsu, 1961a: 12, f. 5A-G (Dmf).
F. m. Komatsu, 1970a: 5 (Tmf from Leptoneta).
F. m. Irie & Ono, 2009: 113, f. 14-15 (m).

mf ogatai Irie & Ono, 2007....................Japan []
F. o. Irie & Ono, 2007: 175, f. 1-6 (Dmf).
F. o. Irie & Ono, 2009: 117, f. 58-60 (m).

mf okinawaensis Komatsu, 1972....................Okinawa []
F. o. Komatsu, 1972: 82, f. 1-5 (Dmf).
F. o. Shimojana, 1977a: 346, f. 4D (m).
Leptoneta o. Yaginuma, 1986a: 22, f. 15.3 (m).
F. o. Irie & Ono, 2009: 117, f. 61-62 (m).

mf satsumaensis Irie & Ono, 2005....................Japan []
F. s. Irie & Ono, 2005: 83, f. 19-24 (Dmf).
F. s. Irie & Ono, 2009: 115, f. 37-39 (m).

mf soboensis Irie & Ono, 2005....................Japan []
F. s. Irie & Ono, 2005: 82, f. 13-18 (Dmf).
F. s. Irie & Ono, 2009: 115, f. 115, f. 51-53 (m).

mf speciosa (Komatsu, 1957)....................Japan []
Leptoneta s. Komatsu, 1957: 68, f. 2A-E (Dmf).
Leptoneta s. Komatsu, 1961a: 13, f. 6A-F (mf).
F. s. Komatsu, 1970a: 5 (Tmf from Leptoneta).
F. s. Irie & Ono, 2009: 115, f. 54-55 (m).

mf striata (Oi, 1952) *....................Japan []
Leptoneta striatus Oi, 1952: 10, f. 1-7 (Df).
Leptoneta s. Oi, 1958: 36, f. 10 (f).
F. s. Komatsu, 1970a: 2, f. 1-9 (Tf from Leptoneta, Dm).
F. s. Saito, 1977a: 24, f. 1, 3, 7 (m).
Leptoneta s. Nishikawa, 1977b: 357, f. 28-29 (m).
F. s. Platnick, 1986d: 8, f. 1-2, 9-10 (f).
F. s. Irie & Ono, 2009: 113, f. 1-5 (m).

mf striata fujisana Yaginuma, 1972....................Japan []
F. s. f. Yaginuma, 1972e: 281, f. 4-6 (Dmf).
Leptoneta s. f. Yaginuma, 1986a: 22, f. 15.2 (m).

mf tofacea Yaginuma, 1972....................Japan []
F. t. Yaginuma, 1972d: 88, f. 1-2 (Dmf).
F. t. Irie & Ono, 2009: 115, f. 40-41 (m).

mf tsushimensis (Yaginuma, 1970)....................Japan []
Leptoneta t. Yaginuma, 1970a: 241, f. 1-5 (Dmf).
F. t. Yaginuma, 1976b: 987 (Tmf from Leptoneta).
F. t. Yaginuma, Yamaguchi & Nishikawa, 1976: 824, f. 10-14 (mf).
Leptoneta t. Yaginuma, 1986a: 22, f. 14.1 (mf).
F. t. Irie & Ono, 2009: 115, f. 42-44 (m).

m uenoi (Taginuma, 1963)....................Japan []
Leptoneta u. Yaginuma, 1963b: 52, 57, f. i-j (Dm).
F. u. Yaginuma, 1976b: 987 (Tm from Leptoneta).
Leptoneta u. Yaginuma, 1986a: 22, f. 14.5 (m).
F. u. Irie & Ono, 2009: 115, f. 33 (m).

mf usihanana (Komatsu, 1961)....................Japan []
Leptoneta u. Komatsu, 1961a: 15, f. 8A-E (Df).
F. u. Komatsu, 1970a: 5 (Tf from Leptoneta).
F. ushihanana Komatsu, 1974b: 21, f. 21 (Dm).
F. ushihanana Brignoli, 1983c: 196 (lapsus).
F. u. Irie & Ono, 2009: 117, f. 66-67 (m).

mf yamauchii (Nishikawa, 1982)....................Japan []
Leptoneta y. Nishikawa, 1982a: 78, f. 1-19 (Dmf).
Sarutana y. Platnick, 1989b: 142 (Tmf from Leptoneta).
F. y. Irie & Ono, 2005: 86 (Tmf from Sarutana=Masirana).
F. y. Irie & Ono, 2009: 115, f. 26-29 (m).

mf zenjoenis (Komatsu, 1965)....................Japan []
Leptoneta z. Komatsu, 1965: 23, f. 6-10 (Dm).
F. z. Komatsu, 1970a: 5, f. 10-11 (Tm from Leptoneta, Df).
F. z. Irie & Ono, 2009: 115, f. 30-32 (m).

Gen. Leptoneta Simon, 1872 []

N.B.: Gertsch's (1974) synonymies of Paraleptoneta Fage, 1913 and Neoleptoneta Brignoli, 1972 with Leptoneta have not been accepted by subsequent workers; all species from outside the Mediterranean region are probably misplaced; for a discussion of monophyly and illustrations of patellar glands of five species, see Platnick, 1986d.

Transferred to other genera:
L. akiyoshiensis Oi, 1958 -- see Masirana.
L. alabama Gertsch, 1974 -- see Neoleptoneta.
L. anopica Gertsch, 1974 -- see Neoleptoneta.
L. apachea Gertsch, 1974 -- see Neoleptoneta.
L. archeri Gertsch, 1974 -- see Neoleptoneta.
L. arkansa Gertsch, 1974 -- see Neoleptoneta.
L. asuwana Nishikawa, 1981 -- see Falcileptoneta.
L. baccettii Brignoli, 1979 -- see Protoleptoneta.
L. bandoi Nishikawa, 1986 -- see Masirana.
L. barrowsi Gertsch, 1974 -- see Appaleptoneta.
L. blanda Gertsch, 1974 -- see Neoleptoneta.
L. bonita Gertsch, 1974 -- see Neoleptoneta.
L. caeca (Yaginuma, 1972) -- see Falcileptoneta.
L. californica Banks, 1904 -- see Calileptoneta.
L. capilla Gertsch, 1971 -- see Neoleptoneta.
L. chibusana Irie, 2000 -- see Falcileptoneta.
L. chisosea Gertsch, 1974 -- see Neoleptoneta.
L. coeca Chamberlin & Ivie, 1942 -- see Neoleptoneta.
L. coma Barrows, 1940 -- see Appaleptoneta.
L. concinna Gertsch, 1974 -- see Neoleptoneta.
L. credula Gertsch, 1974 -- see Appaleptoneta.
L. delicata Gertsch, 1971 -- see Neoleptoneta.
L. devia Gertsch, 1974 -- see Neoleptoneta.
L. fiskei Gertsch, 1974 -- see Appaleptoneta.
L. furtiva Gertsch, 1974 -- see Neoleptoneta.
L. georgia Gertsch, 1974 -- see Neoleptoneta.
L. gertschi Barrows, 1940 -- see Appaleptoneta.
L. helferi Gertsch, 1974 -- see Calileptoneta.
L. higoensis Irie & Ono, 2003 -- see Falcileptoneta.
L. inabensis Nishikawa, 1982 -- see Falcileptoneta.
L. iriei Komatsu, 1967 -- see Falcileptoneta.
L. isolata Gertsch, 1971 -- see Neoleptoneta.
L. iviei Gertsch, 1974 -- see Neoleptoneta.
L. japonica Simon, 1893 -- see Falcileptoneta.
L. jonesi Gertsch, 1974 -- see Appaleptoneta.
L. kinoshitai Irie, 2000 -- see Falcileptoneta.
L. kugoana Komatsu, 1961 -- see Falcileptoneta.
L. kyokoae (Yaginuma, 1972) -- see Masirana.
L. limpida Gertsch, 1974 -- see Neoleptoneta.
L. longimana (Yaginuma, 1970) -- see Masirana.
L. longipalpis (Komatsu, 1972) -- see Masirana.
L. melanocomata Komatsu, 1961 -- see Falcileptoneta.
L. microps Gertsch, 1974 -- see Neoleptoneta.
L. modica Gertsch, 1974 -- see Neoleptoneta.
L. musculina Komatsu, 1961 -- see Falcileptoneta.
L. myopica Gertsch, 1974 -- see Neoleptoneta.
L. nippara (Komatsu, 1957) -- see Masirana.
L. noyoana Gertsch, 1974 -- see Calileptoneta.
L. oasa Gertsch, 1974 -- see Calileptoneta.
L. okinawaensis (Komatsu, 1972) -- see Falcileptoneta.
L. pecki Gertsch, 1971 -- see Neoleptoneta.
L. rainesi Gertsch, 1971 -- see Neoleptoneta.
L. reclusa Gertsch, 1971 -- see Neoleptoneta.
L. serena Gertsch, 1974 -- see Neoleptoneta.
L. silvicultrix Crosby & Bishop, 1925 -- see Appaleptoneta.
L. speciosa Komatsu, 1957 -- see Falcileptoneta.
L. striata Oi, 1952 -- see Falcileptoneta.
L. striata fujisana (Yaginuma, 1972) -- see Falcileptoneta.
L. sylva Chamberlin & Ivie, 1942 -- see Calileptoneta.
L. tsushimensis Yaginuma, 1970 -- see Falcileptoneta.
L. uenoi Yaginuma, 1963 -- see Falcileptoneta.
L. usihanana Komatsu, 1961 -- see Falcileptoneta.
L. uvaldea Gertsch, 1974 -- see Neoleptoneta.
L. valverdae Gertsch, 1974 -- see Neoleptoneta.
L. wapiti Gertsch, 1974 -- see Calileptoneta.
L. yamauchii Nishikawa, 1982 -- see Falcileptoneta.
L. zenjoensis Komatsu, 1965 -- see Falcileptoneta.

In synonymy:
L. infuscata corberensis Fage, 1913 = L. infuscata Simon, 1872 (Ribera, 1988a: 273).
L. infuscata iberica Fage, 1913 = L. infuscata Simon, 1872 (Ribera, 1988a: 273).
L. infuscata minos Simon, 1882 = L. infuscata Simon, 1872 (Ribera, 1988a: 273).

Nomen nudum:
L. infuscata tabacarui Orghidan, Dumitrescu & Georgescu, 1975.

mf abeillei Simon, 1882....................Spain, France []
L. a. Simon, 1882c: 201 (Dmf).
L. a. Fage, 1913: 543, pl. 52, f. 93-95 (mf).
L. a. Simon, 1914a: 83, 86, f. 131, 151 (mf).

mf alpica Simon, 1882....................France []
L. a. Simon, 1882c: 203 (Dmf).
L. a. Fage, 1913: 514, pl. 52, f. 96-99 (m).
L. a. Simon, 1914a: 82, 85, f. 138, 152-153 (mf).

mf anocellata Chen, Zhang & Song, 1986....................China []
L. a. Chen, Zhang & Song, 1986: 40, f. 1-4 (Dmf).
L. a. Song, 1987: 98, f. 61 (mf).
L. a. Chen & Zhang, 1991: 60, f. 51.1-4 (mf).
L. a. Song, Zhu & Chen, 1999: 50, f. 20I, T (mf).

f arquata Song & Kim, 1991....................China []
L. a. Song & Kim, 1991: 20, f. 1-3 (Df).
L. a. Song, Zhu & Chen, 1999: 50, f. 20J (f).

mf berlandi Machado & Ribera, 1986....................Portugal []
L. b. Machado & Ribera, 1986: 358, f. 6-8 (Dmf).

m brunnea Gertsch, 1974....................Mexico []
L. b. Gertsch, 1974: 187, f. 83, 85, 93, 101-102 (Dm).
L. b. Platnick, 1986d: 12, f. 61, 62.

f cavalairensis Dresco, 1987....................France []
L. c. Dresco, 1987: 639, f. 9-10 (Df).

m changlini Zhu & Tso, 2002....................Taiwan []
L. c. Zhu & Tso, 2002: 563, f. 1-5, 18-19 (Dm).

f ciaisensis Dresco, 1987....................France []
L. c. Dresco, 1987: 646, f. 24-25 (Df).

mf comasi Ribera, 1978....................Spain []
L. c. Ribera, 1978b: 26, f. 1-6 (Dm).
L. c. Ribera, 1988a: 268, f. 1-3 (Df).

mf condei Dresco, 1987....................France []
L. c. Dresco, 1987: 644, f. 19-23 (Dmf).

mf conimbricensis Machado & Ribera, 1986....................Portugal []
L. c. Machado & Ribera, 1986: 355, f. 1-5 (Dmf).

mf convexa Simon, 1872 *....................France []
L. c. Simon, 1872b: 479, pl. 14, f. 11-14 (Dmf).
L. c. Simon, 1893a: 283, f. 237-238.
L. c. Fage, 1913: 521, f. 1, 7n, pl. 49, f. 22-43 (mf).
L. c. Simon, 1914a: 81, 85, f. 131, 143-144 (mf).
L. c. Dresco, 1990: 102, f. 1-6 (mf).

f convexa aulotensis Dresco, 1990....................France []
L. c. a. Dresco, 1990: 102, f. 7-9 (Df).

mf coreana Paik & Namkung, 1969....................Korea []
L. c. Paik & Namkung, in Paik, Yaginuma & Namkung, 1969: 799, f. 1-12 (Dmf).
L. c. Paik, 1978e: 209, f. 87.1-12 (mf).
L. c. Namkung, 2002: 35, f. 4.1a-b (mf).
L. c. Namkung, 2003: 35, f. 4.1a-b (mf).

mf cornea Tong & Li, 2008....................China []
L. c. Tong & Li, 2008f: 375, f. 1A-G (Dmf).

mf corsica Fage, 1943....................Corsica []
L. c. Fage, 1943: 171, f. 1 (Dmf).
L. c. Dresco, 1986: 35, f. 1-14 (mf).

mf crypticola Simon, 1907....................France []
L. c. Simon, 1907a: 539 (Dmf).
L. c. Fage, 1913: 548, f. 7c, pl. 52-53, f. 111-119 (mf).
L. c. Simon, 1914a: 84, 86, f. 141, 156 (mf).
L. c. Brignoli, 1979l: 316, f. 7-8 (m).
L. c. Dresco, 1987: 636, f. 1-5 (mf).

mf crypticola franciscoloi Caporiacco, 1950....................Italy []
L. franciscoloi Caporiacco, 1950c: 104, f. 1a-d (Dmf).
L. franciscoloi Brignoli, 1971d: 123, f. 1-5 (mf).
L. franciscoloi Brignoli, 1975c: 4, f. 1-3 (f).
L. c. f. Brignoli, 1979l: 317, f. 4-6 (mf, reduced to subspecies).

m crypticola simplex Fage, 1913....................France []
L. c. s. Fage, 1913: 549, pl. 53, f. 120 (m).

mf exilocula Tong & Li, 2008....................China []
L. e. Tong & Li, 2008f: 378, f. 2A-H (Dmf).

mf fagei Simon, 1914....................France []
L. f. Simon, 1914a: 81, 85 (Dm).
L. f. Fage, 1931: 130 (Df).
L. f. Dresco, 1982: 49, f. 1-4 (mf).
L. f. Dresco, 1987: 634, f. 18 (m).

mf falcata Chen, Gao & Zhu, 2000....................China []
L. f. Chen, Gao & Zhu, 2000: 10, f. 1A-F (Dmf).

mf foliiformis Tong & Li, 2008....................China []
L. f. Tong & Li, 2008f: 378, f. 3A-G (Dmf).

mf fouresi Dresco, 1979....................France []
L. f. Dresco, 1979: 388, f. 1-3 (Dmf).

mf handeulgulensis Namkung, 2002....................Korea []
L. h. Namkung, 2002: 40, 618, f. 4.6a-e (Dmf).
L. h. Namkung, 2003: 40, f. 4.6a-e (Dmf).

mf hangzhouensis Chen, Shen & Gao, 1984....................China []
L. h. Chen, Shen & Gao, 1984: 8, f. 1-6 (Dmf).
L. h. Song, 1987: 98, f. 62 (mf).
L. h. Chen & Zhang, 1991: 58, f. 49.1-6 (mf).
L. h. Song, Zhu & Chen, 1999: 50, f. 20K, U-V (mf).

f hogyegulensis Paik & Namkung, 1969....................Korea []
L. h. Paik & Namkung, in Paik, Yaginuma & Namkung, 1969: 803, f. 13-15 (Df).
L. h. Paik, 1978e: 211, f. 88.1-3 (f).
L. h. Namkung, 2002: 36, f. 4.2a-c (mf).
L. h. Namkung, 2003: 36, f. 4.2a-c (mf).

m hongdoensis Paik, 1980....................Korea []
L. h. Paik, 1980: 161, f. 1-8 (Dm).

mf huanglongensis Chen, Zhang & Song, 1982....................China []
L. h. Chen, Zhang & Song, 1982: 204, f. 1-3 (Dmf).
L. h. Hu, 1984: 69, f. 63.1-3 (mf).
L. h. Song, 1987: 100, f. 63 (mf).
L. h. Chen & Zhang, 1991: 57, f. 48.1-3 (mf).
L. h. Song, Zhu & Chen, 1999: 50, f. 20L, W (mf).

m huisunica Zhu & Tso, 2002....................Taiwan []
L. h. Zhu & Tso, 2002: 565, f. 6-9, 22 (Dm).

mf hwanseonensis Namkung, 1987....................Korea []
L. h. Namkung, 1987: 86, f. 9-16 (Dmf).
L. h. Namkung, 2002: 37, f. 4.3a-c (mf).
L. h. Namkung, 2003: 37, f. 4.3a-c (mf).
L. h. Lee et al., 2004: 98, unnumbered f. (m).

mf infuscata Simon, 1872....................Spain, France, Mallorca []
L. i. Simon, 1872b: 481, pl. 16, f. 15-16 (Dmf).
L. minos Simon, 1882c: 202 (Dm).
L. i. Fage, 1913: 537, pl. 51, f. 72-78 (mf).
L. i. iberica Fage, 1913: 540, pl. 51, f. 79-84 (Dmf).
L. i. minos Fage, 1913: 541, pl. 51-52, f. 85-92 (m, Df).
L. i. corberensis Fage, 1913: 542 (Dmf).
L. i. Simon, 1914a: 83, 85, f. 136, 149-150 (mf).
L. i. typica Dresco, 1980: 179, f. 1-4 (mf).
L. i. Duffey & Brignoli, 1981: 155, f. 6 (m).
L. i. typica Dresco, 1986: 36, f. 16 (f).
L. i. minos Dresco, 1986: 36, f. 15 (f).
L. i. Ribera, 1988a: 273 (S).
L. i. Pons, 1992: 61, f. 1A-F (m).
L. i. Jocqué & Dippenaar-Schoeman, 2006: 150, f. 52b-f (m).

mf infuscata ovetana Machado, 1939....................Spain []
L. i. o. Machado, 1939: 61, f. 1 (Dmf).

f insularis Roewer, 1953....................Sardinia []
L. i. Roewer, 1953a: 43, f. 3 (Df).
L. i. Brignoli, 1967c: 352, f. 1-5, 12 (f).
L. i. Brignoli, 1969a: 25, f. 6B (f).

mf jangsanensis Seo, 1989....................Korea []
L. j. Seo, 1989: 30, f. 1-8 (Dmf).

mf jeanneli Simon, 1907....................France []
L. j. Simon, 1907a: 538 (Dmf).
L. j. Fage, 1913: 534, f. 7i, pl. 51, f. 65-71 (mf).
L. j. Simon, 1914a: 83, 85, f. 134, 148 (mf).

mf kernensis Simon, 1910....................Algeria []
L. k. Simon, 1910a: 52 (Dmf).
L. k. Fage, 1913: 529, f. 7m, pl. 50, f. 52-57 (mf).

mf lantosquensis Dresco, 1987....................France []
L. l. Dresco, 1987: 639, f. 6-8 (Dmf).

mf leucophthalma Simon, 1907....................Spain []
L. l. Simon, 1907a: 538 (Dmf).
L. l. Fage, 1913: 531, f. 7k, pl. 50-51, f. 58-61 (mf).

mf lingqiensis Chen, Shen & Gao, 1984....................China []
L. l. Chen, Shen & Gao, 1984: 9, f. 7-15 (Dmf).
L. l. Song, 1987: 100, f. 64 (mf).
L. l. Chen & Zhang, 1991: 59, f. 50.1-6 (mf).
L. l. Song, Zhu & Chen, 1999: 50, f. 6C, 20M, 21A-B (mf).

mf maculosa Song & Xu, 1986....................China []
L. maculosus Song & Xu, 1986: 84, f. 2A-C (Dmf).
L. m. Song, 1987: 101, f. 65 (mf).
L. m. Chen & Zhang, 1991: 56, f. 47.1-3 (mf).
L. m. Song, Zhu & Chen, 1999: 50, f. 20N, 21C (mf).

mf manca Fage, 1913....................France []
L. proserpina m. Fage, 1913: 547, pl. 52, f. 110 (Dmf).
L. m. Dresco, 1987: 644, f. 14-15 (m, elevated from subspecies).

mf miaoshiensis Chen & Zhang, 1993....................China []
L. m. Chen & Zhang, 1993: 217, f. 1A-F (Dmf).
L. m. Song, Zhu & Chen, 1999: 50, f. 20O, 21D-E (mf).

mf microdonta Xu & Song, 1983....................China []
L. m. Xu & Song, 1983: 24, f. 1-6 (Dmf).
L. m. Song, 1987: 103, f. 66 (mf).
L. m. Song, Zhu & Chen, 1999: 051, f. 20P, 21F-G (mf).

mf microphthalma Simon, 1872....................France []
L. m. Simon, 1872b: 480, pl. 16, f. 17-19 (Dmf).
L. m. Simon, 1893a: 281, f. 242 (f).
L. m. Fage, 1913: 526, f. 7o, pl. 50, f. 44-48 (mf).
L. m. Simon, 1914a: 81, 85, f. 132, 145 (mf).
L. microphtalma Dresco, 1979: 389, f. 4-5 (f).

mf monodactyla Yin, Wang & Wang, 1984....................China []
L. m. Yin, Wang, & Wang, 1984: 366, f. 2a-d (Dm).
L. m. Song, 1987: 104, f. 67 (m).
L. m. Song, Zhu & Chen, 1999: 51, f. 21H-I (m).

mf namhensis Paik & Seo, 1982....................Korea []
L. n. Paik & Seo, 1982: 65, f. 1-12 (Dmf).

m nigrabdomina Zhu & Tso, 2002....................Taiwan []
L. n. Zhu & Tso, 2002: 567, f. 10-13, 23 (Dm).

mf olivacea Simon, 1882....................France []
L. o. Simon, 1882c: 204 (Dmf).
L. o. Fage, 1913: 545, f. 7e, pl. 52, f. 100-105 (mf).
L. o. Simon, 1914a: 81, 85, f. 139, 154 (mf).
L. o. Dresco, 1983: 17, f. 1-6 (mf).
L. o. Dresco, 1987: 649. f. 28 (m).

mf paikmyeonggulensis Paik & Seo, 1984....................Korea []
L. p. Paik & Seo, 1984: 99, f. 7-22 (Dmf).

mf paroculus Simon, 1907....................Spain []
L. p. Simon, 1907a: 540 (Dmf).
L. p. Fage, 1913: 533, f. 7j, pl. 51, f. 62-64 (mf).
L. p. Duffey & Brignoli, 1981: 155, f. 3-5 (mf).

mf patrizii Roewer, 1953....................Sardinia []
L. p. Roewer, 1953a: 41, f. 2a-g (Dmf).
L. p. Brignoli, 1969a: 20, f. 4A-G (mf).
L. p. Brignoli, 1971d: 125, f. 7-8, 10 (f).

mf proserpina Simon, 1907....................France []
L. p. Simon, 1907a: 540 (Dmf).
L. p. Fage, 1913: 546, f. 7d, pl. 52, f. 106-109 (mf).
L. p. Simon, 1914a: 84, 86, f. 140, 155 (mf).
L. crypticola p. Brignoli, 1979l: 316, f. 1-3 (mf, reduced to subspecies, rejected).
L. p. Dresco, 1987: 641, f. 11-13, 16-17 (mf).

mf sandra Gertsch, 1974....................USA []
L. s. Gertsch, 1974: 153, f. 20-21, 47 (Dmf).
L. s. Platnick, 1986d: 9, f. 3-4, 11.

mf secula Namkung, 1987....................Korea []
L. s. Namkung, 1987: 84, f. 1-8 (Dmf).
L. s. Namkung, 2002: 38, f. 4.4a-d (mf).
L. s. Namkung, 2003: 38, f. 4.4a-d (mf).

m serbariuana Roewer, 1953....................Sardinia []
L. s. Roewer, 1953a: 44, f. 4a-e (Dm).
L. s. Brignoli, 1969a: 22, f. 5A-E (m).

mf setulifera Tong & Li, 2008....................China []
L. s. Tong & Li, 2008f: 380, f. 4A-J (Dmf).

mf simboggulensis Paik, 1971....................Korea []
L. s. Paik, 1971d: 301, f. 1-16 (Dmf).
L. s. Paik, 1978e: 212, f. 89.1-13, 90.1-4 (mf).
L. s. Namkung, 2003: 42, f. 4.8a-b (mf).

f soryongensis Paik & Namkung, 1969....................Korea []
L. s. Paik & Namkung, in Paik, Yaginuma & Namkung, 1969: 804, f. 16-21 (Df).
L. s. Paik, 1978e: 215, f. 91.1-4 (f).

m spinipalpus Kim, Lee & Namkung, 2004....................Korea []
L. s. Kim, Lee & Namkung, 2004: 257, f. 1-6 (Dm).

mf taeguensis Paik, 1985....................Korea []
L. t. Paik, 1985j: 114, f. 1-7 (Dmf).

m taiwanensis Zhu & Tso, 2002....................Taiwan []
L. t. Zhu & Tso, 2002: 568, f. 14-17, 20-21 (Dm).

mf taizhensis Chen & Zhang, 1993....................China []
L. t. Chen & Zhang, 1993: 218, f. 2A-F (Dmf).
L. t. Song, Zhu & Chen, 1999: 51, f. 20Q, 21J-K (mf).

mf taramellii Roewer, 1956....................Sardinia []
L. t. Roewer, 1956a: 102, f. 5 (Df).
L. t. Brignoli, 1969a: 25, f. 6A, C-D (f).
L. t. Trezzi, 1992: 36, unnumbered f. (f. m).

mf tianzinensis Tong & Li, 2008....................China []
L. t. Tong & Li, 2008f: 382, f. 5A-G (Dmf).

mf trabucensis Simon, 1907....................France []
L. t. Simon, 1907c: 249 (Dmf).
L. t. Fage, 1913: 528, f. 71, pl. 50, f. 49-51 (m).
L. t. Simon, 1914a: 81, 85, f. 133, 146-147 (mf).

mf trispinosa Yin, Wang & Wang, 1984....................China []
L. t. Yin, Wang & Wang, 1984: 364, f. 1a-f (Dmf).
L. t. Song, 1987: 105, f. 68 (mf).
L. t. Song, Zhu & Chen, 1999: 51, f. 20R, 21L-M (mf).

mf tunxiensis Song & Xu, 1986....................China []
L. t. Song & Xu, 1986: 84, f. 1A-D (Dmf).
L. t. Song, 1987: 106, f. 69 (mf).
L. t. Song, Zhu & Chen, 1999: 51, f. 20S, 21N-O (mf).

m unispinosa Yin, Wang & Wang, 1984....................China []
L. u. Yin, Wang & Wang, 1984: 368, f. 3a-d (Dm).
L. u. Song, 1987: 107, f. 70 (m).
L. u. Song, Zhu & Chen, 1999: 51, f. 21P-Q (m).

f vittata Fage, 1913....................France []
L. v. Fage, 1913: 550, pl. 53, f. 121-124 (Df).
L. v. Simon, 1914a: 80, 85, f. 142 (f).
L. v. Dresco, 1987: 647, f. 26-27 (f).

mf waheulgulensis Namkung, 1991....................Korea []
L. w. Namkung, 1991: 30, f. 1-8 (Dmf).
L. w. Namkung, 2002: 39, f. 4.5a-c (mf).
L. w. Namkung, 2003: 39, f. 4.5a-c (mf).

mf wangae Tong & Li, 2008....................China []
L. w. Tong & Li, 2008f: 385, f. 6A-J (Dmf).

m xui Chen, Gao & Zhu, 2000....................China []
L. x. Chen, Gao & Zhu, 2000: 10, f. 2A-C (Dm).

mf yebongsanensis Kim, Lee & Namkung, 2004....................Korea []
L. y. Kim, Lee & Namkung, 2004: 259, f. 7-15 (Dmf).

f yongdamgulensis Paik & Namkung, 1969....................Korea []
L. y. Paik & Namkung, in Paik, Yaginuma & Namkung, 1969: 806, f. 22-23 (Df).
L. y. Paik, 1978e: 217, f. 92.1-2 (f).
L. y. Namkung, 2003: 41, f. 4.7a-b (mf).

mf yongyeonensis Seo, 1989....................Korea []
L. y. Seo, 1989: 31, f. 9-16 (Dmf).

Gen. Leptonetela Kratochvíl, 1978 []

L. Kratochvíl, 1978: 11, type Sulcia kanellisi Deeleman-Reinhold, 1971.

mf andreevi Deltshev, 1985....................Greece []
L. a. Deltshev, 1985b: 41, f. 1 (Dmf).

mf caucasica Dunin, 1990....................Georgia, Azerbaijan []
L. c. Dunin, 1990a: 147, f. 1-4 (Dm).
L. c. Marusik & Guseinov, 2003: 34, f. 15-16 (Df).

m deltshevi (Brignoli, 1979)....................Turkey []
Protoleptoneta d. Brignoli, 1979a: 310, f. 1-2 (Dm).
L. d. Brignoli, 1979a: 313 (addendum, Tm from Protoleptoneta).

mf kanellisi (Deeleman-Reinhold, 1971) *....................Greece []
Sulcia k. Deeleman-Reinhold, 1971a: 289, f. 1, 2a-d, 4a, 6b, 7 (Dmf).
Protoleptoneta k. Brignoli, 1976b: 540, f. 1-3, 6 (Tmf from Sulcia).
L. k. Kratochvíl, 1978: 11, f. 1G (Tmf from Protoleptoneta).

f strinatii (Brignoli, 1976)....................Greece []
Sulcia kanellisi Brignoli, 1974e: 493, f. 5-7 (f).
Protoleptoneta s. Brignoli, 1976b: 540, f. 4-5 (Df).
L. s. Brignoli, 1983c: 198 (Tf from Protoleptoneta).

mf thracia Gasparo, 2005....................Greece []
L. t. Gasparo, 2005a: 517, f. 1-3 (Dmf).

Gen. Masirana Kishida, 1942 []

M. Kishida, in Komatsu, 1942b: 57, type (by monotypy) M. cinevacea Kishida, in Komatsu, 1942 (the genus was not formally described in this paper); considered a senior synonym of Sarutana Komatsu, 1957: 70, type Sarutana glabra Komatsu, 1957 by Irie & Ono, 2005: 85.

Transferred to other genera:
M. higoensis (Irie & Ono, 2003) -- see Falcileptoneta.
M. yamauchii (Nishikawa, 1982) -- see Falcileptoneta.

mf abensis (Kobayashi, 1973)....................Japan []
Sarutana a. Kobayashi, 1973: 3, f. 6-9, 12-13 (Dmf).
M. a. Irie & Ono, 2009: 117, f. 71-73 (m).

m akahanei Komatsu, 1963....................Japan []
M. a. Komatsu, 1963b: 22, pl. VI, f. 6-10 (Dm).
M. a. Deeleman-Reinhold, 1971a: 297, f. 3d, 4c (m).
M. a. Komatsu, 1974b: 27, f. 28 (m).
M. a. Irie & Ono, 2009: 117, f. 92-93 (m).

mf akiyoshiensis (Oi, 1958)....................Japan []
Leptoneta a. Oi, 1958: 33, f. 8-9, 11 (Dmf).
Leptoneta a. Yaginuma, 1963b: 51, f. x-y (m).
M. a. Yaginuma, 1970d: 647 (Tmf from Leptoneta).
Sarutana a. Deeleman-Reinhold, 1971a: 293, f. 3a-c, 4b, 5a-b, 6a (Tmf from Masirana).
M. a. Komatsu, 1974b: 21, f. 3, 7, 10, 15, 23, 30 (Tmf from Sarutana).
Leptoneta a. Yaginuma, 1986a: 22, f. 15.1 (m).
M. a. Irie & Ono, 2009: 117, f. 74-84 (m).

mf akiyoshiensis imperatoria Komatsu, 1974....................Japan []
M. a. i. Komatsu, 1974b: 24, f. 1-2, 6, 9, 17, 26, 33 (Dmf).

mf akiyoshiensis kagekiyoi Komatsu, 1974....................Japan []
M. a. k. Komatsu, 1974b: 23, f. 5, 8, 16, 25, 32 (Dmf).

mf akiyoshiensis primocreata Komatsu, 1974....................Japan []
M. a. p. Komatsu, 1974b: 22, f. 4, 11, 14, 18-19, 24, 31 (Dmf).

mf bandoi (Nishikawa, 1986)....................Japan []
Leptoneta b. Nishikawa, 1986b: 30, f. 1-5 (Dmf).
Sarutana b. Platnick, 1989b: 142 (Tmf from Leptoneta).
M. b. Irie & Ono, 2009: 119, f. 106-109 (m).

m chibusana (Irie, 2000)....................Japan []
Leptoneta c. Irie, 2000a: 213, f. 7-11 (Dm; N.B.: placed here because of its apparent relationship to Sarutana kinoshitai).
M. c. Irie & Ono, 2009: 119, f. 122-124 (m).

m cinevacea Kishida, 1942 *....................Japan []
M. c. Kishida, in Komatsu, 1942b: 57, f. 3 (Dm; N.B.: this spelling of the specific name occurs three times, and thus is apparently not a lapsus, contra Komatsu, 1970a: 5).
M. cineracea Komatsu, 1961a: 16, f. 7A-E (m).
M. cineracea Brignoli, 1983c: 199.
M. c. Irie & Ono, 2009: 117, f. 85-88 (m).

m glabra (Komatsu, 1957)....................Japan []
Sarutana g. Komatsu, 1957: 70, f. 3A-C (Dm).
Sarutana g. Komatsu, 1961a: 18, f. 10A-D (m).
Sarutana g. Komatsu, 1974b: 27, f. 20, 29 (m).
M. g. Irie & Ono, 2009: 119, f. 99-100 (m).

m kawasawai (Komatsu, 1970)....................Japan []
Sarutana k. Komatsu, 1970a: 3, f. 13-18 (Dm).
M. k. Irie & Ono, 2009: 119, f. 103-105 (m).

mf kinoshitai (Irie, 2000)....................Japan []
Leptoneta k. Irie, 2000a: 209, f. 1-6 (Dmf; N.B.: placed here because of its stated relationship to Sarutana yamauchii and Sarutana bandoi).
M. k. Irie & Ono, 2009: 119, f. 110-112 (m).

mf kosodeensis Komatsu, 1963....................Japan []
M. k. Komatsu, 1963b: 24, pl. VII, f. 1-8 (Dmf).
M. k. Deeleman-Reinhold, 1971a: 297, f. 4d (m).
M. k. Irie & Ono, 2009: 119, f. 94-95 (m).

mf kuramotoi Komatsu, 1974....................Japan []
M. k. Komatsu, 1974b: 25, f. 12-13, 27, 34 (Dmf).
M. k. Irie & Ono, 2009: 119, f. 101-102 (m).

mf kyokoae Yaginuma, 1972....................Japan []
M. k. Yaginuma, 1972e: 285, f. 7-8 (Dmf).
Leptoneta k. Yaginuma, 1986a: 22, f. 14.2 (m).
M. k. Irie & Ono, 2009: 117, f. 89 (m).

mf longimana Yaginuma, 1970....................Japan []
M. l. Yaginuma, 1970c: 626, f. 4-11 (Dmf).
Leptoneta l. Yaginuma, 1986a: 22, f. 14.3 (m).
M. l. Irie & Ono, 2009: 119, f. 96-98 (m).

mf longipalpis Komatsu, 1972....................Okinawa []
M. l. Komatsu, 1972: 83, f. 6-9 (Dmf).
M. l. Shimojana, 1977a: 347, f. 3 (m).
Leptoneta l. Yaginuma, 1986a: 22, f. 14.6 (m).
M. l. Irie & Ono, 2009: 119, f. 125-126 (m).

mf mizonokuchiensis Irie & Ono, 2005....................Japan []
M. m. Irie & Ono, 2005: 88, f. 31-36 (Dmf).
M. m. Irie & Ono, 2009: 119, f. 119-121 (m).

mf nippara Komatsu, 1957....................Japan []
M. n. Komatsu, 1957: 71, f. 4A-E (Dmf).
M. n. Komatsu, 1961a: 17, f. 9A-E (m).
M. n. Yaginuma, 1972e: 283, f. 9 (m).
Leptoneta n. Yaginuma, 1986a: 22, f. 15.7 (m).
M. n. Irie & Ono, 2009: 117, f. 90-91 (m).

mf silvicola (Kobayashi, 1973)....................Japan []
Sarutana s. Kobayashi, 1973: 2, f. 1-5, 10-11 (Dmf).
Leptoneta s. Yaginuma, 1986a: 23, f. 15.4 (m).
M. s. Irie & Ono, 2009: 117, f. 68-70 (m).

mf taioensis Irie & Ono, 2005....................Japan []
M. t. Irie & Ono, 2005: 86, f. 25-30 (Dmf).
M. t. Irie & Ono, 2009: 119, f. 113-115 (m).

m taraensis Irie & Ono, 2005....................Japan []
M. t. Irie & Ono, 2005: 91, f. 37-41 (Dm).
M. t. Irie & Ono, 2009: 119, f. 116-118 (m).

Gen. Neoleptoneta Brignoli, 1972 []

N. Brignoli, 1972i: 134, type Leptoneta capilla Gertsch, 1971; Gertsch's (1974) synonymy of this genus with Leptoneta Simon, 1872 has not been accepted by subsequent workers; for a discussion of monophyly and illustrations of patellar glands of 26 species, see Platnick, 1986d.

Transferred to other genera:
N. arganoi Brignoli, 1974 -- see Archoleptoneta.

mf alabama (Gertsch, 1974)....................USA []
Leptoneta a. Gertsch, 1974: 160, f. 3-4, 12-13, 16-17, 33 (Dmf).
N. a. Brignoli, 1977g: 216 (Tmf from Leptoneta).

f anopica (Gertsch, 1974)....................USA []
Leptoneta a. Gertsch, 1974: 172, f. 51, 78 (Df).
N. a. Brignoli, 1977g: 216 (Tf from Leptoneta).

m apachea (Gertsch, 1974)....................USA []
Leptoneta a. Gertsch, 1974: 176, f. 63, 96-97 (Dm).
N. a. Brignoli, 1977g: 216 (Tm from Leptoneta).

m archeri (Gertsch, 1974)....................USA []
Leptoneta a. Gertsch, 1974: 156, f. 6, 18-19 (Dm).
N. a. Brignoli, 1977g: 216 (Tm from Leptoneta).

f arkansa (Gertsch, 1974)....................USA []
Leptoneta a. Gertsch, 1974: 158, f. 7, 36 (Df).
N. a. Brignoli, 1977g: 216 (Tf from Leptoneta).

f blanda (Gertsch, 1974)....................USA []
Leptoneta b. Gertsch, 1974: 163, f. 8, 37-38 (Df).
N. b. Brignoli, 1977g: 216 (Tf from Leptoneta).

m bonita (Gertsch, 1974)....................Mexico []
Leptoneta b. Gertsch, 1974: 186, f. 90, 109-110 (Dm).
N. b. Brignoli, 1977g: 216 (Tm from Leptoneta).

mf bullis Cokendolpher, 2004....................USA []
N. b. Cokendolpher, 2004c: 65, f. 1-7 (Dmf).

f caliginosa Brignoli, 1977....................Mexico []
N. c. Brignoli, 1977g: 213, f. 1-2 (Df).

mf capilla (Gertsch, 1971) *....................Mexico []
Leptoneta c. Gertsch, 1971: 52, f. 1-2 (Dmf).
N. c. Brignoli, 1972i: 135, f. 6-10 (Tmf from Leptoneta).
Leptoneta c. Gertsch, 1974: 179, f. 82, 84, 92, 115-116, 119 (mf).

f chisosea (Gertsch, 1974)....................USA []
Leptoneta c. Gertsch, 1974: 175, f. 59, 121 (Df).
N. c. Brignoli, 1977g: 216 (Tf from Leptoneta).

mf coeca (Chamberlin & Ivie, 1942)....................USA []
Leptoneta c. Chamberlin & Ivie, 1942a: 10, f. 9 (Dm).
Leptoneta c. Gertsch, 1974: 170, f. 50, 67-68, 80 (m, Df).
N. c. Brignoli, 1977g: 216 (Tmf from Leptoneta).

mf concinna (Gertsch, 1974)....................USA []
Leptoneta c. Gertsch, 1974: 169, f. 52, 71-72, 76 (Dmf).
N. c. Brignoli, 1977g: 216 (Tmf from Leptoneta).

mf delicata (Gertsch, 1971)....................Mexico []
Leptoneta d. Gertsch, 1971: 52, f. 3-4 (Dmf).
N. d. Brignoli, 1972i: 137 (Tmf from Leptoneta).
Leptoneta d. Gertsch, 1974: 182, f. 91, 113-114, 124 (mf).

f devia (Gertsch, 1974)....................USA []
Leptoneta d. Gertsch, 1974: 171, f. 54, 81 (Df).
N. d. Brignoli, 1977g: 216 (Tf from Leptoneta).

f furtiva (Gertsch, 1974)....................USA []
Leptoneta f. Gertsch, 1974: 176, f. 64, 122 (Df).
N. f. Brignoli, 1977g: 216 (Tf from Leptoneta).

f georgia (Gertsch, 1974)....................USA []
Leptoneta g. Gertsch, 1974: 158, f. 5, 34 (Df).
N. g. Brignoli, 1977g: 216 (Tf from Leptoneta).

mf isolata (Gertsch, 1971)....................Mexico []
Leptoneta i. Gertsch, 1971: 50, f. 9-11 (Dmf).
N. i. Brignoli, 1972i: 137 (Tmf from Leptoneta).
Leptoneta i. Gertsch, 1974: 180, f. 89, 94, 107-108, 123 (mf).

f iviei (Gertsch, 1974)....................USA []
Leptoneta i. Gertsch, 1974: 154, f. 41 (Df).
N. i. Brignoli, 1977g: 216 (Tf from Leptoneta).

f limpida (Gertsch, 1974)....................Mexico []
Leptoneta l. Gertsch, 1974: 174, f. 60, 79 (Df).
N. l. Brignoli, 1977g: 216 (Tf from Leptoneta).

f microps (Gertsch, 1974)....................USA []
Leptoneta m. Gertsch, 1974: 172, f. 53, 77 (Df).
N. m. Brignoli, 1977g: 216 (Tf from Leptoneta).

m modica (Gertsch, 1974)....................Mexico []
Leptoneta m. Gertsch, 1974: 188, f. 88, 98-100 (Dm).
N. m. Brignoli, 1977g: 216 (Tm from Leptoneta).

mf myopica (Gertsch, 1974)....................USA []
Leptoneta m. Gertsch, 1974: 168, f. 48-49, 56, 61-62, 65-66, 73 (Dmf).
N. m. Brignoli, 1977g: 216 (Tmf from Leptoneta).

m novaegalleciae Brignoli, 1979....................USA []
N. n. Brignoli, 1979c: 435, f. 1-4 (Dm).

mf paraconcinna Cokendolpher & Reddell, 2001....................USA []
N. p. Cokendolpher & Reddell, 2001b: 46, f. 12-22 (Dmf).

mf pecki (Gertsch, 1971)....................Mexico []
Leptoneta p. Gertsch, 1971: 51, f. 7-8 (Dmf).
N. p. Brignoli, 1972i: 137 (Tmf from Leptoneta).
Leptoneta p. Gertsch, 1974: 182, f. 87, 105-106, 120 (mf).

mf rainesi (Gertsch, 1971)....................Mexico []
Leptoneta r. Gertsch, 1971: 54, f. 5-6 (Dmf).
N. r. Brignoli, 1972i: 137 (Tmf from Leptoneta).
Leptoneta r. Gertsch, 1974: 185, f. 89, 103-104, 118 (mf).

mf reclusa (Gertsch, 1971)....................Mexico []
Leptoneta r. Gertsch, 1971: 53, f. 12-13 (Dm).
N. r. Brignoli, 1972i: 137 (Tm from Leptoneta).
Leptoneta r. Gertsch, 1974: 184, f. 86, 95, 111-112, 117 (m, Df).

f serena (Gertsch, 1974)....................USA []
Leptoneta s. Gertsch, 1974: 162, f. 35 (Df).
N. s. Brignoli, 1977g: 216 (Tf from Leptoneta).

f uvaldea (Gertsch, 1974)....................USA []
Leptoneta u. Gertsch, 1974: 173, f. 55, 74 (Df).
N. u. Brignoli, 1977g: 216 (Tf from Leptoneta).

mf valverdae (Gertsch, 1974)....................USA []
Leptoneta v. Gertsch, 1974: 173, f. 57-58, 69-70, 75 (Dmf).
N. v. Brignoli, 1977g: 216 (Tmf from Leptoneta).

Gen. Paraleptoneta Fage, 1913 []

N.B. considered a senior synonym of Segrea Roewer, 1953a: 45, type S. sardiniensis Roewer, 1953 by Brignoli, 1974g: 68; Gertsch's (1974) synonymy of this genus with Leptoneta Simon, 1872 has not been accepted by subsequent workers.

Transferred to other genera:
P. aesculapii Brignoli, 1968 -- see Cataleptoneta.
P. cretica Roewer, 1959 -- see Sulcia.
P. hofferi Kratochvíl, 1935 -- see Barusia.
P. insulana Kratochvíl & Miller, 1939 -- see Barusia.
P. italica (Simon, 1907) -- see Protoleptoneta.
P. korculana Kratochvíl & Miller, 1939 -- see Barusia.
P. laconica Brignoli, 1974 -- see Barusia.
P. maheni Kratochvíl, 1938 -- see Barusia.
P. montenegrina Kratochvíl and Miller, 1939 -- see Sulcia.
P. sbordonii Brignoli, 1968 -- see Cataleptoneta.
P. sengleti Brignoli, 1974 -- see Cataleptoneta.
P. synthetica Machado, 1951 -- see Teloleptoneta.

In synonymy:
P. fagei Roewer, 1953 = P. spinimana (Simon, 1884) (Brignoli, 1979o: 5).
P. parenzani Dresco, 1954 = P. spinimana (Simon, 1884) (Brignoli, 1979o: 5).
P. pasquinii Brignoli, 1967 = P. spinimana (Simon, 1884) (Brignoli, 1979o: 5).
P. patrizii Caporiacco, 1950 = P. spinimana (Simon, 1884) (Brignoli, 1979o: 5).
P. sardiniensis (Roewer, 1953) = P. spinimana (Simon, 1884) (Brignoli, 1979o: 5).
P. strinatii (Denis, 1959) = P. spinimana (Simon, 1884) (Brignoli, 1979o: 5).

mf bellesi Ribera & Lopez, 1982....................Tunisia []
P. b. Ribera & Lopez, 1982: 59, f. 1-9 (Dmf).

mf spinimana (Simon, 1884) *....................Algeria, Italy []
Leptoneta s. Simon, 1884o: 325 (Dmf).
Leptoneta s. Simon, 1893a: 281, f. 241 (m).
Leptoneta spinipalpis Simon, 1907c: 250.
P. s. Fage, 1913: 552, f. 2a, pl. 53, f. 125-130 (mf).
P. patrizii Caporiacco, 1950d: 286, f. 1-5 (Dmf).
P. fagei Roewer, 1953a: 47, f. 6a-f (Dmf).
Segrea sardiniensis Roewer, 1953a: 45, f. 5a-d (Df).
P. parenzani Dresco, 1954: 45, f. 1-7 (Dmf).
Segrea strinatii Denis, 1959b: 242, f. 1-7 (Dmf).
P. pasquinii Brignoli, 1967b: 158, f. 1-6 (Dmf).
P. pasquinii Brignoli, 1967c: 354, f. 6 (m).
Segrea sardiniensis Brignoli, 1969a: 12, f. 1A-F (f).
P. fagei Brignoli, 1969a: 14, f. 2A-E, 3A-C, E (mf).
P. pasquinii Brignoli, 1969a: 16, f. 3F (m).
P. s. Brignoli, 1969a: 18, f. 3D (m).
P. s. Brignoli, 1970a: 192, f. 4A (m).
P. fagei Brignoli, 1970a: 192, f. 4B (m).
P. s. fagei Brignoli, 1971d: 128 (reduced to subspecies).
P. s. patrizii Brignoli, 1971d: 129 (reduced to subspecies).
P. s. pasquinii Brignoli, 1971d: 129 (reduced to subspecies).
P. s. parenzani Brignoli, 1971d: 129 (reduced to subspecies).
P. pasquinii Kratochvíl, 1978: 12, f. 1A, 2B (m).
P. fagei Kratochvíl, 1978: 12, f. 1B, 2C (m).
P. s. Brignoli, 1979o: 5, f. 3-18 (mf, S).

Gen. Protoleptoneta Deltshev, 1972 []

P. Deltshev, 1972a: 275, type P. bulgarica Deltshev, 1972.

Transferred to other genera:
P. deltshevi Brignoli, 1979 -- see Leptonetela.
P. kanellisi (Deeleman-Reinhold, 1971) -- see Leptonetela.
P. strinatii Brignoli, 1976 -- see Leptonetela.

mf baccettii (Brignoli, 1979)....................Italy []
Leptoneta b. Brignoli, 1979o: 3, f. 1-2 (Df).
P. b. Gasparo, 2005c: 159, f. 1-7 (Tf from Leptoneta, Dm).

m beroni Deltshev, 1977....................Bulgaria []
P. b. Deltshev, 1977a: 3, f. 1-8 (Dm).

mf bulgarica Deltshev, 1972 *....................Bulgaria []
P. b. Deltshev, 1972a: 276, f. 1-8 (Dmf).
P. b. Kratochvíl, 1978: 12, f. 1C, 2A (m).

mf italica (Simon, 1907)....................France, Italy, Austria []
Leptoneta i. Simon, 1907c: 250 (Dmf).
Paraleptoneta i. Fage, 1913: 554, f. 7b, pl. 53, f. 131-133 (m).
Paraleptoneta i. Simon, 1914a: 79, 85, f. 129-130 (mf).
Paraleptoneta i. Brignoli, 1971d: 125, f. 11-12, 15 (mf).
P. i. Deltshev, 1972a: 276, f. 9-10 (Tmf from Paraleptoneta).
P. i. Thaler & Knoflach, 2002b: 421, f. 16-18 (m).

Gen. Qianleptoneta Chen & Zhu, 2008 []

Q. Chen & Zhu, 2008: 12, type Q. quinquespinata Chen & Zhu, 2008.

mf quinquespinata Chen & Zhu, 2008 *....................China []
Q. q. Chen & Zhu, 2008: 12, f. 1-11 (Dmf).

Gen. Rhyssoleptoneta Tong & Li, 2007 []

R. Tong & Li, 2007b: 35, type R. latitarsa Tong & Li, 2007.

m latitarsa Tong & Li, 2007 *....................China []
R. l. Tong & Li, 2007b: 35, f. 1-6 (Dm).

Gen. Sulcia Kratochvíl, 1938 []

Transferred to other genera:
S. kanellisi Deelemen-Reinhold, 1971 -- see Leptonetela.

In synonymy:
S. cretica (Roewer, 1959, T from Paraleptoneta) = S. cretica Fage, 1945 (Brignoli, 1968b: 260).

m armata Kratochvíl, 1978....................Montenegro []
Paraleptoneta orientalis Kratochvíl, 1934: 174, f. 2 (m).
S. a. Kratochvíl, 1978: 18, f. 1H, 2G (Dm).

mf cretica Fage, 1945....................Crete []
S. c. Fage, 1945a: 111, f. 2 (Dmf).
Paraleptoneta c. Roewer, 1959a: 8, f. 2a-d (Dmf).
S. c. Brignoli, 1968b: 260, f. 1-2 (m, S).
S. c. Brignoli, 1974g: 64, f. 13-16 (f).
S. c. Brignoli, 1975f: 36, f. 2L-M (f).
S. c. Jocqué & Dippenaar-Schoeman, 2006: 150, f. 52h (m).

mf cretica lindbergi Dresco, 1962....................Greece []
S. lindbergi Dresco, 1962a: 171, f. 1-6 (Dm).
S. c. l. Brignoli, 1968b: 262, f. 3-11 (m, Df, reduced to subspecies).
S. c. l. Brignoli, 1974b: 169, f. 16 (f).
S. c. l. Brignoli, 1976b: 543, f. 8 (m).
S. l. Kratochvíl, 1978: 18, f. 2H (m).

f cretica violacea Brignoli, 1974....................Greece []
S. violacea Brignoli, 1974b: 167, f. 17-19 (Df).
S. c. v. Brignoli, 1976b: 542 (reduced to subspecies).

f inferna Kratochvíl, 1938....................Croatia []
S. i. Kratochvíl, 1938b: 18, f. 25-28 (Df).

mf mirabilis Kratochvíl, 1938....................Montenegro []
Paraleptoneta orientalis Kratochvíl, 1934: 174, f. 2 (m, misidentified).
Paraleptoneta orientalis Kratochvíl, 1935c: 6, f. 1-3 (m, misidentified, not f).
S. m. Kratochvíl, 1938b: 14, f. 13-15, 20-24 (Dmf).
S. m. Komatsu, 1974b: 27, f. 22 (m).
S. m. Kratochvíl, 1978: 17, f. 1I (m).

m montenegrina (Kratochvíl & Miller, 1939)....................Montenegro []
Paraleptoneta m. Kratochvíl & Miller, 1939: 110, f. 10 (Dm).
S. m. Kratochvíl, 1978: 18, f. 1J, 2I (Tm from Paraleptoneta).

mf nocturna Kratochvíl, 1938 *....................Croatia []
S. n. Kratochvíl, 1938b: 8, f. 3-12 (Dmf).

mf occulta Kratochvíl, 1938....................Bosnia-Hercegovina []
S. orientalis o. Kratochvíl, 1938b: 13, f. 2, 16-19 (Dmf).
S. orientalis o. Dresco, 1962a: 175, f. 7-8 (m).
S. o. Kratochvíl, 1978: 17 (elevated to species).

f orientalis (Kulczyn'ski, 1914)....................Bosnia-Hercegovina []
Paraleptoneta o. Kulczyn'ski, 1914: 353, pl. 16, f. 1 (Df).
S. o. Kratochvíl, 1938b: 12.

Gen. Teloleptoneta Ribera, 1988 []

T. Ribera, 1988a: 275, type Paraleptoneta synthetica Machado, 1951.

mf synthetica (Machado, 1951) *....................Portugal []
Paraleptoneta s. Machado, 1951: 34, f. 60 (Dmf; of uncertain generic position for Brignoli, 1983c: 201).
Paraleptoneta syntetica Machado & Ribera, 1986: 360, f. 9-19 (mf).
T. s. Ribera, 1988a: 275, f. 4-6 (Tmf from Paraleptoneta).